CS ChemOffice (R) version 4.5 For Microsoft Windows 3.1, Windows 95 and Windows NT © 1997, CambridgeSoft Corporation October 1, 1997 This README file describes additions, changes, and known bugs not mentioned in the documentation. We recommend that you uninstall or delete any previous versions of ChemDraw before installing. If you have any personal stationery or templates you wish to add to the new version, please be sure to copy your CD_Items directory to a temporary location prior to uninstalling. If your previous version of ChemDraw has an Uninstaller, run the uninstaller to remove the previous version. If your previous version of ChemDraw does not have an Uninstaller (some older versions did not have this feature), delete the entire ChemDraw directory. Please note, there is no need to install ChemOffice NET unless it is to evaluate new features. If you wish to install the NET version, we suggest installing to a different location, so that nothing will be overwritten. Also note that the version of ChemDraw with the latest creation date will be the default version that launches when opening a file. Therefore we suggest uninstalling the NET version after evaluating it. INSTALL NOTES ------------- Before running the installer, make sure you have a directory for temporary files. This should have at least 1MB of free space, must be writable, and must be indicated by an environment variable called TEMP. (Normally this is set up by Windows. To verify the location of your TEMP directory, type SET at the MS-DOS prompt.) If you are installing Win32s, you will be prompted to insert disk 1 before restarting Windows. This happens even if you are installing from disk images. Just check that the offered path is correct, and click OK. If the installer needs to restart Windows, on some systems it may exit Windows but not restart it, leaving you at a DOS prompt. Type "win" to proceed. Known problems with the ChemOffice installer: Some installation problems are due to programs running in the background. Please quit all applications and close control panels before running the installer. (i.e. virus protection, memory management software, screen savers, etc.) Installation on Windows 3.1 may require Windows to restart. In some cases there will be a problem restarting the installer when Windows returns. If this happens run setup.exe from Disk1 again. If this doesn't help, try the following procedure: 1.From the File Manager, go into your Windows directory. 2.Make a backup copy of your win.ini, and call it win.old. 3.Open your win.ini in a text editor like Notepad. 4.In the [Windows] section, there should be a "run=" line. Something like: run=D:\ChemDraw\Disk1\setup.ins Remove this entire 'run' line. 5.In the [Extensions] section there should be an "ins=" line. Something like: ins=D:\ChemDraw\Disk1\setup.exe -f32s Remove this entire 'ins=' line, too. 6.Save the win.ini. 7.Now reinstall the software, but this time type: D:\setup.exe -f32s at the Run line (where D is the cd-rom drive). This procedure will bypass the installation of Win32s and start the ChemDraw installer. The installer will create a file with a name like "DeIsL1.isu" in your ChemOffice directory. Do not delete or move this file! It is needed by the uninstaller. The uninstaller does not uninstall Win32s. It uninstalls all of ChemOffice, except: (a) if you install over a previous version, no pre-existing directories will be removed; (b) if you run ChemDraw before uninstalling, the template files created upon program startup will not be uninstalled. The installer may leave some extraneous files in your TEMP directory, including several with the extension "._MP". These can (and should) be deleted. In fact, it is a good idea to delete the entire contents of your TEMP directory from time to time. TECHNICAL SUPPORT ----------------- To report bugs or ask questions, please use one of the following addresses. E-mail is preferred. E-mail: Internet: support@camsoft.com WWW: http://www.camsoft.com CompuServe: 76070,615 America Online: CamSoft Post: Technical Support Staff CambridgeSoft Corporation 875 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge, MA 02139 Fax: 1 617 491-7203