Spread32 Help

(C) 2001 Bye Design Ltd

Menu options


A spreadsheet file is made up of pages, called "sheets". There are different types of sheets: Worksheets - which are used for storing data and doing calculations, Chart sheets - which are used for displaying graphs and charts, and Macro sheets - which are used for storing the instructions that make up custom (user-defined) functions and commands.

A worksheet consists of many boxes, called "cells", arranged in a grid. There are 65536 rows and 256 columns of these. The rows are number from 1 to 65536, and the columns are named after the letters of the alphabet, going from A to Z, then AA, AB ... AZ, BA, BB ... etc all the way up to IV, which is the 256th column.

An individual row is referred to by its row number, an individual column is referred to by its column name, and an individual cell is referred to by the column name and row number that it is in. For example the cell in the top left corner of a worksheet is referred to as cell A1, because it is in column A and row 1.

The sheets are referred to by their sheet names. When new sheets are added they are given default names such as Sheet1, Sheet2 etc. You can change these names by using the Формат Лист Переименовать menu option. The sheet names are displayed on tabs at the bottom of the screen. To select a particular sheet to be displayed, either tap on the sheet name tab, or use the arrow buttons in the bottom left corner.

The currently active, or 'cursor' cell is displayed with a thick black border around it. If there is a formula in this cell then it will be displayed in the formula bar at the top of the screen, and if you want to enter a formula then this is the cell where the formula will be stored. To move the cursor to a different cell you can use the up/down/left/right arrow keys on your keyboard, or use your mouse or pointer to click on a different cell.

Most operations on the spreadsheet affect the currently selected cells, called the selection. Normally there is only one cell selected, that is the cursor cell. For many operations you will want to select more than one cell. You can do this by moving the cursor to one corner of the area to be selected (see above) and then either hold down the shift key and use the arrow keys to extend the selection as far as necessary, or drag your mouse or pointer across the screen to the far corner of the area to be selected. The selected cells will be displayed with their colours reversed.

Menu options

Меню Файл
Меню Правка
Меню Вставка
Меню Формат

Меню Файл

СоздатьOpens a new blank workbook.
ОткрытьDisplays the File Open dialog box for you to choose a spreadsheet file to open.
СписокDisplays a list of the 9 most recently used (i.e. opened or saved) files as a shortcut for opening them.
ЗакрытьCloses the current workbook, after prompting you to save any changes.
СохранитьSaves the current workbook back into the file it was opened from. If this spreadsheet was created with the Файл Создать menu option rather than opened with the Файл Открыть menu option, then you will be asked for a file name to save it under.
Сохранить какDisplays the File Save dialog box for you to choose a name and location for saving the current workbook.
ОкноDisplays a list of the currently open workbooks and allows you to select a different one as the active workbook.
ПечатьPrints the currently displayed sheet.
ВыходThis shuts down the program, after prompting you to save any changed workbooks.

Меню Правка

ОтменитьThis option undoes the last change you made to the spreadsheet, should you make a mistake or just change your mind. There are currently 16 levels of Undo, that is, the program remembers the last 16 things that you did and can step back through them using this menu option.
ВырезатьThis option removes the contents of the currently selected cells and places them on the clipboard, so that you can paste them somewhere else. Only one selection can be stored on the clipboard at a time, so this will replace whatever was previously on the clipboard.
КопироватьThis option copies the contents of the currently selected cells and places them on the clipboard, so that you can paste them somewhere else. Only one selection can be stored on the clipboard at a time, so this will replace whatever was previously on the clipboard.
ВставитьThis option takes the contents of the clipboard and puts it into the currently selected cells.
Специальная вставкаWhen cells are cut or copied to the clipboard, the program stores not only what is displayed in the cell, but also the formula that is in the cell and the formatting. The Вставить menu option will paste all of this information into the target cells, but this menu option allows you to paste just some of that information. A dialog box is displayed for you to choose what is pasted.
ВнизCopies the top row of the selection into the other rows of the selection.
ВправоCopies the left column of the selection into the other columns of the selection.
ВверхCopies the bottom row of the selection into the other rows of the selection.
ВлевоCopies the right column of the selection into the other columns of the selection.
ПрогрессияDisplays a dialog box that allows you to fill the current selection with a series of numbers or dates.
ВсеRemoves the contents and formatting of the currently selected cells.
ФорматыRemoves only the formatting of the currently selected cells, leaves the contents unchanged.
СодержимоеRemoves only the contents of the currently selected cells, leaves the formatting unchanged.
примечанияRemoves any comments associated with the currently selected cells.
УдалитьIf entire rows or columns have been selected then this menu option will delete the selected rows or columns. Otherwise (that is, one or more cells have been selected) a dialog box will be displayed containing 4 options: (1) со сдвигом влево - delete the selected cells and move the cells on the right of them to the left to take their places, (2) со сдвигом вверх - delete the selected cells and move the cells below them up to take their places, (3) строку - delete the entire rows that the selection spans, the rows below will be moved up, (4) столбец - delete the entire columns that the selection spans, the columns to the right will be moved left.
Удалить листDelete the currently displayed worksheet, chart or macro sheet. If there is only one worksheet in your spreadsheet file, you will not be allowed to delete it.
Переместить/скопировать листAllows you to move or copy the current sheet to a different position in the file.
НайтиAllows you to look for cells that contain specified things. This menu option displays a dialog box asking you 4 things: (1) the text that you want to search for, (2) whether to look for it in the formulas (what was typed into the cells) or in the values (what is displayed in the cells), (3) whether the search is to be case-sensitive (whether you want upper and lower case letters to be treated as different), and (4) whether to find cells that are equal to the text that you typed or just contain the text that you typed. Entering these and pressing Найти далее will move the cursor to the first cell after the current cursor position that matches your request. The dialog box stays on the screen until it is cancelled, so repeated pressing of the Найти далее button will take you to each of the cells that match your request.
ЗаменитьAllows you to search for text in cell formulas and optionally replace one or all occurrences.
ПерейтиAllows you to move directly to another part of the worksheet. This menu option displays a dialog box that asks you for a cell reference. Entering the reference and pressing ОК will move the cursor to the specified cell.

Меню Вставка

ЯчейкиIf entire rows or columns have been selected then this menu option will insert the selected rows or columns. Otherwise (that is, one or more cells have been selected) a dialog box will be displayed containing 4 options: (1) со сдвигом вправо - the cells to the right of the selection will be moved to the right to make room for the new cells, (2) со сдвигом вниз - the cells below the selection will be moved down to make room for the new cells, (3) строку - the entire rows that the selection spans will be inserted, (4) столбец - the entire columns that the selection spans will be inserted.
СтрокиInserts one or more new rows where the selection is.
СтолбцыInserts one or more new columns where the selection is.
ЛистInserts a blank worksheet at the end of the spreadsheet file.
ЛистInserts a new chart sheet at the end of the spreadsheet file. If no cells have been selected then the Формат диаграммы dialog box will be displayed, otherwise a default column chart will be built using the selected data.
ОбъектInserts a new chart object on the current worksheet. Drag the pointer across the worksheet to indicate where the chart should be placed. If no cells have been selected then the Формат диаграммы dialog box will be displayed, otherwise a default column chart will be built using the selected data.
МакросInserts a blank macro sheet at the end of the spreadsheet file. Macro sheets are used for storing custom (user-defined) functions and commands.
ФункцияDisplays a dialog box from which you can select a function to be inserted into the current cell formula.
ПрисвоитьDisplays a dialog box showing the names that have been defined for references in this spreadsheet file. It allows you to add new names, change the references of existing names, or to delete names that are no longer required.
ПримечаниеThis option allows you to add a comment to the currently selected cell. If there is already a comment attached to the cell, then this option will be changed to Изменить примечание, and the existing comment will be displayed for you to change. You can press the Escape key to leave without entering or changing the comment, or you can click outside the comment box to save the changes. When a cell contains a comment, there will be a comment indicator in the top-right corner of the cell. To display a comment you can either use this menu option, or you can click and hold the pointer on the cell for 1/2 a second, the comment will be displayed until you move or release the pointer. To remove a comment from a cell, use the Правка Очистить Примечания menu option.
Элемент управления
МеткаInserts a label.
Окно группыInserts a group box.
КнопкаInserts a command button.
ФлажокInserts a check box.
ПереклInserts an option button.
Окно спискаInserts a list box.
Раскр списокInserts a combo box.
Полоса прокрInserts a horizontal or vertical scroll bar.
Рег счетчикаInserts a spin control.
Графический объект
ЛинияInserts a line.
ПрямоугInserts a rectangle.
ОвалInserts an oval.
ПодписьInserts a text box.

Меню Формат

ЯчейкиDisplays a dialog box that allows you to change the way that the contents of the selected cells are displayed. You can change the way that numbers, amounts of money, dates, times and text are formatted. You can change the colour of the text, the pattern and colour of the cell background, and the type and colour of the cell borders.
ВысотаDisplays a dialog box showing the current height of the selected rows in points (the unit of measurement used for text), and allows you to change it. You can also change the row height by dragging the separator between the row numbers.
Автоподбор высотыSets the row height to the largest required for the values displayed in the row. You can also autofit a row by double-clicking on the separator below the row number.
СкрытьHides the selected rows.
ОтобразитьUnhides the selected rows. Because you cannot select individual hidden rows, you will have to use the Правка Перейти menu option to move the cursor to the required row, or select all the rows from the one above the hidden rows to the one below, before using this option.
ШиринаDisplays a dialog box showing the current width of the selected columns in characters, and allows you to change it. You can also change the column width by dragging the separator between the column headings.
Автоподбор шириныSets the column width to the largest required for the values displayed in the selected cells. You can also autofit a column by double-clicking on the separator to the right of the column heading.
СкрытьHides the selected columns.
ОтобразитьUnhides the selected columns. Because you cannot select individual hidden columns, you will have to use the Правка Перейти menu option to move the cursor to the required column, or select all the columns from the one to the left of the hidden columns to the one to the right, before using this option.
Стандартная ширинаDisplays a dialog box showing the default width of the columns on the current sheet, and allows you to change it.
ПереименоватьDisplays a dialog box showing the current sheet name, and allows you to change it.
СкрытьAllows you to hide the currently displayed sheet.
ОтобразитьAllows you to select a hidden sheet to be displayed.
СеткаAllows you to turn the gridlines on and off for the current sheet.
ЗаголовкиAllows you to turn the row and column headings on and off for the current sheet.
МасштабAllows you to set the zoom level for the current sheet.
ЗащититьAllows you to turn protection on and off for the current sheet. When protection is on, only cells that are not locked (set by using the Формат Ячейки menu option) can be changed.
ФормулыAllows you to toggle the display of the cell formulas and cell values for the current sheet.
Цвет ярлычокAllows you to change the tab color for the current sheet.
ФайлAllows you to select whether the Vertical scrollbar, Horizontal scrollbar and Sheet tabs are to be displayed for sheets in the current file.
ПрограммаAllows you to select whether the Toolbar, Formula bar and Status bar are to be displayed by the program.
УсловноеAllows you to select alternative formatting for cells depending on conditions.
ЗакрепитьOn a worksheet, this allows you to fix the currently displayed row and/or column headings so that they will not move when the sheet is scrolled. When you use this option, the rows above the cursor cell and the columns to the left of it will be fixed. For example, if you want the top row to stay the same when you page down through the sheet, move the cursor to cell A2 and then use this menu option, the row above cell A2, which is row 1, will stay displayed when you page through the sheet, and as there are no columns to the left of cell A2, no columns will be fixed. When this option has been used, the menu option changes to Снять закрепление which allows you to free the rows and columns again.
СортировкаDisplays a dialog box that allows you to sort the currently selected cells, either by rows or columns, in ascending or descending order.
АвтофильтрAllows you to filter the spreadsheet rows by specifying selection criteria.
Показать всеTurns off any active filters.
Расширенный фильтрAllows you to filter the spreadsheet rows by specifying more complex criteria.
ФормаAllows you to display, update and search a table of data one record at a time.
условия на значенияAllows you to restrict the range of values that can be entered into a cell, or display a drop-down list to choose a value from, and display input and error messages.
Подбор параметраAllows you to set a cell to a specific value by changing another cell.
ДиаграммаOn a chart sheet, this displays a dialog box that allows you to change the type of the chart, the data that is used, and the way in which the chart is formatted.
Элемент управленияDisplays a dialog box that allows you to set the attributes of the currently selected Control object.
Графический объектDisplays a dialog box that allows you to set the attributes of the currently selected Drawing object.


To enter text or number information into the spreadsheet, just move the cursor to the required cell, type the text or number in the formula bar and press the enter key. In most spreadsheets you will want to do some calculations with this text and number information. This is done using formulas. Formulas are entered into cells using an equal sign followed by the expression to be evaluated. The result of the calculation will be displayed in the cell that contains the formula. Examples:

=2+2Will display the value 4.
="Hello " & "world!"Will display Hello world!.
=СУММ(A1:A10)Will add up the values in cells A1 to A10 and display the total.

Note that although you will usually see function names (like СУММ above) in upper case, you can enter them in upper or lower case. The same applies to cell names, you could enter A1 or a1 to refer to the top left cell.

Many formulas, like СУММ, allow you to specify not just one cell but a whole block of cells as a parameter. This is done by specifying the name of the cell at one corner of the block, followed by a colon, followed by the name of the cell at the opposite corner. For example the 2x2 square of cells in the top left corner of a worksheet could be specified by A1:B2 (or A2:B1, or B1:A2 etc, it doesn't matter which corner is specified first).

To refer to cells on other sheets, prefix the cell or range reference with the sheet name followed by an exclamation mark, for example Sheet1!A1 or Sheet1!A1:B2. If the sheet name contains spaces, you will need to put it in single quotes, like this: 'Other sheet'!A1.

Some formulas, such as =МУМНОЖ(A1:B2,C1:D2) (which multiplies two matrices together), can return more than one value. These are called Array formulas. To use these, you will first need to select a block of cells of the correct size and shape for the expected results, then type your formula into the formula bar, and enter it not by pressing the Enter key, but by holding down the Shift and Control keys and then pressing the Enter key. This tells the program that this is an Array formula.


