CM11.OCX Short description Object CM11 from CM11.OCX has next possibilities : Communication through X-10 Properties : Init - serial port for CM11 After seting this properties will be execution initialization interface CM11 Address - Address of X-10 element ("A4" …) As String Value - value for Preset Dim As Integer Command - Command from next List (for this moment) As String "ON" = On "OFF" = Off "ALLON" = All Lights On "ALLUOFF" = All Units Off "ALLOFF" = All Lights Off "DIM" = Dim "BRG" = Bright "DNL" = Download all bytes from Address to CM 11 memory from address 0 "SETTIME" = Current Time from Computer is send to CM11 "GETTIME" = Request to CM11 for Read set Time Result is String after InputX10 Event Time in format interface CM11 it means 14 bytes After seting this properties will be Command performed Example : CM111.Address = "A3" CM111.Value = 0 CM111.Command = "ON" Event : X10Input (Buffer As String) After receive command from X-10 string contens : "A 2" = selected element A2 "AON" = Command "ON" for House Code "A" Result (Code As Integer) Code = 0 - Command performed OK 1 - Command not performed 9 - Init command can not open defined port 8 - After "Init" - communication with interface CM11 not O.K.