Installation Instructions for LabNEXT Software.


Important: Installation must be performed under operational system account with administrator’s privileges.


I. Run install.cmd file.


1. Insert LabNEXT Software CD.

Setup will install the LabNEXT software and three third party software products required to run the LabNEXT software. Setup wizards of the 3-rd party software products will launch one after another automatically.

All the 3-rd party software products are open source and do not require licensing.


2. Double click on D:\LabNEXT Software CD\install.cmd file.




3. The Widows Prompt window should appear as shown at the picture.

Type a letter of the computer drive you would like to use for the installation of the software and press <ENTER>. Please note that once the letter is selected this drive must be used for all 3-rd party software products.



II. Installation of PYTHON 2.3

Python setup should launch automatically after the base drive is selected.

Please select the same drive for installation of the PYTHON software as you have chosen at the previous step.

Use all default options prompted by the PYTHON installation program.


III. Installation of Python WIN 32 extensions.

Upon completion of the PYTHON installation of Python WIN 32 Extensions should launch automatically.

Use all default options prompted by the Python WIN 32 extensions installation program.


If you are reinstalling LabNEXT software and some parts of the software are already present the following message may appear during the Python WIN 32 extensions installation.



Press <NO> button at this dialog and continue installation with all default options.


IV. Installation of Numeric-23.1 library

Upon completion of Python WIN32 Extensions setup of Numeric-23.1 should launch automatically.

Use all default options prompted by the Numeric-23.1 installation program.



Upon completion of the Numeric-23.1 installation LabNEXT Software will copy automatically on the PC drive. This process may take 1-2 minutes. No manual intervention is required.


V. Connection of the robot

1. Connect power adaptor to the robot.

2. Connect power adaptor to 110v power jack.

3. Connect USB cable to the robot and to the computer. The <Found New Hardware> wizard will launch.

4. Chose the <Specify Location> checkbox at the <Locate Driver Files> screen.

5. Press the <Browse> button at the <Locate Driver Files> screen, point to the folder <C:\LabNEXT\Driver-ver3.2 > and press <Open> button. After that the driver will be installed and the system will be operational.


Use the following <Found New Hardware> wizard screenshots as a reference for your installation. 




Follow through the wizard screens as shown at the pictures below.


V. Test the installation


1. In the Command Prompt type <jobwizard>. The LabNEXT Job Wizard should launch. Close JobWizard.

2. In the Command Prompt type <manualcontrol>. The Manual Control should launch. Test robot movements and Home operation.



VI. Create Shortcuts.


Although all LabNEXT software can be launched from the command prompt you may want to create shortcuts on the desktop.

1. At the Desktop create shortcut for <C:\LabNEXT\Xpress\>

2. At the Desktop create shortcut for <C:\LabNEXT\Xpress\>

3. At the Desktop create shortcut for < C:\LabNEXT\Xplore\Xplore.exe>

4. Copy Xplain shortcut from < C:\Xplain> to the Desktop