Работа с базой данных
Дата и время
Проверка свойств и значений
Ссылки и массивы
Управление макросами
Внешние и DDE

Работа с базой данных functions

[ ] indicates optional parameters

БДДИСП(база_данных, поле, критерий)
БДДИСПП(база_данных, поле, критерий)
БДПРОИЗВЕД(база_данных, поле, критерий)
БДСУММ(база_данных, поле, критерий)
БИЗВЛЕЧЬ(база_данных, поле, критерий)
БСЧЁТ(база_данных, [поле], критерий)
БСЧЁТА(база_данных, [поле], критерий)
ДМАКС(база_данных, поле, критерий)
ДМИН(база_данных, поле, критерий)
ДСРЗНАЧ(база_данных, поле, критерий)
ДСТАНДОТКЛ(база_данных, поле, критерий)
ДСТАНДОТКЛП(база_данных, поле, критерий)

Дата и время functions

[ ] indicates optional parameters

ВРЕМЯ(час, минута, секунда)
ДАТА(год, месяц, день)
ДАТАМЕС(начальная_дата, месяцев)
ДЕНЬНЕД(дата_как_число, [тип])
ДНЕЙ360(начальная_дата, конечная_дата, [метод])
ДОЛЯГОДА(начальная_дата, конечная_дата, [basis])
КОНМЕСЯЦА(начальная_дата, месяцев)
НОМНЕДЕЛИ(дата_как_число, [тип])
РАБДЕНЬ(начальная_дата, количество_дней, [holidays])
РАЗНДАТ(дата1, дата2, единиц)
ЧИСТРАБДНИ(начальная_дата, конечная_дата, [holidays])

Экспоненциальный functions

[ ] indicates optional parameters

ВОСЬМ.В.ДВ(число, [длина])
ВОСЬМ.В.ШЕСТН(число, [длина])
ДВ.В.ВОСЬМ(число, [длина])
ДВ.В.ШЕСТН(число, [длина])
ДЕЛЬТА(число1, [число2])
ДЕС.В.ВОСЬМ(число, [длина])
ДЕС.В.ДВ(число, [длина])
ДЕС.В.ШЕСТН(число, [длина])
КОМПЛЕКСН(real_num, imag_num, [suffix])
МНИМ.ДЕЛ(iчисло1, iчисло2)
МНИМ.ПРОИЗВЕД(iчисло1, [iчисло2, ...])
МНИМ.РАЗН(iчисло1, iчисло2)
МНИМ.СТЕПЕНЬ(iчисло, степень)
МНИМ.СУММ(iчисло1, [iчисло2, ...])
ПОРОГ(число, [шаг])
ПРЕОБР(число, from_unit, to_unit)
ФОШ(нижний_предел, [верхний_пред])
ШЕСТН.В.ВОСЬМ(число, [длина])
ШЕСТН.В.ДВ(число, [длина])

Финансовые functions

[ ] indicates optional parameters

TTBILLEQ(settlement_date, maturity_date, discount)
АМГД(стоимость, ликвидная_стоимость, жизнь, период)
АМОРУВ(cost, purchase_date, first_period_date, salvage, period, rate, [basis])
АМОРУМ(cost, purchase_date, first_period_date, salvage, period, rate, [basis])
АМР(стоимость, ликвидная_стоимость, время_амортизации)
БЗ(норма, число_периодов, [выплата], [нз], [тип])
БЗРАСПИС(principal, schedule_range)
ВНДОХ(значения, [предположение])
ДАТАКУПОНДО(settlement_date, maturity_date, frequency, [basis])
ДАТАКУПОНПОСЛЕ(settlement_date, maturity_date, frequency, [basis])
ДДОБ(стоимость, остаточная_стоимость, время_эксплуатации, период, [коэффициент])
ДЛИТ(settlement_date, maturity_date, coupon, yield, frequency, [basis])
ДНЕЙКУПОН(settlement_date, maturity_date, frequency, [basis])
ДНЕЙКУПОНДО(settlement_date, maturity_date, frequency, [basis])
ДНЕЙКУПОНПОСЛЕ(settlement_date, maturity_date, frequency, [basis])
ДОБ(стоимость, остаточная_стоимость, время_эксплуатации, период, [месяц])
ДОХОД(settlement_date, maturity_date, rate, price, redemption, frequency, [basis])
ДОХОДКЧЕК(settlement_date, maturity_date, price)
ДОХОДПЕРВНЕРЕГ(settlement_date, maturity_date, issue_date, first_coupon_date, rate, price, redemption, frequency, [basis])
ДОХОДПОГАШ(settlement_date, maturity_date, issue_date, rate, price, [basis])
ДОХОДПОСЛНЕРЕГ(settlement_date, maturity_date, last_coupon_date, rate, price, redemption, frequency, [basis])
ДОХОДСКИДКА(settlement_date, maturity_date, price, redemption, [basis])
ИНОРМА(settlement_date, maturity_date, investment_amount, redemption_amount, [basis])
КПЕР(норма, выплата, нз, [бс], [тип])
МВСД(значения, финансовая_норма, реинвест_норма)
МДЛИТ(settlement_date, maturity_date, coupon, yield, frequency, [basis])
НАКОПДОХОД(issue_date, first_interest_date, settlement_date, rate, par, frequency, [basis])
НАКОПДОХОДПОГАШ(issue_date, maturity_date, rate, [par], [basis])
НОМИНАЛ(effect_rate, npery)
НОРМА(кпер, выплата, нз, [бс], [тип], [предположение])
НПЗ(норма, значение1, [значение2, ...])
ОБЩДОХОД(норма, кпер, нз, нач_период, кон_период, тип)
ОБЩПЛАТ(норма, кпер, нз, нач_период, кон_период, тип)
ОСНПЛАТ(норма, период, кпер, тс, [бс], [тип])
ПДОБ(ликв_стоимость, ост_стоим, время_полн_аморт, нач_период, кон_период, [коэффициент], [без_переключений])
ПЗ(норма, кпер, [выплата], [бс], [тип])
ПЛПРОЦ(норма, период, кпер, тс, [бс], [тип])
ПОЛУЧЕНО(settlement_date, maturity_date, investment, discount, [basis])
ППЛАТ(норма, кпер, [нз], [бс], [тип])
ПРОЦПЛАТ(норма, период, кпер, тс)
РУБЛЬ.ДЕС(fractional_dollar, fraction)
РУБЛЬ.ДРОБЬ(decimal_dollar, fraction)
СКИДКА(settlement_date, maturity_date, pr, redemption, [basis])
ЦЕНА(settlement_date, maturity_date, rate, yield, redemption, frequency, [basis])
ЦЕНАКЧЕК(settlement_date, maturity_date, discount)
ЦЕНАПЕРВНЕРЕГ(settlement_date, maturity_date, issue_date, first_coupon_date, rate, yield, redemption, frequency, [basis])
ЦЕНАПОГАШ(settlement_date, maturity_date, issue_date, rate, yield, [basis])
ЦЕНАПОСЛНЕРЕГ(settlement_date, maturity_date, last_coupon_date, rate, yield, redemption, frequency, [basis])
ЦЕНАСКИДКА(settlement_date, maturity_date, discount, redemption, [basis])
ЧИСЛКУПОН(settlement_date, maturity_date, frequency, [basis])
ЧИСТВНДОХ(значения, dates_range, [предположение])
ЧИСТНЗ(норма, значения, dates_range)
ЭФФЕКТ(nominal_rate, npery)

Проверка свойств и значений functions

[ ] indicates optional parameters

ЯЧЕЙКА(тип_информации, [ссылка])

Логические functions

[ ] indicates optional parameters

ЕСЛИ(логическое_выражение, [значение_если_истина], [значение_если_ложь])
И(логическое1, [логическое2, ...])
ИЛИ(логическое1, [логическое2, ...])

Ссылки и массивы functions

[ ] indicates optional parameters

АДРЕС(номер_строки, номер_столбца, [абсолютный_номер], [а1], [текст_листа])
ВПР(искомое_значение, табл_массив, номер_индекса_столбца, [диапазон_просмотра])
ВЫБОР(номер_индекса, значение1, [значение2, ...])
ГИПЕРССЫЛКА(адрес_документа, [имя])
ГПР(искомое_значение, таблица, номер_строки, [диапазон_просмотра])
ДВССЫЛ(ссылка, [а1])
ИНДЕКС(ссылка, [номер_строки], [номер_столбца], [номер_области])
ПОИСКПОЗ(искомое_значение, искомый_массив, [тип_сопоставления])
ПРОСМОТР(искомое_значение, вектор_просмотра, [вектор_результата])
СМЕЩ(ссылка, строки, столбцы, [высота], [ширина])

Математические functions

[ ] indicates optional parameters

ATAN2(x_num, y_num)
LOG(число, [основание_логарифма])
МУЛЬТИНОМ(число1, [число2, ...])
МУМНОЖ(массив1, массив2)
НОД(число1, [число2, ...])
НОК(число1, [число2, ...])
ОКРВВЕРХ(число, значимость)
ОКРВНИЗ(число, значимость)
ОКРУГЛ(число, количество_цифр)
ОКРУГЛВВЕРХ(число, [количество_цифр])
ОКРУГЛВНИЗ(число, [количество_цифр])
ОКРУГЛТ(число, multiple)
ОСТАТ(число, делитель)
ОТБР(число, [количество_цифр])
ПРОИЗВЕД(число1, [число2, ...])
ПРОМЕЖУТОЧНЫЕ.ИТОГИ(номер_функции, ссылка1, [ссылка2, ...])
РИМСКОЕ(число, [форма])
РЯД.СУММ(x, n, m, coefficients)
СЛУЧМЕЖДУ(наименьшее, наибольшее)
СТЕПЕНЬ(число, степень)
СУММ(число1, [число2, ...])
СУММЕСЛИ(диапазон, условие, [диапазон_суммирования])
СУММКВ(число1, [число2, ...])
СУММКВРАЗН(массив_x, массив_y)
СУММПРОИЗВ(массив1, [массив2, ...])
СУММРАЗНКВ(массив_x, массив_y)
СУММСУММКВ(массив_x, массив_y)
СЧЁТЕСЛИ(диапазон, условие)
ЧАСТНОЕ(numerator, denominator)
ЧИСЛКОМБ(число, выбранное_число)

Статистические functions

[ ] indicates optional parameters

FРАСП(x, степени_свободы1, степени_свободы2)
FРАСПОБР(вероятность, степени_свободы1, степени_свободы2)
ZТЕСТ(массив, x, [сигма])
БЕТАОБР(вероятность, альфа, бета, [А], [B])
БЕТАРАСП(x, альфа, бета, [А], [B])
БИНОМРАСП(число_s, испытания, вероятность_s, интегральный)
ВЕЙБУЛЛ(x, альфа, бета, интегральный)
ВЕРОЯТНОСТЬ(x_диапазон, диапазон_вероятн, нижний_предел, [верхний_пред])
ГАММАОБР(вероятность, альфа, бета)
ГАММАРАСП(x, альфа, бета, интегральный)
ГИПЕРГЕОМЕТ(пример_s, размер_выборки, ген_совокупность_s, размер_ген_совокупности)
ДИСП(число1, [число2, ...])
ДИСПА(значение1, [значение2, ...])
ДИСПР(число1, [число2, ...])
ДИСПРА(значение1, [значение2, ...])
ДОВЕРИТ(альфа, стандартное_откл, размер)
КВАДРОТКЛ(число1, [число2, ...])
КВАРТИЛЬ(массив, значение)
КВПИРСОН(известные_y, известные_x)
КОВАР(массив1, массив2)
КОРРЕЛ(массив1, массив2)
КРИТБИНОМ(испытания, вероятность_s, альфа)
ЛГРФПРИБЛ(изв_знач_y, [изв_знач_x], [константа], [стат])
ЛИНЕЙН(изв_знач_y, [изв_знач_x], [константа], [стат])
ЛОГНОРМОБР(вероятность, среднее, стандартное_откл)
ЛОГНОРМРАСП(x, среднее, стандартное_откл)
МАКС(число1, [число2, ...])
МАКСА(значение1, [значение2, ...])
МЕДИАНА(число1, [число2, ...])
МИН(число1, [число2, ...])
МИНА(значение1, [значение2, ...])
МОДА(число1, [число2, ...])
НАИБОЛЬШИЙ(массив, k)
НАИМЕНЬШИЙ(массив, k)
НАКЛОН(изв_знач_y, изв_знач_x)
НОРМАЛИЗАЦИЯ(x, среднее, стандартное_откл)
НОРМОБР(вероятность, среднее, стандартное_откл)
НОРМРАСП(x, среднее, стандартное_откл, интегральный)
ОТРБИНОМРАСП(число_f, число_s, вероятность_s)
ОТРЕЗОК(изв_знач_y, изв_знач_x)
ПЕРЕСТ(число, выбранное_число)
ПЕРСЕНТИЛЬ(массив, k)
ПИРСОН(массив1, массив2)
ПРЕДСКАЗ(x, изв_знач_y, изв_знач_x)
ПРОЦЕНТРАНГ(массив, x, [значимость])
ПУАССОН(x, среднее, интегральный)
РАНГ(число, ссылка, [порядок])
РОСТ(изв_знач_y, [изв_знач_x], [нов_знач_x], [константа])
СКОС(число1, [число2, ...])
СРГАРМ(число1, [число2, ...])
СРГЕОМ(число1, [число2, ...])
СРЗНАЧ(число1, [число2, ...])
СРЗНАЧА(значение1, [значение2, ...])
СРОТКЛ(число1, [число2, ...])
СТАНДОТКЛОН(число1, [число2, ...])
СТАНДОТКЛОНА(значение1, [значение2, ...])
СТАНДОТКЛОНП(число1, [число2, ...])
СТАНДОТКЛОНПА(значение1, [значение2, ...])
СТОШYX(изв_знач_y, изв_знач_x)
СТЬЮДРАСП(x, степени_свободы, хвосты)
СТЬЮДРАСПОБР(вероятность, степени_свободы)
СЧЁТ(значение1, [значение2, ...])
СЧЁТЗ(значение1, [значение2, ...])
ТЕНДЕНЦИЯ(изв_знач_y, [изв_знач_x], [нов_знач_x], [константа])
ТТЕСТ(массив1, массив2, хвосты, тип)
УРЕЗСРЕДНЕЕ(массив, процент)
ФТЕСТ(массив1, массив2)
ХИ2ОБР(вероятность, степени_свободы)
ХИ2РАСП(x, степени_свободы)
ХИ2ТЕСТ(фактический_интервал, ожидаемый_интервал)
ЧАСТОТА(массив_данных, двоичный_массив)
ЭКСПРАСП(x, лямбда, интегральный)
ЭКСЦЕСС(число1, [число2, ...])

Текстовые functions

[ ] indicates optional parameters

ЗАМЕНИТЬ(старый_текст, нач_ном, число_литер, новый_текст)
ЛЕВСИМВ(текст, [число_литер])
НАЙТИ(найти_текст, внутр_текст, [нач_ном])
ПОВТОР(текст, число_повторений)
ПОДСТАВИТЬ(текст, стар_текст, нов_текст, [ном_вхождения])
ПОИСК(найти_текст, внутр_текст, [нач_ном])
ПРАВСИМВ(текст, [число_литер])
ПСТР(текст, нач_ном, число_литер)
РУБЛЬ(число, [дес_цифры])
СОВПАД(текст1, текст2)
СЦЕПИТЬ(текст1, [текст2, ...])
ТЕКСТ(значение, строка_формат)
ФИКСИРОВАННЫЙ(число, [дес_цифры], [без_запятых])

Управление макросами functions

[ ] indicates optional parameters

АРГУМЕНТ([строка_имени], [номер_типа_данных], [ссылка])
ДЛЯ(имя_счетчика, нач_ном, кон_число, [шаг_ном])
ДЛЯ.ЯЧЕЙКИ(ссылка_на_имя, [ссылка_на_область], [проп_пустые])
УСТАНОВИТЬ.ЗНАЧЕНИЕ(ссылка, значения)
УСТАНОВИТЬ.ИМЯ(текст_имени, [значение])

Команды functions

[ ] indicates optional parameters

АКТИВИЗИРОВАТЬ([заголовок_окна], [номер_подокна])
ВВОД(текст_сообщения, [ном_типа], [назван_текст], [по_умолчанию], [x_поз], [y_поз], [ссылка_на_справку])
ВПРОКРУТКА(положение, [строка_логическая])
ВЫДЕЛИТЬ([выделенное], [активная_ячейка])
ВЫРАВНИВАНИЕ([гориз_выравнивание], [сворачивать], [верт_выравнивание], [ориентация], [доб_отступ])
ВЫРЕЗАТЬ([из_ссылки], [ссылка_куда_вставлять])
ВЫСОТА.СТРОКИ([высота_числ], [ссылка], [стандартная_высота], [тип_число])
ГПРОКРУТКА(положение, [признак_столбца])
ЗАМЕТКА([добавить_текст], [ячейка_ссылка], [старт_символ], [номер_диаграммы])
ЗАЩИТА.ЯЧЕЙКИ([заблокированный], [скрытый])
ЗАЩИТИТЬ.ДОКУМЕНТ([содержимое], [окна], [пароль], [объекты], [сценарии])
КОПИРОВАТЬ([из_ссылки], [ссылка_куда_вставлять])
ПО.ЛИСТУ([текст_листа], [макрос_текст], [флаг_активации])
ПОДБОР.ПАРАМЕТРА(целевая_ячейка, целевое_значение, переменная_ячейка)
ПОЛУЧИТЬ.ЗАМЕТКУ([ссылка_на_ячейкку], [нач_символ], [число_литер])
ПОЛУЧИТЬ.ОБЪЕКТ(ном_типа, [идр_объекта], [нач_ном], [ном_счет], [индекс_элемента])
ПРАВКА.ЦВЕТ(номер_цвета, [красный_значение], [зеленый_значение], [голубой_значение])
ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ(текст_сообщения, [ном_типа], [ссылка_на_справку])
ПРОГРЕССИЯ([строки_или_столбцы], [номер_типа], [дата_номера], [значение_шага], [кон_знач], [направление])
РАБОЧАЯ.КНИГА.ИМЯ(старый_текст, новый_текст)
РАБОЧАЯ.КНИГА.СКРЫТЬ([текст_листа], [очень_скрытое])
РАМКА([контур], [левый], [правый], [верхний], [нижний], [затенить], [цвет_контура], [левый_цвет], [правый_цвет], [верхний_цвет], [нижний_цвет])
СВОЙСТВА.ШРИФТА([шрифт], [стиль_шрифта], [размер], [перечеркнуть], [верхний_индекс], [нижний_индекс], [контур], [затенение], [подчеркнутый], [цвет], [обычный], [фон], [нач_символ], [число_символов])
СООБЩЕНИЕ(флаг, [текст])
СОРТИРОВКА([ориентация], [ключ1], [порядок1], [ключ2], [порядок2], [ключ3], [порядок3], [верхний_колонтитул], [настройка], [регистр])
СПЕЦИАЛЬНАЯ.ВСТАВКА([ном_вставки], [номер_операции], [пропуск_пустых], [перестановка])
ССЫЛТЕКСТ(ссылка, [а1])
ТЕКСТССЫЛ(текста1, [a1])
УЗОРЫ([АУзор], [спереди], [назад])
ФЗАП(номер_файла, текст)
ФЗАПКС(номер_файла, текст)
ФИЛЬТР([номер_поля], [критерий1], [операция], [критерий2])
ФИЛЬТР.УСИЛЕННЫЙ(операция, список_ссылок, [ссылка_критерия], [копировать_ссылку], [единственность_записей])
ФОРМУЛА(текст_формулы, [ссылка])
ФОРМУЛА.ЗАМЕНИТЬ(найти_текст, заменить_текст, [см_в], [около], [активная_ячейка], [с_регистром])
ФОРМУЛА.НАЙТИ(текст, в_число, на_число, по_число, [каталог_число], [с_регистром])
ФОРМУЛА.ПЕРЕЙТИ([ссылка], [угол])
ФОТКР(имя_файла, [номер_доступа])
ФПОЗ(номер_файла, [тип_позиции])
ФЧИТ(номер_файла, число_литер)
ШИРИНА.СТОЛБЦА([ширина_число], [ссылка], [стандартный], [тип_число], [стандарт_число])

Внешние и DDE functions

[ ] indicates optional parameters

ВЫЗВАТЬ(имя_модуля, процедура, тип, [аргумент1, ...])

