Fragmented Wavesets (eapci2mf.ecw... eapci2mf.e01... eapci2mf.e02) The Wavesets can now be fragmented into a collection of smaller files that can be copied to floppy disks uncompressed. The first fragment is labeled with the normal ECW extension. The remaining fragments are labeled with the same filename but their extensions progress from E01 to E02 to E03... Fragmented wavesets will only be added by the installer. Adding fragmented wavesets is not supported by the driver or conventional methods after a driver is installed. Only add whole wavesets after the driver is installed. ******************************************************************************* 4 & 8 Megabyte Wavesets (eapci8m.ecw, eapci4m.ecw) The 4 & 8MB wavesets are installed in Windows 9X, but are not active. To make the 4MB or 8MB waveset active open the Device Manager, then "Sound, Video...", then your PCI audio device, then the Settings Tab, and select it from the "MIDI Synthesizer Waveset" list. To install the wavesets under Windows NT 4.0, choose add waveset from the PCI audio device driver dialog, located in the Multimedia Control Panel applet under Audio in the Device tab. You will need to browse to the location of the wavesets on the installation CD. NOTE: The 8MB waveset is only recommended in systems with at least 64MB of RAM. ******************************************************************************* DOS Test Waveset (dostest.ecw) The DOS test waveset is located in the waveset directory of the installation CD. The DOS test waveset is the smallest waveset we could make that includes ONLY the instrument necessary to playback the MIDI notes for APTEST.EXE. It is designed to fit on a boot floppy disk with the other necessary files to test the sound card in MS-DOS Mode. NOTE: This is not a complete waveset. It should not be loaded in Windows. The DOS Drivers and Utilities necessary to run the DOS test from a boot floppy are only installed by the sound card's setup program in Windows 95 or Windows 3.x. The Windows 95 or Windows 3.x sound card setup must be completed first. NOTE: The required files cannot be obtained from Windows NT or MS-DOS. Create a 3.5" 1.44MB boot floppy by formatting the disk with the /S option (or by checking the "Copy system files" box in the Windows format dialog box.) This boot floppy should contain the following files once it is formatted (Windows 95): DRVSPACE.BIN (Read-only,Hidden,System file) IO.SYS (Read-only,Hidden,System file) MSDOS.SYS (Read-only,Hidden,System file) COMMAND.COM The following two system files are required to load the sound card's DOS driver. They should be copied from the \Windows folder or the \DOS folder of your system. EMM386.EXE HIMEM.SYS Some of the sound card's DOS drivers and utilities are also required. If you have completed the Windows 95 or Windows 3.x installation these files are copied to the DOS Drivers & Utilities folder. The following files should be copied to the boot floppy: APINIT.COM APLOAD.EXE APTEST.EXE AUDIOPCI.BIN DOS4GW.EXE APCONFIG.EXE The DOS test waveset is the only waveset small enough to fit on the floppy. It should be copied to the boot floppy from the waveset folder of the Install CD. DOSTEST.ECW A few configuration files must be created on the BOOT FLOPPY to load the sound card. Use a text editor, such as NOTEPAD.EXE or EDIT.COM to create the following files on the BOOT FLOPPY disk (not the hard drive.) The text to enter in each file follows the filenmame. CONFIG.SYS __________ device=a:\himem.sys device=a:\emm386.exe ____________________________________________________________ AUTOEXEC.BAT ____________ set SNDSCAPE=A:\ set BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 T2 a:\ a:\aptest.exe ____________________________________________________________ SNDSCAPE.INI ____________ [sndscape.drv] ; Product ID Product=Soundscape ; Ports - PCI, Base/MIDI, Wave, and Sound Blaster Device PCIPort=180 Port=330 WavePort=e84 SBPort=220 ; IRQs - PCI, MIDI and Wave/SoundBlaster emulation PCIIRQ=11 IRQ=5 SBIRQ=5 ; DMA Channel Wave/SoundBlaster emulation DMA=1 ; Switches - Self-Config, SoundBlaster/Soundscape emulation enable, ; Joystick enable SelfConfig=true SBEnable=true JSEnable=true ; Mixer Settings - Wave, Synth, and CD volumes MasterVol=127 WaveVol=127 SynthVol=127 CDVol=127 ; Waveset - path and file name of current waveset SynthFile=a:\dostest.ecw ____________________________________________________________ NOTE: The SNDSCAPE.INI contains the sound card's hardware settings. The sample values to be entered in the SNDSCAPE.INI may conflict with another device in your system and might need to be changed. This is the completed boot floppy file list: A:\IO.SYS (Read-only,Hidden,System file) A:\MSDOS.SYS (Read-only,Hidden,System file) A:\DRVSPACE.BIN (Read-only,Hidden,System file) A:\COMMAND.COM A:\EMM386.EXE A:\HIMEM.SYS A:\DOS4GW.EXE A:\APINIT.COM A:\APLOAD.EXE A:\AUDIOPCI.BIN A:\APCONFIG.EXE A:\APTEST.EXE A:\DOSTEST.ECW A:\CONFIG.SYS A:\AUTOEXEC.BAT A:\SNDSCAPE.INI After all the files are copied and the configuration files edited, insert the boot floppy into the system with the sound card and reboot. The card should be loaded and the DOS test should be executed. When you've completed the test, remove the disk and reboot.