Converting old style NEXUS files to new style NEXUS =================================================== There exist two styles of the NEXUS file format. This program only supports the new style. Your data is in new style NEXUS format, if it contains a TAXA block. To convert from an old style file to a new style file, the main step is to add a taxon block to the top of the file. Your file should start as follows: #NEXUS begin taxa; dimensions ntax=99; taxlabels label1 label2 ... label99 ; end; However, if the labels appear later in the DISTANCES or CHARACTERS block, you can use the special taxon label _detect_. Then the program will retrieve the labels from your data. (This is not a standard feature of NEXUS and will not work with other programs). E.g., type: begin taxa; dimensions ntax=99; taxlabels _detect_; end; ... If you have a DATA block containing sequences, the rename the block to CHARACTERS. Also, the DATATYPE statement must come first in the OPTIONS command. Finally, if you have the statement OPTIONS gapmode=missing; then delete this from the block.