Работа с базой данных functions

БДДИСП(база_данных, поле, критерий)

Returns the variance (based on a population sample) of the values of a specified field in a database range.

база_данныхA reference to the cells that contain the database (including the column headings). It is usually easiest to use a defined name for this.
полеThe column number or column heading name of the values of which you want to find the variance.
критерийA reference to cells that contain the criteria that you want to use when selecting records from the database to process. You can specify the same range as used for the база_данных parameter if you want to select all the rows.

БДДИСПП(база_данных, поле, критерий)

Returns the variance (based on the entire population) of the values of a specified field in a database range.

база_данныхA reference to the cells that contain the database (including the column headings). It is usually easiest to use a defined name for this.
полеThe column number or column heading name of the values of which you want to find the variance.
критерийA reference to cells that contain the criteria that you want to use when selecting records from the database to process. You can specify the same range as used for the база_данных parameter if you want to select all the rows.

БДПРОИЗВЕД(база_данных, поле, критерий)

Returns the product of the values of a specified field in a database range.

база_данныхA reference to the cells that contain the database (including the column headings). It is usually easiest to use a defined name for this.
полеThe column number or column heading name of the values that you want to multiply together.
критерийA reference to cells that contain the criteria that you want to use when selecting records from the database to process. You can specify the same range as used for the база_данных parameter if you want to select all the rows.

БДСУММ(база_данных, поле, критерий)

Returns the sum of the values of a specified field in a database range.

база_данныхA reference to the cells that contain the database (including the column headings). It is usually easiest to use a defined name for this.
полеThe column number or column heading name of the values of which you want to find the sum.
критерийA reference to cells that contain the criteria that you want to use when selecting records from the database to process. You can specify the same range as used for the база_данных parameter if you want to select all the rows.

БИЗВЛЕЧЬ(база_данных, поле, критерий)

Returns the value of a specified field from the row in the database range that meets the selection criteria. There should be one and only one row that meets the selection criteria. If no rows meet the criteria then the error #ЗНАЧ! is returned. If more than one row meets the criteria then the error #ЧИСЛО! is returned.

база_данныхA reference to the cells that contain the database (including the column headings). It is usually easiest to use a defined name for this.
полеThe column number or column heading name of the value that you want to retrieve.
критерийA reference to cells that contain the criteria that you want to use when selecting records from the database to process. You can specify the same range as used for the база_данных parameter if you want to select all the rows.

БСЧЁТ(база_данных, [поле], критерий)

Returns the count of the number of rows in the database that meet the selection criteria and where the specified field contains a number.

база_данныхA reference to the cells that contain the database (including the column headings). It is usually easiest to use a defined name for this.
полеThe column number or column heading name of the values that you want to count. If this parameter is omitted then the function will return the number of database rows that meet the selection criteria.
критерийA reference to cells that contain the criteria that you want to use when selecting records from the database to process. You can specify the same range as used for the база_данных parameter if you want to select all the rows.

БСЧЁТА(база_данных, [поле], критерий)

Returns the count of the number of rows in the database that meet the selection criteria and where the specified field is not blank.

база_данныхA reference to the cells that contain the database (including the column headings). It is usually easiest to use a defined name for this.
полеThe column number or column heading name of the values that you want to count. If this parameter is omitted then the function will return the number of database rows that meet the selection criteria.
критерийA reference to cells that contain the criteria that you want to use when selecting records from the database to process. You can specify the same range as used for the база_данных parameter if you want to select all the rows.

ДМАКС(база_данных, поле, критерий)

Returns the maximum of the values of a specified field in a database range.

база_данныхA reference to the cells that contain the database (including the column headings). It is usually easiest to use a defined name for this.
полеThe column number or column heading name of the values of which you want to find the maximum.
критерийA reference to cells that contain the criteria that you want to use when selecting records from the database to process. You can specify the same range as used for the база_данных parameter if you want to select all the rows.

ДМИН(база_данных, поле, критерий)

Returns the minimum of the values of a specified field in a database range.

база_данныхA reference to the cells that contain the database (including the column headings). It is usually easiest to use a defined name for this.
полеThe column number or column heading name of the values of which you want to find the minimum.
критерийA reference to cells that contain the criteria that you want to use when selecting records from the database to process. You can specify the same range as used for the база_данных parameter if you want to select all the rows.

ДСРЗНАЧ(база_данных, поле, критерий)

Returns the average of the values of a specified field in a database range.

база_данныхA reference to the cells that contain the database (including the column headings). It is usually easiest to use a defined name for this.
полеThe column number or column heading name of the values of which you want to find the average.
критерийA reference to cells that contain the criteria that you want to use when selecting records from the database to process. You can specify the same range as used for the база_данных parameter if you want to select all the rows.

ДСТАНДОТКЛ(база_данных, поле, критерий)

Returns the standard deviation (based on a population sample) of the values of a specified field in a database range.

база_данныхA reference to the cells that contain the database (including the column headings). It is usually easiest to use a defined name for this.
полеThe column number or column heading name of the values of which you want to find the standard deviation.
критерийA reference to cells that contain the criteria that you want to use when selecting records from the database to process. You can specify the same range as used for the база_данных parameter if you want to select all the rows.

ДСТАНДОТКЛП(база_данных, поле, критерий)

Returns the standard deviation (based on the entire population) of the values of a specified field in a database range.

база_данныхA reference to the cells that contain the database (including the column headings). It is usually easiest to use a defined name for this.
полеThe column number or column heading name of the values of which you want to find the standard deviation.
критерийA reference to cells that contain the criteria that you want to use when selecting records from the database to process. You can specify the same range as used for the база_данных parameter if you want to select all the rows.

Дата и время functions


Returns the time value that corresponds to a time in text form. You should not need to use this function, as times are automatically converted from text to time values when they are used in formulas.

время_как_текстThe time that you want to convert. It can contain time separators and/or AM/PM designators. If seconds or minutes and seconds are not specified then they will default to zero.

ВРЕМЯ(час, минута, секунда)

Returns the serial number corresponding to a specified hour, minute and second.

часThe hour number. Preferably between 0 and 23.
минутаThe minute number. Preferably between 0 and 59.
секундаThe second number. Preferably between 0 and 59.


Returns the year number (greater than or equal to 1900) from the specified date/time value.

дата_как_числоThe date/time value from which you want to extract the year number.

ДАТА(год, месяц, день)

Returns the date value corresponding to a specified year, month and day. Note that only dates from 1900 onwards can be used.

годThe year number. If you enter a number less than 1900 then 1900 will be added to the value.
месяцThe month number. Preferably between 1 and 12.
деньThe day number. Preferably between 1 and 31.


Returns the date value that corresponds to a date in text form. Note that only dates from 1900 onwards can be used. You should not need to use this function, as dates are automatically converted from text to date values when they are used in formulas.

дата_как_текстThe date that you want to convert. It can contain date separators and/or a month name. If only the day and month is supplied then the year will default to the current year.

ДАТАМЕС(начальная_дата, месяцев)

Returns the date that is the start date plus or minus a number of months.

начальная_датаThe 'from' date.
месяцевThe number of months to be added or subtracted.


Returns the day number (between 1 and 31) from the specified date value.

дата_как_числоThe date value from which you want to extract the day number.

ДЕНЬНЕД(дата_как_число, [тип])

Returns a number representing the day of the week of a given date.

дата_как_числоThe date/time value from which you want the day of the week.
типThe range of values returned and what they represent. The possible values are:
1From 1 to 7, where 1 = Понедельникand 7 = Воскресенье.
2From 1 to 7, where 1 = Вторникand 7 = Понедельник.
3From 0 to 6, where 0 = Вторник and 6 = Понедельник.
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1.

ДНЕЙ360(начальная_дата, конечная_дата, [метод])

Returns the number of days between two dates using a 360-day year (30 day months).

начальная_датаThe 'from' date.
конечная_датаThe 'to' date.
методIndicates how to deal with end dates that are the 31st of the month (the start date will always be moved from the 31st to the 30th). The options are:
ЛОЖЬUS (NASD) method (if start date is less than the 30th then set end date to 1st of next month, else set end date to 30th).
ИСТИНАEuropean method (end date moved form 31st to 30th).
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ЛОЖЬ.

ДОЛЯГОДА(начальная_дата, конечная_дата, [basis])

Returns the fraction of a year represented by the difference between two dates.

начальная_датаThe 'from' date.
конечная_датаThe 'to' date.
basisThe method used to represent the number of days in the period versus the number of days in a year. The possible values are:
0US (NASD) 30/360
4European 30/360
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

КОНМЕСЯЦА(начальная_дата, месяцев)

Returns the date that is the last day of the month calculated from the start date plus or minus a number of months.

начальная_датаThe 'from' date.
месяцевThe number of months to be added or subtracted.


Returns the month number (between 1 and 12) from the specified date/time value.

дата_как_числоThe date/time value from which you want to extract the month number.


Returns the minute number (between 0 and 59) from the specified date/time value.

дата_как_числоThe date/time value from which you want to extract the minute number.

НОМНЕДЕЛИ(дата_как_число, [тип])

Returns the week of the year of a given date.

дата_как_числоThe date/time value from which you want the week number.
типThe method used to calculate the week number. The possible values are:
0International Standard (ISO) week numbers. Weeks begin on Monday. Week 1 is the first week where 4 or more days are in the specified year.
1Microsoft week numbers. Weeks begin on Sunday. Week 1 is the week that contains January 1st.
2Microsoft week numbers. Weeks begin on Monday. Week 1 is the week that contains January 1st.
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1.

РАБДЕНЬ(начальная_дата, количество_дней, [holidays])

Returns the working day that is the start date plus or minus a number of working days (weekdays), excluding any holidays.

начальная_датаThe 'from' date.
количество_днейThe number of working days to add or subtract.
holidaysA date or array of dates or a reference to a list of dates that are to be treated as non-working days.

РАЗНДАТ(дата1, дата2, единиц)

Returns the difference between two dates in the units that you specify.

дата1The 'from' date.
дата2The 'to' date. This should be greater than or equal to the 'from' date.
единицThe units in which you want the difference expressed. The possible values are:
"y"The difference in years.
"m"The difference in months.
"d"The difference in days.
"ym"The difference in months, dropping any whole years (the result will always be between 0 and 11).
"yd"The difference in days, dropping any whole years (the result will always be between 0 and 365).
"md"The difference in days, dropping any whole months (the result will always be between 0 and 30).


Returns the serial number corresponding to the current date.


Returns the second number (between 0 and 59) from the specified date/time value.

дата_как_числоThe date/time value from which you want to extract the second number.


Returns the hour number (between 0 and 23) from the specified date/time value.

дата_как_числоThe date/time value from which you want to extract the hour number.


Returns the serial number corresponding to the current date and time.

ЧИСТРАБДНИ(начальная_дата, конечная_дата, [holidays])

Returns the number of working days (weekdays) between the start and end dates, excluding any holidays.

начальная_датаThe 'from' date.
конечная_датаThe 'to' date.
holidaysA date or array of dates or a reference to a list of dates that are to be treated as non-working days.

Экспоненциальный functions


Returns the value of the modified Bessel function.

xThe value at which you want to evaluate the function.
nThe order of the Bessel function.


Returns the value of the Bessel function.

xThe value at which you want to evaluate the function.
nThe order of the Bessel function.


Returns the value of the modified Bessel function.

xThe value at which you want to evaluate the function.
nThe order of the Bessel function.


Returns the value of the Bessel function.

xThe value at which you want to evaluate the function.
nThe order of the Bessel function.

ВОСЬМ.В.ДВ(число, [длина])

Returns a string that is the binary equivalent of an octal number.

числоThe octal number to be converted.
длинаThe minimum length required in the returned string. If the string is less than this length then it will be padded with leading zeros. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to zero.


Returns a number that is the decimal equivalent of an octal number.

числоThe octal number to be converted.

ВОСЬМ.В.ШЕСТН(число, [длина])

Returns a string that is the hexadecimal equivalent of an octal number.

числоThe octal number to be converted.
длинаThe minimum length required in the returned string. If the string is less than this length then it will be padded with leading zeros. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to zero.

ДВ.В.ВОСЬМ(число, [длина])

Returns a string that is the octal equivalent of a binary number.

числоThe binary number to be converted. It can be a number or a string up to 10 (binary) digits long.
длинаThe minimum length required in the returned string. If the string is less than this length then it will be padded with leading zeros. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to zero.


Returns the decimal equivalent of a binary number.

числоThe binary number to be converted. It can be a number or a string up to 10 (binary) digits long.

ДВ.В.ШЕСТН(число, [длина])

Returns a string that is the hexadecimal equivalent of a binary number.

числоThe binary number to be converted. It can be a number or a string up to 10 (binary) digits long.
длинаThe minimum length required in the returned string. If the string is less than this length then it will be padded with leading zeros. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to zero.


Returns the double factorial of a number.

числоThe number of which you want the double factorial.

ДЕЛЬТА(число1, [число2])

Returns 1 if the numbers are equal, otherwise 0.

число1The first of the numbers to be compared.
число2The second of the numbers to be compared. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to zero.

ДЕС.В.ВОСЬМ(число, [длина])

Returns a string that is the octal equivalent of a decimal number.

числоThe decimal number to be converted.
длинаThe minimum length required in the returned string. If the string is less than this length then it will be padded with leading zeros. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to zero.

ДЕС.В.ДВ(число, [длина])

Returns a string that is the binary equivalent of a decimal number.

числоThe decimal number to be converted.
длинаThe minimum length required in the returned string. If the string is less than this length then it will be padded with leading zeros. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to zero.

ДЕС.В.ШЕСТН(число, [длина])

Returns a string that is the hexadecimal equivalent of a decimal number.

числоThe decimal number to be converted.
длинаThe minimum length required in the returned string. If the string is less than this length then it will be padded with leading zeros. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to zero.


Returns the integral of the error function between a specified limit and infinity.

xThe lower limit of the integral.

КОМПЛЕКСН(real_num, imag_num, [suffix])

Returns a string representing an complex number made up of the specified real and imaginary parts.

real_numThe real part of the complex number.
imag_numThe imaginary part of the complex number.
suffixThe suffix to be used for the imaginary part. Should be "i" or "j". If this parameter is omitted it defaults to "i".


Returns a number that is the modulus of a complex number.

iчислоThe complex number of which you want the modulus.


Returns a complex number that is the cosine of the specified complex number.

iчислоThe complex number of which you want the cosine.


Returns a complex number that is the exponential of the specified complex number.

iчислоThe complex number of which you want the exponential.


Returns a complex number that is the natural logarithm of the specified complex number.

iчислоThe complex number of which you want the natural logarithm.


Returns a complex number that is the base 10 logarithm of the specified complex number.

iчислоThe complex number of which you want the base 10 logarithm.


Returns a complex number that is the base 2 logarithm of the specified complex number.

iчислоThe complex number of which you want the base 2 logarithm.


Returns a complex number that is the sine of the specified complex number.

iчислоThe complex number of which you want the sine.


