(Objects #UIMenuFX must be placed first in file (UIMainMenuFX) (UIStatic (POSI (position 512 384)) (SPRT (file gfx\interface\menu\menu_bkg.ani) (preRender 1) (zOrder -1)) ) #exit (UIBitmapButton (SPRT (file gfx\interface\menu\exit.ani) (animName idle) (zOrder 102) ) (POSI (position 679 514) ) (Data (clickEvent QUIT) (toolTip "Выйти") (regionFromSprite high) (fadeInStart 0.1) (fadeInTime 4) ) ) #changePlayer (UIBitmapButton (SPRT (file gfx\interface\menu\change.ani) (animName idle) (zOrder 102) ) (POSI (position 629 360) ) (Data (clickEvent PROF) (toolTip "Сменить игрока") (regionFromSprite high) (fadeInStart 0.1) (fadeInTime 4) ) ) #help (UIBitmapButton (SPRT (file gfx\interface\menu\help.ani) (animName idle) (zOrder 102) ) (POSI (position 632 247) ) (Data (clickEvent HELP) (toolTip "Помощь") (regionFromSprite high) (fadeInStart 0.1) (fadeInTime 4) ) ) #play (UIBitmapButton (SPRT (file gfx\interface\menu\play.ani) (animName idle) (zOrder 102) ) (POSI (position 216 232) ) (COLI (left 0) (right 120) (top 0) (bottom 120) ) (Data (clickEvent ASKP) (toolTip "Играть") (fadeInStart 0.1) (fadeInTime 4) ) ) #options (UIButton (SPRT (file gfx\interface\menu\options.ani) (animName high) (zOrder 120) ) (POSI (position 182 377) ) ) (UIMenuTextButton (POSI (position 500 285)) (TEXT (scale 0.9) (zOrder 120)) (Data (textSource FULL) (clickEvent FULL) (regionFromText ) (animate 0) ) ) (UIMenuLabel (POSI (position 500 352) ) (TEXT (text "Уровень звука") (zOrder 100) (scale 1) ) (Data (animate 0)) ) (UISlider (POSI (position 500 410)) (Data (dataSource SVOL) (animate 1) (playSound 1)) ) (UIMenuLabel (POSI (position 500 435) ) (TEXT (text "Уровень музыки") (zOrder 100) (scale 1) ) (Data (animate 0)) ) (UISlider (POSI (position 500 500)) (SPRT " 1" (animName idle2) ) (Data (dataSource MVOL) (animate 0)) ) #credits (UIMenuTextButton (POSI (position 500 550)) (TEXT (text "Благодарности")(scale 1) (zOrder 100)) (Data (clickEvent CRED) (regionFromText ) (animate 0)) ) # (UILabel # (POSI (position 570 620)) # (TEXT (text "Версия:") (align 2) (scale 0.9)) # ) (UILabel (POSI (position 512 680)) (TEXT (scale 0.9) (align 1)) (Data (textSource BULD)) ) (UILabel (POSI (position 512 710)) (TEXT (text "(C) 2009 Sandlot Games Corporation.")(align 1) (scale 0.6)) ) (UILabel (POSI (position 512 725)) (TEXT (text "Kuros and the Sandlot Games logos are trademarks or registered trademarks")(align 1)(scale 0.6)) ) (UILabel (POSI (position 512 740)) (TEXT (text "of the Sandlot Games Corporation. Все права сохранены. Перевод на русский осуществлен командой переводчиков сайта http://questomafia.ru") (align 1)(scale 0.6)) ) )