Returns a number that is the angle (in radians) represented by a complex number.

iчислоThe complex number of which you want the argument.


Returns a number that is the real part of a complex number.

iчислоThe complex number of which you want the real part.

МНИМ.ДЕЛ(iчисло1, iчисло2)

Returns a complex number that is the quotient of the specified complex numbers.

iчисло1The dividend complex number.
iчисло2The divisor complex number.


Returns a complex number that is the square root of the specified complex number.

iчислоThe complex number of which you want the square root.

МНИМ.ПРОИЗВЕД(iчисло1, [iчисло2, ...])

Returns a complex number that is the product of the specified complex numbers.

iчисло1, ...The complex numbers that you want to multiply together.

МНИМ.РАЗН(iчисло1, iчисло2)

Returns a complex number that is the difference of the specified complex numbers.

iчисло1The minuend complex number.
iчисло2The subtrahend complex number.


Returns a complex number that is the conjugate of the specified complex number.

iчислоThe complex number of which you want the conjugate.

МНИМ.СТЕПЕНЬ(iчисло, степень)

Returns a complex number that is the specified complex number raised to a power.

iчислоThe complex number that you want to raise to a power.
степеньThe power to which you want to raise the complex number.

МНИМ.СУММ(iчисло1, [iчисло2, ...])

Returns a complex number that is the sum of the specified complex numbers.

iчисло1, ...The complex numbers that you want to add together.


Returns a number that is the imaginary part of a complex number.

iчислоThe complex number of which you want the imaginary part.

ПОРОГ(число, [шаг])

Returns 1 if number is greater than or equal to step, otherwise 0.

числоThe first of the numbers to be compared.
шагThe second of the numbers to be compared. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to zero.

ПРЕОБР(число, from_unit, to_unit)

Returns a value converted from the 'from' units to the 'to' units.

числоThe number to be converted.
from_unitThe units to convert from.
to_unitThe units to convert to.
The from and to units must belong to the same group. The values are case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as shown. The possible values are:
Weight and mass
"Eg"exagrams (1E18)
"Pg"petagrams (1E15)
"Tg"teragrams (1E12)
"Gg"gigagrams (1E9)
"Mg"megagrams (1E6)
"kg"kilograms (1E3)
"hg"hectograms (1E2)
"eg"dekaograms (1E1)
"g"grams (1)
"dg"decigrams (1E-1)
"cg"centigrams (1E-2)
"mg"milligrams (1E-3)
"ug"micrograms (1E-6)
"ng"nanograms (1E-9)
"pg"picograms (1E-12)
"fg"femtograms (1E-15)
"ag"attograms (1E-18)
"Eu"exa-(atomic mass unit)
"Pu"peta-(atomic mass unit)
"Tu"tera-(atomic mass unit)
"Gu"giga-(atomic mass unit)
"Mu"mega-(atomic mass unit)
"ku"kilo-(atomic mass unit)
"hu"hecto-(atomic mass unit)
"eu"dekao-(atomic mass unit)
"u"atomic mass unit
"du"deci-(atomic mass unit)
"cu"centi-(atomic mass unit)
"mu"milli-(atomic mass unit)
"uu"micro-(atomic mass unit)
"nu"nano-(atomic mass unit)
"pu"pico-(atomic mass unit)
"fu"femto-(atomic mass unit)
"au"atto-(atomic mass unit)
"ozm"ounce mass (avoirdupois)
"lbm"pound mass (avoirdupois)
"Eang"exa-(Angstrom units)
"Pang"peta--(Angstrom units)
"Tang"tera-(Angstrom units)
"Gang"giga-(Angstrom units)
"Mang"mega-(Angstrom units)
"kang"kilo-(Angstrom units)
"hang"hecto-(Angstrom units)
"eang"dekao-(Angstrom units)
"ang"Angstrom units
"dang"deci-(Angstrom units)
"cang"centi-(Angstrom units)
"mang"milli-(Angstrom units)
"uang"micro-(Angstrom units)
"nang"nano-(Angstrom units)
"pang"pico-(Angstrom units)
"fang"femto-(Angstrom units)
"aang"atto-(Angstrom units)
"Pica"pica (1/72 inch)
"mi"statute mile
"Nmi"nautical mile
"EmmHg"exa-(mm of mercury)
"PmmHg"peta-(mm of mercury)
"TmmHg"tera-(mm of mercury)
"GmmHg"giga-(mm of mercury)
"MmmHg"mega-(mm of mercury)
"kmmHg"kilo-(mm of mercury)
"hmmHg"hecto-(mm of mercury)
"emmHg"dekao-(mm of mercury)
"mmHg"mm of mercury
"dmmHg"deci-(mm of mercury)
"cmmHg"centi-(mm of mercury)
"mmmHg"milli-(mm of mercury)
"ummHg"micro-(mm of mercury)
"nmmHg"nano-(mm of mercury)
"pmmHg"pico-(mm of mercury)
"fmmHg"femto-(mm of mercury)
"ammHg"atto-(mm of mercury)
"lbf"pound force
"Ec"exa-(thermodynamic calories)
"Pc"peta-(thermodynamic calories)
"Tc"tera-(thermodynamic calories)
"Gc"giga-(thermodynamic calories)
"Mc"mega-(thermodynamic calories)
"kc"kilo-(thermodynamic calories)
"hc"hecto-(thermodynamic calories)
"ec"dekao-(thermodynamic calories)
"c"thermodynamic calories
"dc"deci-(thermodynamic calories)
"cc"centi-(thermodynamic calories)
"mc"milli-(thermodynamic calories)
"uc"micro-(thermodynamic calories)
"nc"nano-(thermodynamic calories)
"pc"pico-(thermodynamic calories)
"fc"femto-(thermodynamic calories)
"ac"atto-(thermodynamic calories)
"Ecal"exa-(IT calories)
"Pcal"peta-(IT calories)
"Tcal"tera-(IT calories)
"Gcal"giga-(IT calories)
"Mcal"mega-(IT calories)
"kcal"kilo-(IT calories)
"hcal"hecto-(IT calories)
"ecal"dekao-(IT calories)
"cal"IT calories
"dcal"deci-(IT calories)
"ccal"centi-(IT calories)
"mcal"milli-(IT calories)
"ucal"micro-(IT calories)
"ncal"nano-(IT calories)
"pcal"pico-(IT calories)
"fcal"femto-(IT calories)
"acal"atto-(IT calories)
"EeV"exa-(electron volts)
"PeV"peta-(electron volts)
"TeV"tera-(electron volts)
"GeV"giga-(electron volts)
"MeV"mega-(electron volts)
"keV"kilo-(electron volts)
"heV"hecto-(electron volts)
"eeV"dekao-(electron volts)
"eV"electron volts
"deV"deci-(electron volts)
"ceV"centi-(electron volts)
"meV"milli-(electron volts)
"ueV"micro-(electron volts)
"neV"nano-(electron volts)
"peV"pico-(electron volts)
"feV"femto-(electron volts)
"aeV"atto-(electron volts)
Liquid measure
"oz"fluid ounce

ФОШ(нижний_предел, [верхний_пред])

Returns the integral of the error function between specified limits, or between zero and a specified limit.

нижний_пределThe lower limit of the integral.
верхний_предThe upper limit of the integral. If this parameter is omitted integration is done between 0 and lower_limit.

ШЕСТН.В.ВОСЬМ(число, [длина])

Returns a string that is the octal equivalent of a hexadecimal number.

числоThe hexadecimal number to be converted.
длинаThe minimum length required in the returned string. If the string is less than this length then it will be padded with leading zeros. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to zero.

ШЕСТН.В.ДВ(число, [длина])

Returns a string that is the binary equivalent of a hexadecimal number.

числоThe hexadecimal number to be converted.
длинаThe minimum length required in the returned string. If the string is less than this length then it will be padded with leading zeros. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to zero.


Returns a number that is the decimal equivalent of a hexadecimal number.

числоThe hexadecimal number to be converted.

Финансовые functions

TTBILLEQ(settlement_date, maturity_date, discount)

Returns the bond-equivalent yield for a treasury bill.

settlement_dateThe settlement date.
maturity_dateThe maturity date.
discountThe discount rate.

АМГД(стоимость, ликвидная_стоимость, жизнь, период)

Returns the sum of years depreciation.

стоимостьThe cost.
ликвидная_стоимостьThe salvage value.
жизньThe total number of periods.
периодThe period for which you want the depreciation.

АМОРУВ(cost, purchase_date, first_period_date, salvage, period, rate, [basis])

Returns the depreciation for each accounting period.

costThe cost.
purchase_dateThe purchase date.
first_period_dateThe end date of the first period.
salvageThe salvage value.
periodThe period for which you want to calculate the depreciation.
rateThe depreciation rate.
basisThe method used to represent the number of days in the period versus the number of days in a year. The possible values are:
0US (NASD) 30/360
4European 30/360
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

АМОРУМ(cost, purchase_date, first_period_date, salvage, period, rate, [basis])

Returns the depreciation for each accounting period.

costThe cost.
purchase_dateThe purchase date.
first_period_dateThe end date of the first period.
salvageThe salvage value.
periodThe period for which you want to calculate the depreciation.
rateThe depreciation rate.
basisThe method used to represent the number of days in the period versus the number of days in a year. The possible values are:
0US (NASD) 30/360
4European 30/360
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

АМР(стоимость, ликвидная_стоимость, время_амортизации)

Returns the straight line depreciation.

стоимостьThe cost.
ликвидная_стоимостьThe salvage value.
время_амортизацииThe total number of periods.

БЗ(норма, число_периодов, [выплата], [нз], [тип])

Returns the future value of an investment at a fixed rate.

нормаThe interest rate per period.
число_периодовThe total number of periods.
выплатаThe payment amount each period. If this parameter is omitted it is assumed to be zero.
нзThe present value. If this parameter is omitted it is assumed to be zero.
типThe timing of the payment. The possible values are:
0Payment is made at the end of each period.
1Payment is made at the start of each period.
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

БЗРАСПИС(principal, schedule_range)

Returns the future value of an investment at a variable rate.

principalThe initial value of the investment.
schedule_rangeThe list (array or reference) of interest rates to be applied.

ВНДОХ(значения, [предположение])

Returns the internal rate of return.

значенияThe list (array or reference) of payment and income values.
предположениеThe estimated rate of return. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.1.

ДАТАКУПОНДО(settlement_date, maturity_date, frequency, [basis])

Returns the coupon date before the settlement date.

settlement_dateThe settlement date.
maturity_dateThe maturity date.
frequencyThe number of coupon payments per year. Should be 1, 2 or 4.
basisThe method used to represent the number of days in the period versus the number of days in a year. The possible values are:
0US (NASD) 30/360
4European 30/360
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

ДАТАКУПОНПОСЛЕ(settlement_date, maturity_date, frequency, [basis])

Returns the next coupon date after the settlement date.

settlement_dateThe settlement date.
maturity_dateThe maturity date.
frequencyThe number of coupon payments per year. Should be 1, 2 or 4.
basisThe method used to represent the number of days in the period versus the number of days in a year. The possible values are:
0US (NASD) 30/360
4European 30/360
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

ДДОБ(стоимость, остаточная_стоимость, время_эксплуатации, период, [коэффициент])

Returns the depreciation in a specified period using the double declining balance method.

стоимостьThe cost.
остаточная_стоимостьThe salvage value.
время_эксплуатацииThe total number of periods.
периодThe period number for which to calculate depreciation.
коэффициентThe rate at which the balance declines. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 2.

ДЛИТ(settlement_date, maturity_date, coupon, yield, frequency, [basis])

Returns the Macauley duration for a value of $100.

settlement_dateThe settlement date.
maturity_dateThe maturity date.
couponThe interest rate.
yieldThe annual yield rate.
frequencyThe number of coupon payments per year. Should be 1, 2 or 4.
basisThe method used to represent the number of days in the period versus the number of days in a year. The possible values are:
0US (NASD) 30/360
4European 30/360
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

ДНЕЙКУПОН(settlement_date, maturity_date, frequency, [basis])

Returns the number of days in the coupon period that contains the settlement date.

settlement_dateThe settlement date.
maturity_dateThe maturity date.
frequencyThe number of coupon payments per year. Should be 1, 2 or 4.
basisThe method used to represent the number of days in the period versus the number of days in a year. The possible values are:
0US (NASD) 30/360
4European 30/360
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

ДНЕЙКУПОНДО(settlement_date, maturity_date, frequency, [basis])

Returns the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period to the settlement date.

settlement_dateThe settlement date.
maturity_dateThe maturity date.
frequencyThe number of coupon payments per year. Should be 1, 2 or 4.
basisThe method used to represent the number of days in the period versus the number of days in a year. The possible values are:
0US (NASD) 30/360
4European 30/360
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

ДНЕЙКУПОНПОСЛЕ(settlement_date, maturity_date, frequency, [basis])

Returns the number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon date.

settlement_dateThe settlement date.
maturity_dateThe maturity date.
frequencyThe number of coupon payments per year. Should be 1, 2 or 4.
basisThe method used to represent the number of days in the period versus the number of days in a year. The possible values are:
0US (NASD) 30/360
4European 30/360
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

ДОБ(стоимость, остаточная_стоимость, время_эксплуатации, период, [месяц])

Returns the depreciation in a specified period using the fixed declining balance method.

стоимостьThe cost.
остаточная_стоимостьThe salvage value.
время_эксплуатацииThe total number of periods.
периодThe period number for which to calculate depreciation.
месяцThe number of months in the first year. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 12.

ДОХОД(settlement_date, maturity_date, rate, price, redemption, frequency, [basis])

Returns the yield on a security.

settlement_dateThe settlement date.
maturity_dateThe maturity date.
rateThe annual coupon rate.
priceThe price per $100.
redemptionThe redemption value per $100.
frequencyThe number of coupon payments per year. Should be 1, 2 or 4.
basisThe method used to represent the number of days in the period versus the number of days in a year. The possible values are:
0US (NASD) 30/360
4European 30/360
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

ДОХОДКЧЕК(settlement_date, maturity_date, price)

Returns the yield for a treasury bill.

settlement_dateThe settlement date.
maturity_dateThe maturity date.
priceThe price per $100.

ДОХОДПЕРВНЕРЕГ(settlement_date, maturity_date, issue_date, first_coupon_date, rate, price, redemption, frequency, [basis])

Returns the yield of a security having an odd (short or long) first period.

settlement_dateThe settlement date.
maturity_dateThe maturity date.
issue_dateThe issue date.
first_coupon_dateThe first coupon date.
rateThe annual coupon rate.
priceThe price per $100.
redemptionThe redemption value per $100.
frequencyThe number of coupon payments per year. Should be 1, 2 or 4.
basisThe method used to represent the number of days in the period versus the number of days in a year. The possible values are:
0US (NASD) 30/360
4European 30/360
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

ДОХОДПОГАШ(settlement_date, maturity_date, issue_date, rate, price, [basis])

Returns the annual yield of a security that pays interest at maturity.

settlement_dateThe settlement date.
maturity_dateThe maturity date.
issue_dateThe issue date.
rateThe interest rate.
priceThe price per $100.
basisThe method used to represent the number of days in the period versus the number of days in a year. The possible values are:
0US (NASD) 30/360
4European 30/360
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

ДОХОДПОСЛНЕРЕГ(settlement_date, maturity_date, last_coupon_date, rate, price, redemption, frequency, [basis])

Returns the yield of a security having an odd (short or long) last period.

settlement_dateThe settlement date.
maturity_dateThe maturity date.
last_coupon_dateThe last coupon date.
rateThe annual coupon rate.
priceThe price per $100.
redemptionThe redemption value per $100.
frequencyThe number of coupon payments per year. Should be 1, 2 or 4.
basisThe method used to represent the number of days in the period versus the number of days in a year. The possible values are:
0US (NASD) 30/360
4European 30/360
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

ДОХОДСКИДКА(settlement_date, maturity_date, price, redemption, [basis])

Returns the annual yield for a discounted security.

settlement_dateThe settlement date.
maturity_dateThe maturity date.
priceThe price per $100.
redemptionThe redemption value per $100.
basisThe method used to represent the number of days in the period versus the number of days in a year. The possible values are:
0US (NASD) 30/360
4European 30/360
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

ИНОРМА(settlement_date, maturity_date, investment_amount, redemption_amount, [basis])

Returns the interest rate for a fully invested security.

settlement_dateThe settlement date.
maturity_dateThe maturity date.
investment_amountThe initial value.
redemption_amountThe final value.
basisThe method used to represent the number of days in the period versus the number of days in a year. The possible values are:
0US (NASD) 30/360
4European 30/360
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

КПЕР(норма, выплата, нз, [бс], [тип])

Returns the number of periods required for an investment.

нормаThe interest rate per period.
выплатаThe payment amount per period.
нзThe present value.
бсThe future value. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.
типThe timing of the payment. The possible values are:
0Payment is made at the end of each period.
1Payment is made at the start of each period.
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

МВСД(значения, финансовая_норма, реинвест_норма)

Returns the modified internal rate of return.

значенияThe list (array or reference) of payment and income values.
финансовая_нормаThe interest rate on the payment values.
реинвест_нормаThe interest rate on the income values.

МДЛИТ(settlement_date, maturity_date, coupon, yield, frequency, [basis])

Returns the modified Macauley duration for a value of $100.

settlement_dateThe settlement date.
maturity_dateThe maturity date.
couponThe interest rate.
yieldThe annual yield rate.
frequencyThe number of coupon payments per year. Should be 1, 2 or 4.
basisThe method used to represent the number of days in the period versus the number of days in a year. The possible values are:
0US (NASD) 30/360
4European 30/360
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

НАКОПДОХОД(issue_date, first_interest_date, settlement_date, rate, par, frequency, [basis])

Returns accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest.

issue_dateThe issue date.
first_interest_dateThe first interest date.
settlement_dateThe settlement date.
rateThe annual coupon rate.
parThe par value.
frequencyThe number of interest payments per year. Should be 1, 2 or 4.
basisThe method used to represent the number of days in the period versus the number of days in a year. The possible values are:
0US (NASD) 30/360
4European 30/360
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

НАКОПДОХОДПОГАШ(issue_date, maturity_date, rate, [par], [basis])

Returns accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity.

issue_dateThe issue date.
maturity_dateThe maturity date.
rateThe annual coupon rate.
parThe par value. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1000.
basisThe method used to represent the number of days in the period versus the number of days in a year. The possible values are:
0US (NASD) 30/360
4European 30/360
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

НОМИНАЛ(effect_rate, npery)

Returns the nominal annual interest rate.

effect_rateThe effective annual interest rate.
nperyThe number of compound interest payments per year.

НОРМА(кпер, выплата, нз, [бс], [тип], [предположение])

Returns the interest rate per period of an annuity.

кперThe total number of periods.
выплатаThe payment amount each period.
нзThe present value.
бсThe future value. If this parameter is omitted it is assumed to be zero.
типThe timing of the payment. The possible values are:
0Payment is made at the end of each period.
1Payment is made at the start of each period.
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.
предположениеThe estimated rate of return. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.1.

НПЗ(норма, значение1, [значение2, ...])

Returns the net present value of an investment.

нормаThe discount rate per period.
значение1, ...The payment and income amounts.

ОБЩДОХОД(норма, кпер, нз, нач_период, кон_период, тип)

Returns the cumulative principal paid on a loan in the specified periods.

нормаThe interest rate.
кперThe total number of periods.
нзThe present value.
нач_периодThe first period number for which to calculate interest.
кон_периодThe last period number for which to calculate interest.
типThe timing of the payment. The possible values are:
0Payment is made at the end of each period.
1Payment is made at the start of each period.

ОБЩПЛАТ(норма, кпер, нз, нач_период, кон_период, тип)

Returns the cumulative interest paid on a loan in the specified periods.

нормаThe interest rate.
кперThe total number of periods.
нзThe present value.
нач_периодThe first period number for which to calculate interest.
кон_периодThe last period number for which to calculate interest.
типThe timing of the payment. The possible values are:
0Payment is made at the end of each period.
1Payment is made at the start of each period.

ОСНПЛАТ(норма, период, кпер, тс, [бс], [тип])

Returns the payment on the principal for a specified period.

нормаThe interest rate per period.
периодThe period for which you want the payment amount.
кперThe total number of periods.
тсThe present value of the loan.
бсThe future value of the loan. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.
типThe timing of the payment. The possible values are:
0Payment is made at the end of each period.
1Payment is made at the start of each period.
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

ПДОБ(ликв_стоимость, ост_стоим, время_полн_аморт, нач_период, кон_период, [коэффициент], [без_переключений])

Returns the depreciation in a specified range of periods using the variable declining balance method.

ликв_стоимостьThe cost.
ост_стоимThe salvage value.
время_полн_амортThe total number of periods.
нач_периодThe first period number for which to calculate depreciation.
кон_периодThe last period number for which to calculate depreciation.
коэффициентThe rate at which the balance declines. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 2.
без_переключенийSpecifies whether to switch to straight-line depreciation when the straight-line depreciation is greater than the declining balance depreciation. The possible values are:
ЛОЖЬSwitch to straight-line depreciation.
ИСТИНАDo not switch to straight-line depreciation.
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ЛОЖЬ.

ПЗ(норма, кпер, [выплата], [бс], [тип])

Returns the present value of an investment at a fixed rate.

нормаThe interest rate per period.
кперThe total number of periods.
выплатаThe payment amount each period. If this parameter is omitted it is assumed to be zero.
бсThe future value. If this parameter is omitted it is assumed to be zero.
типThe timing of the payment. The possible values are:
0Payment is made at the end of each period.
1Payment is made at the start of each period.
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

ПЛПРОЦ(норма, период, кпер, тс, [бс], [тип])

Returns the interest payment for a given period.

нормаThe interest rate per period.
периодThe period for which you want the interest amount.
кперThe total number of periods.
тсThe present value.
бсThe future value. If this parameter is omitted it is assumed to be zero.
типThe timing of the payment. The possible values are:
0Payment is made at the end of each period.
1Payment is made at the start of each period.
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

ПОЛУЧЕНО(settlement_date, maturity_date, investment, discount, [basis])

Returns the amount received at maturity for a fully invested security.

settlement_dateThe settlement date.
maturity_dateThe maturity date.
investmentThe investment amount.
discountThe discount rate.
basisThe method used to represent the number of days in the period versus the number of days in a year. The possible values are:
0US (NASD) 30/360
4European 30/360
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

ППЛАТ(норма, кпер, [нз], [бс], [тип])

Returns the payment amount for a loan.

нормаThe interest rate per period.
кперThe total number of periods.
нзThe present value of the loan. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.
бсThe future value of the loan. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.
типThe timing of the payment. The possible values are:
0Payment is made at the end of each period.
1Payment is made at the start of each period.
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

ПРОЦПЛАТ(норма, период, кпер, тс)

Returns the interest payment for a given period.

нормаThe interest rate per period.
периодThe period for which you want the interest amount.
кперThe total number of periods.
тсThe present value.

РУБЛЬ.ДЕС(fractional_dollar, fraction)

Returns the decimal equivalent of a dollar price expressed as a fraction.

fractional_dollarThe value expressed as a fraction.
fractionThe fraction denominator.

РУБЛЬ.ДРОБЬ(decimal_dollar, fraction)

Returns the fraction equivalent of a dollar price expressed as a decimal.

decimal_dollarThe value expressed as a decimal.
fractionThe fraction denominator.

СКИДКА(settlement_date, maturity_date, pr, redemption, [basis])

Returns the discount rate for a security.

settlement_dateThe settlement date.
maturity_dateThe maturity date.
prThe price per $100 value.
redemptionThe redemption per $100 value.
basisThe method used to represent the number of days in the period versus the number of days in a year. The possible values are:
0US (NASD) 30/360
4European 30/360
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

ЦЕНА(settlement_date, maturity_date, rate, yield, redemption, frequency, [basis])

Returns the price per $100 of a security.

settlement_dateThe settlement date.
maturity_dateThe maturity date.
rateThe annual coupon rate.
yieldThe annual yield rate.
redemptionThe redemption value per $100.
frequencyThe number of coupon payments per year. Should be 1, 2 or 4.
basisThe method used to represent the number of days in the period versus the number of days in a year. The possible values are:
0US (NASD) 30/360
4European 30/360
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

ЦЕНАКЧЕК(settlement_date, maturity_date, discount)

Returns the price per $100 for a treasury bill.

settlement_dateThe settlement date.
maturity_dateThe maturity date.
discountThe discount rate.

ЦЕНАПЕРВНЕРЕГ(settlement_date, maturity_date, issue_date, first_coupon_date, rate, yield, redemption, frequency, [basis])

Returns the price per $100 face value of a security having an odd (short or long) first period.

settlement_dateThe settlement date.
maturity_dateThe maturity date.
issue_dateThe issue date.
first_coupon_dateThe first coupon date.
rateThe annual coupon rate.
yieldThe annual yield rate.
redemptionThe redemption value per $100.
frequencyThe number of coupon payments per year. Should be 1, 2 or 4.
basisThe method used to represent the number of days in the period versus the number of days in a year. The possible values are:
0US (NASD) 30/360
4European 30/360
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

ЦЕНАПОГАШ(settlement_date, maturity_date, issue_date, rate, yield, [basis])

Returns the price per $100 of a security that pays interest at maturity.

settlement_dateThe settlement date.
maturity_dateThe maturity date.
issue_dateThe issue date.
rateThe interest rate.
yieldThe annual yield rate.
basisThe method used to represent the number of days in the period versus the number of days in a year. The possible values are:
0US (NASD) 30/360
4European 30/360
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

ЦЕНАПОСЛНЕРЕГ(settlement_date, maturity_date, last_coupon_date, rate, yield, redemption, frequency, [basis])

Returns the price per $100 face value of a security having an odd (short or long) last period.

settlement_dateThe settlement date.
maturity_dateThe maturity date.
last_coupon_dateThe last coupon date.
rateThe annual coupon rate.
yieldThe annual yield rate.
redemptionThe redemption value per $100.
frequencyThe number of coupon payments per year. Should be 1, 2 or 4.
basisThe method used to represent the number of days in the period versus the number of days in a year. The possible values are:
0US (NASD) 30/360
4European 30/360
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

ЦЕНАСКИДКА(settlement_date, maturity_date, discount, redemption, [basis])

Returns the price per $100 of a discounted security.

settlement_dateThe settlement date.
maturity_dateThe maturity date.
discountThe discount rate.
redemptionThe redemption value per $100.
basisThe method used to represent the number of days in the period versus the number of days in a year. The possible values are:
0US (NASD) 30/360
4European 30/360
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

ЧИСЛКУПОН(settlement_date, maturity_date, frequency, [basis])

Returns the number of coupon periods between the settlement date and the maturity date.

settlement_dateThe settlement date.
maturity_dateThe maturity date.
frequencyThe number of coupon payments per year. Should be 1, 2 or 4.
basisThe method used to represent the number of days in the period versus the number of days in a year. The possible values are:
0US (NASD) 30/360
4European 30/360
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

ЧИСТВНДОХ(значения, dates_range, [предположение])

Returns the internal rate of return.

значенияThe list (array or reference) of payment and income values.
dates_rangeThe list (array or reference) of the dates of the payment and income values.
предположениеThe estimated rate of return. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.1.

ЧИСТНЗ(норма, значения, dates_range)

Returns the net present value of an investment.

нормаThe discount rate per period.
значенияThe list (array or reference) of payment and income values.
dates_rangeThe list (array or reference) of the dates of the payment and income values.

ЭФФЕКТ(nominal_rate, npery)

Returns the effective annual interest rate.

nominal_rateThe nominal annual interest rate.
nperyThe number of compound interest payments per year.

Проверка свойств и значений functions


Returns ИСТИНА if the value is a logical value, otherwise ЛОЖЬ.

значениеThe expression whose result you want to check.


Returns ИСТИНА if the value is the error #Н/Д, otherwise ЛОЖЬ.

значениеThe expression whose result you want to check.


Returns ИСТИНА if the value is not a string, otherwise ЛОЖЬ.

значениеThe expression whose result you want to check.


Returns ИСТИНА if the number is odd, otherwise ЛОЖЬ.

числоThe number you want to check.


Returns ИСТИНА if the value is an error other than #Н/Д, otherwise ЛОЖЬ.

значениеThe expression whose result you want to check.


Returns ИСТИНА if the value is an error, otherwise ЛОЖЬ.

значениеThe expression whose result you want to check.


Returns ИСТИНА if the value is a reference to an empty cell, otherwise ЛОЖЬ.

значениеThe cell whose value you want to check.


Returns ИСТИНА if the value is a reference, otherwise ЛОЖЬ.

значениеThe expression whose result you want to check.


Returns ИСТИНА if the value is a string, otherwise ЛОЖЬ.

значениеThe expression whose result you want to check.


Returns ИСТИНА if the number is even, otherwise ЛОЖЬ.

числоThe number you want to check.


Returns ИСТИНА if the value is a number, otherwise ЛОЖЬ.

значениеThe expression whose result you want to check.


Returns information about the current spreadsheet.

тип_информацииThe type of information you want returned. The possible values are:
"КАТАЛОГ"The path of the current directory
"ДОСТУПНАЯПАМЯТЬ"The number of bytes of memory available
"ИСПОЛЬЗУЕМАЯПАМЯТЬ"The number of bytes of memory used
"ЧИСЛОФАЙЛОВ"The number of spreadsheet files that are open
"ИСТОЧНИК"A string containing the address of the cell in the top-left corner of the scrollable region
"ВЕРСИЯОС"The operating system version number
"ПЕРЕВЫЧИСЛИТЬ"A string containing "Automatic" or "Manual", depending on the recalculation mode
"ВЕРСИЯ"The release version with which this program is compatible
"СИСТЕМА"The operating system type
"ПАМЯТЬВСЕГО"The total number of bytes of memory


Returns the error value #Н/Д.


Returns the number of blank cells in a range.

диапазонThe reference of the cells you want to check.


Returns a number corresponding to the type of the value.

значениеThe value, or cell containing the value, that you want to check.
The returned values are:


Returns a number corresponding to the type of the error.

значение_ошибкиThe error value, or cell containing the error value, that you want to check.
The returned values are:


Returns a number corresponding to the input value, or 0 if the input value is a string. You should not need to use this function, as values are automatically converted where necessary when they are used in formulas.

значениеThe value you want as a number.

ЯЧЕЙКА(тип_информации, [ссылка])

Returns information about a worksheet cell.

тип_информацииThe type of information you want returned. The possible values are:
"АДРЕС"A string containing the cell reference
"СТОЛБЕЦ"The column number of the cell
"ЦВЕТ"1 if the cell is formatted in color for negative values, otherwise 0 (not currently implemented)
"СОДЕРЖИМОЕ"The result of the formula in the cell, or 0 if the cell is empty
"ИМЯФАЙЛА"The path, filename and sheet name of the cell
"ФОРМАТ"The number format that has been applied to the cell
"СКОБКИ"1 if the cell is formatted in parentheses for positive values, otherwise 0 (not currently implemented)
"ПРЕФИКС"The text alignment that has been applied to the cell (not currently implemented)
"ЗАЩИТА"1 if the cell is locked, otherwise 0
"СТРОКА"The row number of the cell
"ТИП"A string representing the type of the cell result: "b" for blank, "l" for label (string), otherwise "v"
"ШИРИНА"The cell width in characters
ссылкаThe cell about which you want information. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to the cell containing the formula.

Логические functions

ЕСЛИ(логическое_выражение, [значение_если_истина], [значение_если_ложь])

Returns one of two other values depending no whether the logical test evaluates to ИСТИНА or ЛОЖЬ.

логическое_выражениеAn expression that results in ИСТИНА or ЛОЖЬ.
значение_если_истинаThe value to be returned of the logical test is ИСТИНА. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.
значение_если_ложьThe value to be returned of the logical test is ЛОЖЬ. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ЛОЖЬ.

И(логическое1, [логическое2, ...])

Returns ИСТИНА if all of the input values are ИСТИНА.

логическое1, ...The values that you want to check.

ИЛИ(логическое1, [логическое2, ...])

Returns ИСТИНА if any of the input values are ИСТИНА.

логическое1, ...The values that you want to check.


Returns the logical value ИСТИНА.


Returns the logical value ЛОЖЬ.


Returns ИСТИНА if the input expression evaluates to ЛОЖЬ, and vice versa.

флагThe logical expression for which you want the opposite value.

Ссылки и массивы functions

АДРЕС(номер_строки, номер_столбца, [абсолютный_номер], [а1], [текст_листа])

Returns a string containing the specified cell address.

номер_строкиThe row number of the cell.
номер_столбцаThe column number of the cell.
абсолютный_номерA number representing whether the row or column are to be absolute or relative. The possible values are:
1Both absolute
2Absolute row, relative column
3Relative row, absolute column
4Both relative
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1.
а1Specifies the style of the reference. The possible values are:
ЛОЖЬR1C1 style
ИСТИНАA1 style
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ИСТИНА.
текст_листаOptional sheet name with which to prefix the reference.

ВПР(искомое_значение, табл_массив, номер_индекса_столбца, [диапазон_просмотра])

Returns a value from a vertical table, found by searching for the lookup value in the left column of the table and then returning a value from the same or a different column in the table.

искомое_значениеThe value to be found in the table.
табл_массивA reference containing the table cells.
номер_индекса_столбцаThe offset of the value to be returned, where 1 is the left column of the table.
диапазон_просмотраWhether to find an approximate or exact match. The possible values are:
ЛОЖЬAn exact match is required
ИСТИНАIf an exact match is not found, use the closest value less than the lookup value
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ИСТИНА.

ВЫБОР(номер_индекса, значение1, [значение2, ...])

Returns one of several values depending on the index.

номер_индексаThe index of the value to be returned, should be in the range 1 to 29.
значение1, ...Up to 29 values, one of which will be chosen to be the result.

ГИПЕРССЫЛКА(адрес_документа, [имя])

Jumps to a cell or range when this cell is selected.

адрес_документаA text expression that evaluates to the form "filename" or "[filename]reference".
имяThe text to be displayed in the cell. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to the link location text.

ГПР(искомое_значение, таблица, номер_строки, [диапазон_просмотра])

Returns a value from a horizontal table, found by searching for the lookup value in the top row of the table and then returning a value from the same or a different row in the table.

искомое_значениеThe value to be found in the table.
таблицаA reference containing the table cells.
номер_строкиThe offset of the value to be returned, where 1 is the top row of the table.
диапазон_просмотраWhether to find an approximate or exact match. The possible values are:
ЛОЖЬAn exact match is required
ИСТИНАIf an exact match is not found, use the closest value less than the lookup value
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ИСТИНА.

ДВССЫЛ(ссылка, [а1])

Returns a reference from the specified text.

ссылкаA text expression that evaluates to the name of a cell or range of cells.
а1Specifies the style of the reference. The possible values are:
ЛОЖЬR1C1 style
ИСТИНАA1 style
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ИСТИНА.

ИНДЕКС(ссылка, [номер_строки], [номер_столбца], [номер_области])

Returns a subset of an array or reference.

ссылкаThe array or reference of which you want the subset.
номер_строкиThe number of the row to return. If this parameter is omitted all rows will be returned.
номер_столбцаThe number of the column to return. If this parameter is omitted all columns will be returned.
номер_областиThe number of the area to return when the reference contains more than one area. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1.


Returns the number of areas contained in the reference.

ссылкаThe reference whose areas you want to count.

ПОИСКПОЗ(искомое_значение, искомый_массив, [тип_сопоставления])

Returns a number representing the position of a value in a table.

искомое_значениеThe value to be found in the table.
искомый_массивA reference containing the table cells.
тип_сопоставленияWhether to find an approximate or exact match. The possible values are:
1If an exact match is not found, use the closest value less than the lookup value (the table values should be in ascending order)
0An exact match is required
-1If an exact match is not found, use the closest value greater than the lookup value (the table values should be in descending order)
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1.

ПРОСМОТР(искомое_значение, вектор_просмотра, [вектор_результата])

Returns a value from a horizontal or vertical table, found by searching for the lookup value in the top row (for a horizontal table) or left column (for a vertical or square table) of the table and then returning a value from the corresponding position in the result range (if specified) or from the bottom row (for a horizontal table) or right column (for a vertical or square table) of the table.

искомое_значениеThe value to be found in the table.
вектор_просмотраA reference containing the table cells.
вектор_результатаThe range of cells from which to return a result. If this parameter is not specified the result will be returned from the opposite row or column of the table range.

СМЕЩ(ссылка, строки, столбцы, [высота], [ширина])

Returns a new reference based on the specified reference.

ссылкаThe reference to be used as a starting point.
строкиThe number of rows to move the reference up (negative) or down (positive).
столбцыThe number of columns to move the reference left (negative) or right (positive).
высотаThe height of the new reference. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to the height of the old reference.
ширинаThe width of the new reference. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to the width of the old reference.


Returns the column number of the reference.

ссылкаThe reference whose column number you want. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to the cell containing the function.


Returns the row number of the reference.

ссылкаThe reference whose row number you want. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to the cell containing the function.


Returns the transposition of the specified array or reference.

массивThe array or reference whose values you want to transpose.


Returns the number of columns in the reference.

массивThe reference whose columns you want to count.


Returns the number of rows in the reference.

массивThe reference whose rows you want to count.

Математические functions


Returns the absolute value of a number.

числоThe number for which you want the absolute value.


Returns the angle in radians corresponding to the arccosine of a number.

числоThe number for which you want the arccosine.


Returns the angle in radians corresponding to the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number.

числоThe number for which you want the inverse hyperbolic cosine.


Returns the angle in radians corresponding to the arcsine of a number.

числоThe number for which you want the arcsine.


Returns the angle in radians corresponding to the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number.

числоThe number for which you want the inverse hyperbolic sine.


Returns the angle in radians corresponding to the arctangent of a number.

числоThe number for which you want the arctangent.

ATAN2(x_num, y_num)

Returns the angle in radians corresponding to a pair of co-ordinates.

x_numThe x co-ordinate for which you want the angle.
y_numThe y co-ordinate for which you want the angle.


Returns the angle in radians corresponding to the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number.

числоThe number for which you want the inverse hyperbolic tangent.


Returns the cosine of an angle.

числоThe angle for which you want the cosine. It must be specified in radians.


Returns the hyperbolic cosine of an angle.

числоThe angle for which you want the hyperbolic cosine. It must be specified in radians.


Returns the e raised to the power number.

числоThe power to which you want to raise e.


Returns the natural logarithm of a number.

числоThe number for which you want the natural logarithm.

LOG(число, [основание_логарифма])

Returns the logarithm of a number in a specified base.

числоThe number for which you want the logarithm.
основание_логарифмаThe base in which you want the logarithm. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 10.


Returns the base 10 logarithm of a number.

числоThe number for which you want the base 10 logarithm.


Returns the sine of an angle.

числоThe angle for which you want the sine. It must be specified in radians.


Returns the hyperbolic sine of an angle.

числоThe angle for which you want the hyperbolic sine. It must be specified in radians.


Returns the tangent of an angle.

числоThe angle for which you want the tangent. It must be specified in radians.


Returns the hyperbolic tangent of an angle.

числоThe angle for which you want the hyperbolic tangent. It must be specified in radians.


Converts an angle from radians to degrees.

уголThe angle that you want to convert.


Returns the sign of a number; 1 for positive, -1 for negative and 0 for zero.

числоThe number of which you want the sign.


Returns the square root of a number.

числоThe number of which you want the square root.


Returns the square root of a number after it is multiplied by Pi.

числоThe number which you want to multiply by Pi and then take the square root.


Returns the inverse of a matrix.

массивAn array or reference to cells containing the matrix.


Returns the determinant of a matrix.

массивAn array or reference to cells containing the matrix.

МУЛЬТИНОМ(число1, [число2, ...])

Returns the factorial of the sum of the values divided by the product of their factorials.

число1, ...The numbers of which you want the multinomial.

МУМНОЖ(массив1, массив2)

Returns the product of two matrices.

массив1An array or reference to cells containing the first matrix.
массив2An array or reference to cells containing the second matrix.


Returns the number rounded up to the next odd number.

числоThe number which you want rounded.

НОД(число1, [число2, ...])

Returns the greatest common divisor of a set of numbers.

число1, ...The numbers of which you want the greatest common divisor.

НОК(число1, [число2, ...])

Returns the lowest common multiple of a set of numbers.

число1, ...The numbers of which you want the lowest common multiple.

ОКРВВЕРХ(число, значимость)

Returns the number rounded up (away from zero) to the next multiple of significance.

числоThe number which you want rounded.
значимостьThe units you want to use for rounding.

ОКРВНИЗ(число, значимость)

Returns the number rounded down (towards zero) to the next multiple of significance.

числоThe number which you want rounded.
значимостьThe units you want to use for rounding.

ОКРУГЛ(число, количество_цифр)

Returns a number rounded to the number of decimal places specified.

числоThe number that you want rounded.
количество_цифрThe number of decimal places to round to (may be negative).

ОКРУГЛВВЕРХ(число, [количество_цифр])

Returns a number rounded up to the number of decimal places specified.

числоThe number that you want rounded.
количество_цифрThe number of decimal places to round to (may be negative). If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

ОКРУГЛВНИЗ(число, [количество_цифр])

Returns a number rounded down to the number of decimal places specified.

числоThe number that you want rounded.
количество_цифрThe number of decimal places to round to (may be negative). If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

ОКРУГЛТ(число, multiple)

Returns the number rounded to a multiple.

числоThe number that you want rounded.
multipleThe multiple to which you want the number rounded.

ОСТАТ(число, делитель)

Returns the remainder of a division.

числоThe dividend.
делительThe divisor.

ОТБР(число, [количество_цифр])

Returns a number truncated to the number of decimal places specified.

числоThe number that you want truncated.
количество_цифрThe number of decimal places to truncate to (may be negative).


Returns the value of Pi.

ПРОИЗВЕД(число1, [число2, ...])

Returns the product of a list of numbers.

число1, ...The numbers that you want to multiply together.

ПРОМЕЖУТОЧНЫЕ.ИТОГИ(номер_функции, ссылка1, [ссылка2, ...])

Returns the subtotal of values in one or more ranges, excluding other subtotal figures.

номер_функцииThe subtotal function that you want. The possible values are:
ссылка1, ...The ranges of cells that you want subtotalled.


Converts an angle from degrees to radians.

уголThe angle that you want to convert.

РИМСКОЕ(число, [форма])

Returns a string representing a number converted to roman numerals.

числоThe number that you want to convert.
формаSpecifies the compactness of the representation. The possible values are:
1More compact
2More compact
3More compact
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

РЯД.СУММ(x, n, m, coefficients)

Returns the value of a polynomial.

xThe number to be raised to a power.
nThe power of the first term in the series.
mThe difference between successive powers in the series.
coefficientsAn array or reference to cells containing the coefficients.

СЛУЧМЕЖДУ(наименьшее, наибольшее)

Returns a random integer in the range you specify.

наименьшееThe lower limit of the range.
наибольшееThe upper limit of the range.


Returns a random number between 0 and 1.

СТЕПЕНЬ(число, степень)

Returns the number raised to the power.

числоThe number which you want raised to a power.
степеньThe power to which you want to raise the number.

СУММ(число1, [число2, ...])

Returns the sum of a list of numbers.

число1, ...The numbers that you want to add together.

СУММЕСЛИ(диапазон, условие, [диапазон_суммирования])

Returns the sum of cells in a specified range that meet the specified criteria.

диапазонA reference to the cells you want to check.
условиеA string containing a comparison expression.
диапазон_суммированияA range containing values to be summed where the values in the first range meet the specified criteria. If this parameter is omitted then the values in the first range are summed.

СУММКВ(число1, [число2, ...])

Returns the sum of the squares of the numbers in the list.

число1, ...The numbers that are to be squared and then summed.

СУММКВРАЗН(массив_x, массив_y)

Returns the sum of the squares of the differences of the numbers in the ranges.

массив_xThe first range of numbers.
массив_yThe second range of numbers.

СУММПРОИЗВ(массив1, [массив2, ...])

Returns the sum of the products of the cells in one or more ranges.

массив1, ...The ranges of cells where corresponding values are multiplied together and then summed.

СУММРАЗНКВ(массив_x, массив_y)

Returns the sum of the differences of the squares of the numbers in the ranges.

массив_xThe first range of numbers.
массив_yThe second range of numbers.

СУММСУММКВ(массив_x, массив_y)

Returns the sum of the sums of the squares of the numbers in the ranges.

массив_xThe first range of numbers.
массив_yThe second range of numbers.

СЧЁТЕСЛИ(диапазон, условие)

Returns the number of cells in a specified range that meet the specified criteria.

диапазонA reference to the cells you want to count.
условиеA string containing a comparison expression.


Returns the factorial of a number.

числоThe number of which you want the factorial.


Returns the number rounded down to the next integer.

числоThe number which you want rounded.


Returns the number rounded up to the next even number.

числоThe number which you want rounded.

ЧАСТНОЕ(numerator, denominator)

Returns the integer result of a division.

numeratorThe dividend.
denominatorThe divisor.

ЧИСЛКОМБ(число, выбранное_число)

Returns the number of combinations in which a number of items can be chosen from a total number.

числоThe total number of items.
выбранное_числоThe number of items chosen.

Статистические functions

FРАСП(x, степени_свободы1, степени_свободы2)

Returns the F distribution probability.

xThe value at which you want to evaluate the function.
степени_свободы1The degrees of freedom of the first set.
степени_свободы2The degrees of freedom of the second set.

FРАСПОБР(вероятность, степени_свободы1, степени_свободы2)

Returns the value associated with the specified F distribution probability.

вероятностьThe probability for which you want the value.
степени_свободы1The degrees of freedom of the first set.
степени_свободы2The degrees of freedom of the second set.

ZТЕСТ(массив, x, [сигма])

Returns the probability result of the z test.

массивAn array or reference to cells containing the data against which x is to be tested.
xThe value to be tested.
сигмаThe population standard deviation. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to the sample standard deviation of the data.

БЕТАОБР(вероятность, альфа, бета, [А], [B])

Returns the value associated with the specified cumulative beta distribution probability.

вероятностьThe cumulative beta distribution probability for which you want the value.
альфаThe alpha value.
бетаThe beta value.
АThe lower limit. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.
BThe upper limit. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1.

БЕТАРАСП(x, альфа, бета, [А], [B])

Returns the cumulative beta distribution probability.

xThe value at which you want to evaluate the function.
альфаThe alpha value.
бетаThe beta value.
АThe lower limit. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.
BThe upper limit. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1.

БИНОМРАСП(число_s, испытания, вероятность_s, интегральный)

Returns the binomial distribution probability.

число_sThe number of trials that are successful.
испытанияThe total number of trials.
вероятность_sThe probability of a single trial being successful.
интегральныйSpecifies whether to return the cumulative probability or not. The possible values are:
ЛОЖЬReturn the value of the function.
ИСТИНАReturn the integral of the function.

ВЕЙБУЛЛ(x, альфа, бета, интегральный)

Returns the Weibull distribution probability.

xThe value at which you want to evaluate the function.
альфаThe alpha value.
бетаThe beta value.
интегральныйSpecifies whether to return the cumulative probability or not. The possible values are:
ЛОЖЬReturn the value of the function.
ИСТИНАReturn the integral of the function.

ВЕРОЯТНОСТЬ(x_диапазон, диапазон_вероятн, нижний_предел, [верхний_пред])

Returns the probability that numbers in a set are between the specified limits.

x_диапазонAn array or reference to cells containing the numbers.
диапазон_вероятнAn array or reference to cells containing the probabilities associated with each number. These values must add up to 1.
нижний_пределThe lower limit of the test.
верхний_предThe upper limit of the test. If this value is omitted it defaults to the value specified for the lower limit.


Returns the natural logarithm of the gamma function evaluated at x.

xThe value at which you want to evaluate the function.

ГАММАОБР(вероятность, альфа, бета)

Returns the value associated with the specified gamma distribution probability.

вероятностьThe probability for which you want the value.
альфаThe alpha value.
бетаThe beta value.

ГАММАРАСП(x, альфа, бета, интегральный)

Returns the gamma distribution probability.

xThe value at which you want to evaluate the function.
альфаThe alpha value.
бетаThe beta value.
интегральныйSpecifies whether to return the cumulative probability or not. The possible values are:
ЛОЖЬReturn the value of the function.
ИСТИНАReturn the integral of the function.

ГИПЕРГЕОМЕТ(пример_s, размер_выборки, ген_совокупность_s, размер_ген_совокупности)

Returns the hypergeometric distribution probability.

пример_sThe number of sample trials that are successful.
размер_выборкиThe total number of trials in the sample.
ген_совокупность_sThe number of population trials that are successful.
размер_ген_совокупностиThe total number of trials in the population.

ДИСП(число1, [число2, ...])

Returns the variance (based on a population sample) of a set of numbers.

число1, ...The numbers of which you want the variance.

ДИСПА(значение1, [значение2, ...])

Returns the variance (based on a population sample) of a set of values.

значение1, ...The values of which you want the variance.

ДИСПР(число1, [число2, ...])

Returns the variance (based on the entire population) of a set of numbers.

число1, ...The numbers of which you want the variance.

ДИСПРА(значение1, [значение2, ...])

Returns the variance (based on the entire population) of a set of values.

значение1, ...The values of which you want the variance.

ДОВЕРИТ(альфа, стандартное_откл, размер)

Returns the confidence interval for a population mean.

альфаThe significance level.
стандартное_отклThe population standard deviation.
размерThe sample size.

КВАДРОТКЛ(число1, [число2, ...])

Returns the sum of the squares of the differences of a set of numbers from their mean.

число1, ...The numbers of which you want the squared deviations.

КВАРТИЛЬ(массив, значение)

Returns the specified quartile of a set of numbers.

массивAn array or reference to cells containing the numbers.
значениеSpecifies which quartile to return. The possible values are:
0Returns the minimum value.
1Returns the first quartile.
2Returns the second quartile.
3Returns the third quartile.
4Returns the maximum value.

КВПИРСОН(известные_y, известные_x)

Returns the square of the Pearson correlation coefficient.

известные_yThe first range to be compared.
известные_xThe second range to be compared.

КОВАР(массив1, массив2)

Returns the covariance of two ranges.

массив1The first range to be compared.
массив2The second range to be compared.

КОРРЕЛ(массив1, массив2)

Returns the correlation coefficient of two ranges.

массив1The first range to be compared.
массив2The second range to be compared.

КРИТБИНОМ(испытания, вероятность_s, альфа)

Returns the value at which the cumulative binomial distribution is greater than or equal to alpha.

испытанияThe total number of trials.
вероятность_sThe probability of a single trial being successful.
альфаThe value at which you want to evaluate the function.

ЛГРФПРИБЛ(изв_знач_y, [изв_знач_x], [константа], [стат])

Returns the coefficients for an exponential curve using multiple linear regression.

изв_знач_yThe y values that are already known.
изв_знач_xOne or more sets of x values corresponding to the known y values. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to an array of values from 1 to the number of known ys.
константаSpecifies whether the line must pass through the origin. The possible values are:
ЛОЖЬThe intercept is forced to be 1.
ИСТИНАThe intercept is calculated normally.
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ИСТИНА.
статSpecifies whether the additional statistics are returned in the rows below the coefficients. These are: the standard error values for the coefficients, the R2 coefficient, the standard error for the Y estimate, the F statistic, the degrees of freedom, the regression sum of squares and the residual sum of squares. The possible values are:
ЛОЖЬThe additional statistics are not returned.
ИСТИНАThe additional statistics are returned.
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ЛОЖЬ.

ЛИНЕЙН(изв_знач_y, [изв_знач_x], [константа], [стат])

Returns the coefficients for a straight line using multiple linear regression.

изв_знач_yThe y values that are already known.
изв_знач_xOne or more sets of x values corresponding to the known y values. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to an array of values from 1 to the number of known ys.
константаSpecifies whether the line must pass through the origin. The possible values are:
ЛОЖЬThe line is forced to pass through the origin.
ИСТИНАThe line is not forced to pass through the origin.
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ИСТИНА.
статSpecifies whether the additional statistics are returned in the rows below the coefficients. These are: the standard error values for the coefficients, the R2 coefficient, the standard error for the Y estimate, the F statistic, the degrees of freedom, the regression sum of squares and the residual sum of squares. The possible values are:
ЛОЖЬThe additional statistics are not returned.
ИСТИНАThe additional statistics are returned.
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ЛОЖЬ.

ЛОГНОРМОБР(вероятность, среднее, стандартное_откл)

Returns the value associated with the specified cumulative lognormal distribution probability.

вероятностьThe probability for which you want the value.
среднееThe mean of the natural logarithms of the values.
стандартное_отклThe standard deviation of the natural logarithms of the values.

ЛОГНОРМРАСП(x, среднее, стандартное_откл)

Returns the cumulative lognormal distribution probability.

xThe value at which you want to evaluate the function.
среднееThe mean of the natural logarithms of the values.
стандартное_отклThe standard deviation of the natural logarithms of the values.

МАКС(число1, [число2, ...])

Returns the maximum of a set of numbers.

число1, ...The numbers of which you want the maximum.

МАКСА(значение1, [значение2, ...])

Returns the maximum of a set of values.

значение1, ...The values of which you want the maximum.

МЕДИАНА(число1, [число2, ...])

Returns the median of a set of numbers.

число1, ...The numbers of which you want the median.

МИН(число1, [число2, ...])

Returns the minimum of a set of numbers.

число1, ...The numbers of which you want the minimum.

МИНА(значение1, [значение2, ...])

Returns the minimum of a set of values.

значение1, ...The values of which you want the minimum.

МОДА(число1, [число2, ...])

Returns the mode of a set of numbers.

число1, ...The numbers of which you want the mode.

НАИБОЛЬШИЙ(массив, k)

Returns the kth largest number in a set of numbers.

массивAn array or reference to cells containing numbers of which you want the kth largest.
kThe rank of the number that you want.

НАИМЕНЬШИЙ(массив, k)

Returns the kth smallest number in a set of numbers.

массивAn array or reference to cells containing numbers of which you want the kth smallest.
kThe rank of the number that you want.

НАКЛОН(изв_знач_y, изв_знач_x)

Returns the slope of a line passing through a specified set of points.

изв_знач_yThe y values that are already known.
изв_знач_xThe x values that are already known.

НОРМАЛИЗАЦИЯ(x, среднее, стандартное_откл)

Returns the standardized value of x for the specified mean and standard deviation.

xThe value that you want to standardize.
среднееThe mean of the values.
стандартное_отклThe standard deviation of the values.

НОРМОБР(вероятность, среднее, стандартное_откл)

Returns the value associated with the specified cumulative normal distribution probability.

вероятностьThe probability for which you want the value.
среднееThe mean of the values.
стандартное_отклThe standard deviation of the values.

НОРМРАСП(x, среднее, стандартное_откл, интегральный)

Returns the normal distribution probability.

xThe value at which you want to evaluate the function.
среднееThe mean of the values.
стандартное_отклThe standard deviation of the values.
интегральныйSpecifies whether to return the cumulative probability or not. The possible values are:
ЛОЖЬReturn the value of the function.
ИСТИНАReturn the integral of the function.


Returns the value associated with the specified cumulative standard normal distribution probability.

вероятностьThe probability for which you want the value.


Returns the cumulative standard normal distribution probability.

zThe value at which you want to evaluate the function.

ОТРБИНОМРАСП(число_f, число_s, вероятность_s)

Returns the negative binomial distribution probability.

число_fThe number of trials that fail.
число_sThe threshold number of trials that are successful.
вероятность_sThe probability of a single trial being successful.

ОТРЕЗОК(изв_знач_y, изв_знач_x)

Returns the expected value of y when x is zero for a line passing though a specified set of points.

изв_знач_yThe y values that are already known.
изв_знач_xThe x values that are already known.

ПЕРЕСТ(число, выбранное_число)

Returns the number of permutations in which a number of items can be chosen from a total number.

числоThe total number of items.
выбранное_числоThe number of items chosen.

ПЕРСЕНТИЛЬ(массив, k)

Returns the kth percentile of a set of values.

массивAn array or reference to cells containing the values.
kThe percentile value.

ПИРСОН(массив1, массив2)

Returns the Pearson correlation coefficient.

массив1The first range to be compared.
массив2The second range to be compared.

ПРЕДСКАЗ(x, изв_знач_y, изв_знач_x)

Returns the expected value of y for a given x value for a line passing through a specified set of points.

xThe x value at which to evaluate the function.
изв_знач_yThe y values that are already known.
изв_знач_xThe x values that are already known.

ПРОЦЕНТРАНГ(массив, x, [значимость])

Returns the percentile of a value in a set of values.

массивAn array or reference to cells containing the values.
xThe value of which you want the percentile.
значимостьThe number of decimal places required in the result. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 3.

ПУАССОН(x, среднее, интегральный)

Returns the Poisson distribution probability.

xThe value at which you want to evaluate the function.
среднееThe mean of the values.
интегральныйSpecifies whether to return the cumulative probability or not. The possible values are:
ЛОЖЬReturn the value of the function.
ИСТИНАReturn the integral of the function.

РАНГ(число, ссылка, [порядок])

Returns the rank of a number in a set of numbers.

числоThe number of which you want the rank.
ссылкаAn array or reference to cells containing the values.
порядокSpecifies whether the list is treated as being in ascending or descending order of value. The possible values are:
0The list is in descending order (the highest value has rank 1).
any other valueThe list is in ascending order (the lowest value has rank 1).
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 0.

РОСТ(изв_знач_y, [изв_знач_x], [нов_знач_x], [константа])

Returns the expected values of y for given x values for an exponential curve passing through a specified set of points.

изв_знач_yThe y values that are already known.
изв_знач_xThe x values that are already known. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to an array of values from 1 to the number of known ys.
нов_знач_xThe new x values for which y values are required. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to the known xs.
константаSpecifies whether the line must pass through the origin. The possible values are:
ЛОЖЬThe intercept is forced to be 1.
ИСТИНАThe intercept is calculated normally.
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ИСТИНА.

СКОС(число1, [число2, ...])

Returns the skewness of a set of numbers.

число1, ...The numbers of which you want the skewness.

СРГАРМ(число1, [число2, ...])

Returns the harmonic mean of a set of numbers.

число1, ...The numbers of which you want the harmonic mean.

СРГЕОМ(число1, [число2, ...])

Returns the geometric mean of a set of numbers.

число1, ...The numbers of which you want the geometric mean.

СРЗНАЧ(число1, [число2, ...])

Returns the average of a set of numbers.

число1, ...The numbers of which you want the average.

СРЗНАЧА(значение1, [значение2, ...])

Returns the average of a set of values.

значение1, ...The values of which you want the average.

СРОТКЛ(число1, [число2, ...])

Returns the average of the differences of a set of numbers from their mean.

число1, ...The numbers of which you want the average deviation.

СТАНДОТКЛОН(число1, [число2, ...])

Returns the standard deviation (based on a population sample) of a set of numbers.

число1, ...The numbers of which you want the standard deviation.

СТАНДОТКЛОНА(значение1, [значение2, ...])

Returns the standard deviation (based on a population sample) of a set of values.

значение1, ...The values of which you want the standard deviation.

СТАНДОТКЛОНП(число1, [число2, ...])

Returns the standard deviation (based on the entire population) of a set of numbers.

число1, ...The numbers of which you want the standard deviation.

СТАНДОТКЛОНПА(значение1, [значение2, ...])

Returns the standard deviation (based on the entire population) of a set of values.

значение1, ...The values of which you want the standard deviation.

СТОШYX(изв_знач_y, изв_знач_x)

Returns the standard error of the y values of a line passing through a specified set of points.

изв_знач_yThe y values that are already known.
изв_знач_xThe x values that are already known.

СТЬЮДРАСП(x, степени_свободы, хвосты)

Returns the Student's T distribution probability.

xThe value at which you want to evaluate the function.
степени_свободыThe degrees of freedom.
хвостыSpecifies the tails to include in the distribution. Should be 1 or 2.

СТЬЮДРАСПОБР(вероятность, степени_свободы)

Returns the value associated with the specified Student's T distribution probability.

вероятностьThe probability for which you want the value.
степени_свободыThe degrees of freedom.

СЧЁТ(значение1, [значение2, ...])

Returns the count of numbers in a list.

значение1, ...The items whose numbers are to be counted.

СЧЁТЗ(значение1, [значение2, ...])

Returns the count of values in a list.

значение1, ...The items whose values are to be counted.

ТЕНДЕНЦИЯ(изв_знач_y, [изв_знач_x], [нов_знач_x], [константа])

Returns the expected values of y for given x values for a line passing through a specified set of points.

изв_знач_yThe y values that are already known.
изв_знач_xThe x values that are already known. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to an array of values from 1 to the number of known ys.
нов_знач_xThe new x values for which y values are required. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to the known xs.
константаSpecifies whether the line must pass through the origin. The possible values are:
ЛОЖЬThe line is forced to pass through the origin.
ИСТИНАThe line is not forced to pass through the origin.
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ИСТИНА.

ТТЕСТ(массив1, массив2, хвосты, тип)

Returns the probability result of the Student's T test.

массив1The first range to be compared.
массив2The second range to be compared.
хвостыSpecifies the tails to include in the distribution. Should be 1 or 2.
типSpecifies which type of test is required. The possible values are:
2Equal variance.
3Unequal variance.

УРЕЗСРЕДНЕЕ(массив, процент)

Returns the mean of a set of numbers with the extreme values removed.

массивAn array or reference to cells containing the numbers.
процентThe percentage of the numbers to exclude from the calculation.


Returns the Fisher transformation.

xThe value at which to evaluate the function.


Returns the inverse Fisher transformation.

yThe value at which to evaluate the function.

ФТЕСТ(массив1, массив2)

Returns the probability result of the F test.

массив1The first range to be compared.
массив2The second range to be compared.

ХИ2ОБР(вероятность, степени_свободы)

Returns the value associated with the specified chi-squared distribution probability.

вероятностьThe probability for which you want the value.
степени_свободыThe number of degrees of freedom.

ХИ2РАСП(x, степени_свободы)

Returns the chi-squared distribution probability.

xThe value at which you want to evaluate the function.
степени_свободыThe number of degrees of freedom.

ХИ2ТЕСТ(фактический_интервал, ожидаемый_интервал)

Returns the probability result of the chi-squared test.

фактический_интервалAn array or reference to cells containing the empirical results.
ожидаемый_интервалAn array or reference to cells containing the theoretical results.

ЧАСТОТА(массив_данных, двоичный_массив)

Returns the counts of items in specified numeric categories.

массив_данныхAn array or reference to a range of cells containing values to be counted.
двоичный_массивAn array or reference to a range of cells containing the upper limits for each category.

ЭКСПРАСП(x, лямбда, интегральный)

Returns the exponential distribution probability.

xThe value at which you want to evaluate the function.
лямбдаThe lambda value.
интегральныйSpecifies whether to return the cumulative probability or not. The possible values are:
ЛОЖЬReturn the value of the function.
ИСТИНАReturn the integral of the function.

ЭКСЦЕСС(число1, [число2, ...])

Returns the kurtosis of a set of numbers.

число1, ...The numbers of which you want the kurtosis.

Текстовые functions


Returns the length of the input string.

текстThe string of which you want the length.

ЗАМЕНИТЬ(старый_текст, нач_ном, число_литер, новый_текст)

Returns a string which is the input string with a specified portion replaced.

старый_текстThe string you want to convert.
нач_номThe starting position of the text to be removed.
число_литерThe number of characters to be removed.
новый_текстThe text to be inserted into the string.


Returns a number which corresponds to the value in the input string. You should not need to use this function, as values are automatically converted from text to numeric when required in formulas.

текстThe string that you want to convert to a number.


Returns the position in the character set of the first character in the string.

текстThe character of which you want the character code.

ЛЕВСИМВ(текст, [число_литер])

Returns a string consisting of the specified number of characters from the beginning of the input string.

текстThe string of which you want the beginning.
число_литерThe number of characters to extract from the string. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1.

НАЙТИ(найти_текст, внутр_текст, [нач_ном])

Returns a number corresponding to the position of one text string within another (case-sensitive).

найти_текстThe text you want to find.
внутр_текстThe text to be searched.
нач_номThe position at which to start searching. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1.


Returns a string corresponding to the input string with any unprintable characters removed.

текстThe text from which you want to remove unprintable characters.

ПОВТОР(текст, число_повторений)

Returns a string which is the input string repeated a specified number of times.

текстThe string you want to repeat.
число_повторенийThe number of times to repeat the string.

ПОДСТАВИТЬ(текст, стар_текст, нов_текст, [ном_вхождения])

Returns a string which is the input string with specified text replaced.

текстThe string you want to convert.
стар_текстThe string to be removed from the original text.
нов_текстThe string to be inserted in the original text.
ном_вхожденияSpecifies which occurrence of old_text is to be replaced. If this parameter is omitted then all occurrences are replaced.

ПОИСК(найти_текст, внутр_текст, [нач_ном])

Returns a number corresponding to the position of one text string within another (not case-sensitive).

найти_текстThe text you want to find.
внутр_текстThe text to be searched.
нач_номThe position at which to start searching. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1.

ПРАВСИМВ(текст, [число_литер])

Returns a string consisting of the specified number of characters from the end of the input string.

текстThe string of which you want the end.
число_литерThe number of characters to extract from the string. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1.


Returns a string which is the input string with all of the characters converted to upper case.

текстThe string that you want to convert.


Returns a string which is the input string with the first letter of each word converted to upper case and all of the other characters converted to lower case.

текстThe string you want to convert.

ПСТР(текст, нач_ном, число_литер)

Returns a string consisting of the specified number of characters from the specified position of the input string.

текстThe string of which you want the extract.
нач_номThe starting position of characters to extract from the string.
число_литерThe number of characters to extract from the string.

РУБЛЬ(число, [дес_цифры])

Returns a string consisting of the input number rounded to the specified number of decimal places and converted to currency format.

числоThe amount that you want to format.
дес_цифрыThe number of decimal places required. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 2.


Returns a string consisting of the input string with any extra spaces removed.

текстThe string that you want to format.


Returns the character corresponding to the specified position in the character set.

числоThe number of the character that you want.

СОВПАД(текст1, текст2)

Returns ИСТИНА if the input strings are exactly the same, otherwise ЛОЖЬ.

текст1The first string to be compared.
текст2The second string to be compared.


Returns a string which is the input string with all of the characters converted to lower case.

текстThe string you want to convert.

СЦЕПИТЬ(текст1, [текст2, ...])

Returns a string consisting of the input strings concatenated together.

текст1, ...The strings that you want to concatenate.


Returns a string which is the input value if it is text, otherwise an empty string.

значениеThe value you want if it is a string.

ТЕКСТ(значение, строка_формат)

Returns a string consisting of the input number formatted using the specified format string.

значениеThe number that you want to format.
строка_форматThe format string to use.

ФИКСИРОВАННЫЙ(число, [дес_цифры], [без_запятых])

Returns a string consisting of the input number rounded to the specified number of decimal places.

числоThe number that you want to format.
дес_цифрыThe number of decimal places required. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 2.
без_запятыхSpecifies whether to suppress the thousands separator in the formatted number. The possible values are:
ЛОЖЬThe thousands separator is used.
ИСТИНАThe thousands separator is not used.
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ЛОЖЬ.

Управление макросами functions

АРГУМЕНТ([строка_имени], [номер_типа_данных], [ссылка])

Defines an argument for a custom function.

строка_имениThe defined name that will be assigned to the argument. If this parameter is omitted then no name will be assigned.
номер_типа_данныхThe acceptable data type(s) for the argument value. It can be any combination of the following (to specify more than one value, add the numbers together):
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 7.
ссылкаThe cell reference where the argument value will be stored. If this parameter is omitted then the argument value will not be stored.


Forces the macro to end, and if it is a custom function then to return the specified value.

значениеFor custom functions, the value to be returned.

ДЛЯ(имя_счетчика, нач_ном, кон_число, [шаг_ном])

Performs a group of instructions a specified number of times. The end of the group is indicated by a СЛЕД function.

имя_счетчикаA defined name that will be used to store the current index.
нач_номThe initial value to be assigned to the counter.
кон_числоThe last value to be assigned to the counter.
шаг_номThe value to be added to the counter each time around the loop.
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1.

ДЛЯ.ЯЧЕЙКИ(ссылка_на_имя, [ссылка_на_область], [проп_пустые])

Performs a group of instructions for each cell in a specified area. The end of the group is indicated by a СЛЕД function.

ссылка_на_имяA defined name that will be used to store the current reference.
ссылка_на_областьThe range of cells to be processed.
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to the current selection.
проп_пустыеWhether blank cells are to be skipped. The possible values are:
ЛОЖЬAll cells in the area are processed
ИСТИНАOnly the non-blank cells in the area are processed
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ЛОЖЬ.


Specifies a logical test that conditions the execution of a block of statements.

логическое_выражениеAn expression that results in ИСТИНА or ЛОЖЬ.


Forces the macro to wait until the date/time specified by the serial number.

дата_как_числоThe date/time when the macro is to resume. If this parameter is omitted the macro does not wait.


Introduces the block of statements to be processed when the corresponding ЕСЛИ or ИНАЧЕ.ЕСЛИ condition is false.


Specifies another logical test that conditions a block of statements when the corresponding ЕСЛИ or ELSE.IF condition is false.

логическое_выражениеAn expression that results in ИСТИНА or ЛОЖЬ.


Specifies the end of the block of statements conditioned by the corresponding ЕСЛИ or ИНАЧЕ.ЕСЛИ.


Forces the macro to continue with the statement at the reference.

ссылкаThe reference of the cell where macro execution is to continue.


Specifies a logical test that conditions the execution of a block of statements multiple times. The statements between the ПОКА and СЛЕД functions will be repeated as long as the logical test returns the value ИСТИНА.

лог_выражениеAn expression that results in ИСТИНА or ЛОЖЬ.


Ends the processing of a ДЛЯ, ДЛЯ.ЯЧЕЙКИ or ПОКА loop. The macro will continue with the statement after the СЛЕД function.


Specifies the end of the block of statements contained in a ДЛЯ, ДЛЯ.ЯЧЕЙКИ or ПОКА loop.

УСТАНОВИТЬ.ЗНАЧЕНИЕ(ссылка, значения)

Stores the specified values in the specified cells on the macro sheet. Do not use this function to try to update cells on a worksheet.

ссылкаThe cells where the values are to be stored.
значенияThe values to be stored.

УСТАНОВИТЬ.ИМЯ(текст_имени, [значение])

Assigns a defined name to the specified value.

текст_имениThe defined name to use.
значениеThe value to be associated with the name. If this parameter is omitted then the name is deleted.

Команды functions

АКТИВИЗИРОВАТЬ([заголовок_окна], [номер_подокна])

Specifies the workbook, sheet and/or pane that is to be active.

заголовок_окнаThe workbook and/or sheet name. If this parameter is omitted then the active window is not changed.
номер_подокнаFor a split window, specifies which pane is to be active. The possible values are:
1Upper or upper left.
2Upper right.
3Lower or lower left.
4Lower right.
If this parameter is omitted it then the active pane is not changed.


Returns a reference which represents the current position of the cursor on the active worksheet.

ВВОД(текст_сообщения, [ном_типа], [назван_текст], [по_умолчанию], [x_поз], [y_поз], [ссылка_на_справку])

Displays a message in a dialog box with an area for user input and ОК and Отмена buttons. If the ОК button is pressed then the text entered by the user is returned. If the Отмена button is pressed then this function returns the value ЛОЖЬ.

текст_сообщенияThe message that you want displayed in the dialog box.
ном_типаThe acceptable data type(s) for the data that you want returned. It can be any combination of the following (to specify more than one value, add the numbers together):
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 2.
назван_текстThe title to be used for the dialog box. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to "Ввод".
по_умолчаниюThe text that you want to be initially displayed in the input area of the dialog box. If this parameter is omitted the input area will be blank.
x_позThe initial x position on the screen where the dialog box will be displayed. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to the center of the screen. (Not currently supported).
y_позThe initial y position on the screen where the dialog box will be displayed. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to the center of the screen. (Not currently supported).
ссылка_на_справкуThe name of help topic that is to be displayed if the user presses the Help button in the dialog box. If this parameter is omitted then no Help button is displayed. (Not currently supported).

ВПРОКРУТКА(положение, [строка_логическая])

Scrolls the worksheet vertically to the specified position.

положениеThe proportional or absolute position to scroll to.
строка_логическаяWhether the положение parameter represents a proportional or absolute row number. The possible values are:
ЛОЖЬThe положение parameter is a number between 0 and 1 that represents how far down the worksheet to scroll to.
ИСТИНАThe положение parameter is a number between 1 and 65536 that represents the row number to scroll to.
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ЛОЖЬ.


Simulates the Правка Вставить menu option.

ссылка_куда_вставлятьThe cells where the copied information is to be pasted. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to the current selection on the active worksheet.


Scrolls the worksheet vertically by the specified number of pages.

число_оконThe number of pages to scroll. A negative number will scroll towards the top. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1.


Scrolls the worksheet vertically by the specified number of rows.

колич_строкThe number of rows to scroll. A negative number will scroll towards the top. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1.


Returns a reference which represents the current selection on the active worksheet.

ВЫДЕЛИТЬ([выделенное], [активная_ячейка])

Sets the selection and cursor cell on the active worksheet.

выделенноеThe cells that are to be the selection. If this parameter is omitted the current selection is not changed.
активная_ячейкаThe cell that is to be the cursor cell. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to the top left cell in the selection.


Simulates the Ctrl+arrow key combination.

номер_направленияThe direction in which to move the cursor. The possible values are:


Simulates the Ctrl+End key combination.


Returns information about the caller of the macro.

Macro called from:Function returns:
User-defined functionreference of cell containing function call
User-defined function in array formulareference of array formula range
Attached to control or drawing objectobject identifier
Авто_открыть macrofile name
Manually (control key combination)error value #ССЫЛКА!

ВЫРАВНИВАНИЕ([гориз_выравнивание], [сворачивать], [верт_выравнивание], [ориентация], [доб_отступ])

Simulates the Формат Ячейки dialog Выравнивание page.

гориз_выравниваниеThe horizontal alignment to be used. The possible values are:
1по значению
2по левому краю
3по центру
4по правому краю
5с заполнением
6по ширине
7по центру выделения
If this parameter is omitted the setting is not changed.
сворачиватьWhether to wrap the text in the cells. The possible values are:
ЛОЖЬThe text is not wrapped
ИСТИНАThe text is wrapped
If this parameter is omitted the setting is not changed.
верт_выравниваниеThe vertical alignment to be used. The possible values are:
1по верхнему краю
2по центру
3по нижнему краю
4по высоте
If this parameter is omitted the setting is not changed.
ориентацияNot currently implemented.
доб_отступNot currently implemented.

ВЫРЕЗАТЬ([из_ссылки], [ссылка_куда_вставлять])

Simulates the Правка Вырезать menu option.

из_ссылкиThe cells that are to be cut to the clipboard. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to the current selection on the active worksheet.
ссылка_куда_вставлятьThe cells where the cut information is to be pasted. If this parameter is omitted then the cells are not pasted.

[высота_числ], [ссылка], [стандартная_высота], [тип_число]

Simulates the Формат Строка menu options.

высота_числThe new height of the rows. The height is measured in points. This parameter is ignored if стандартная_высота is ИСТИНА or тип_число is specified. If this parameter is omitted the height of the specified rows is not changed.
ссылкаThe rows whose height is to be changed. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to the current selection on the active worksheet.
стандартная_высотаSpecifies whether the rows are to be set to the standard row height. The possible values are:
ИСТИНАThe rows are set to the standard height.
ЛОЖЬThe rows are not set to the standard height.
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ЛОЖЬ.
тип_числоSpecifies whether the rows are to be hidden, unhidden or automatically sized. This parameter is ignored if стандартная_высота is ИСТИНА. The possible values are:
1The rows are hidden.
2The rows are unhidden.
3The rows are set to the height of the highest displayed value.
If this parameter is omitted the rows will not be hidden, unhidden or auto-sized.


Returns the result of evaluating a formula.

текст_формулыThe formula to be evaluated.


Causes the current worksheet to be recalculated.


Causes all worksheets to be recalculated.

ГПРОКРУТКА(положение, [признак_столбца])

Scrolls the worksheet horizontally to the specified position.

положениеThe proportional or absolute position to scroll to.
признак_столбцаWhether the position parameter represents a proportional or absolute column number. The possible values are:
ЛОЖЬThe положение parameter is a number between 0 and 1 that represents how far across the worksheet to scroll to.
ИСТИНАThe положение parameter is a number between 1 and 256 that represents the column number to scroll to.
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ЛОЖЬ.


Scrolls the worksheet horizontally by the specified number of pages.

число_оконThe number of pages to scroll. A negative number will scroll to the left. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1.


Scrolls the worksheet horizontally by the specified number of columns.

колич_столбцовThe number of columns to scroll. A negative number will scroll to the left. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1.

ЗАМЕТКА([добавить_текст], [ячейка_ссылка], [старт_символ], [номер_диаграммы])

Simulates the Вставка Примечание menu option.

добавить_текстThe text that is to be added. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to an empty string.
ячейка_ссылкаThe cell where the comment is to be inserted. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to the active cell.
старт_символThe start position in an existing comment where the new text is to be inserted. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1.
номер_диаграммыThe length of text in an existing comment that is to be replaced. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to the length of the existing text.


Simulates the Правка Заполнение Вверх menu option.


Simulates the Правка Заполнение Влево menu option.


Simulates the Правка Заполнение Вниз menu option.


Simulates the Правка Заполнение Вправо menu option.

ЗАЩИТА.ЯЧЕЙКИ([заблокированный], [скрытый])

Simulates the Формат Ячейки dialog Защита page.

заблокированныйWhether the cell should be locked when the sheet is protected. The possible values are:
ЛОЖЬThe cell is not locked
ИСТИНАThe cell is locked
If this parameter is omitted the setting is not changed.
скрытыйWhether the cell formula should be hidden when the sheet is protected. The possible values are:
ЛОЖЬThe cell formula is not hidden
ИСТИНАThe cell formula is hidden
If this parameter is omitted the setting is not changed.

ЗАЩИТИТЬ.ДОКУМЕНТ([содержимое], [окна], [пароль], [объекты], [сценарии])

Simulates the Формат Лист Защитить menu option.

содержимоеWhether to protect the locked cell contents. The possible values are:
ИСТИНАThe locked cell contents are protected
ЛОЖЬThe locked cell contents are unprotected
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ИСТИНА.
окнаWhether to protect windows from being moved or sized (not currently implemented). The possible values are:
ИСТИНАThe windows are protected
ЛОЖЬThe windows are unprotected
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ЛОЖЬ.
парольAn optional case-sensitive password to protect or unprotect the document.
объектыWhether to protect the locked objects (not currently implemented). The possible values are:
ИСТИНАThe locked objects are protected
ЛОЖЬThe locked objects are unprotected
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ИСТИНА.
сценарииWhether to protect the scenarios (not currently implemented). The possible values are:
ИСТИНАThe scenarios are protected
ЛОЖЬThe scenarios are unprotected
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ИСТИНА.


Returns the path of the current directory, and optionally allows you to change it.

путьThe path to which you want to change the current directory. If this parameter is omitted the current directory is not changed.

КОПИРОВАТЬ([из_ссылки], [ссылка_куда_вставлять])

Simulates the Правка Копировать menu option.

из_ссылкиThe cells that are to be copied to the clipboard. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to the current selection on the active worksheet.
ссылка_куда_вставлятьThe cells where the copied information is to be pasted. If this parameter is omitted then the cells are not pasted.


Simulates the Формат Лист Масштаб menu option.

увеличениеThe magnification option. The possible values are:
numberSet the zoom level to the specified number. The number must be between 10 and 400.
ИСТИНАSet the zoom level so that the current selection fills the window.
ЛОЖЬReset the zoom level to 100%
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ИСТИНА.


Simulates the Правка Отменить menu option.

ПО.ЛИСТУ([текст_листа], [макрос_текст], [флаг_активации])

Specifies a macro to be run when a sheet is activated or deactivated.

текст_листаThe name of the sheet for which the macro is to be run. If this parameter is omitted then the macro will be run for all sheets.
макрос_текстThe defined name that refers to the macro that is to be run. If this parameter is omitted then no macro will be run.
флаг_активацииSpecifies whether the macro is to be run when the sheet is activated or deactivated. The possible values are:
ИСТИНАThe macro will be run when the sheet is activated.
ЛОЖЬThe macro will be run when the sheet is deactivated.
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ИСТИНА.

ПОДБОР.ПАРАМЕТРА(целевая_ячейка, целевое_значение, переменная_ячейка)

Simulates the Формат Данные Подбор параметра menu option.

целевая_ячейкаThe cell that is required to be a certain value. It must be a single cell containing a formula that returns a numeric result.
целевое_значениеThe value that the target cell needs to reach.
переменная_ячейкаThe cell whose value can be changed. It must be a single cell that either contains a number or is empty.


Scrolls the active cell into view.

ПОЛУЧИТЬ.ЗАМЕТКУ([ссылка_на_ячейкку], [нач_символ], [число_литер])

Returns the text of a comment.

ссылка_на_ячейккуThe reference of the cell containing the comment. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to the active cell.
нач_символThe position of the first character to be returned. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1.
число_литерThe length of the text to be returned. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to the length of the comment.

ПОЛУЧИТЬ.ОБЪЕКТ(ном_типа, [идр_объекта], [нач_ном], [ном_счет], [item_index])

Returns information about the specified object.

ном_типаThe type of information to return. The possible values are:
1object type as number:
1 линии
2 прямоугольника
3 овала
6 надписи
7 кнопки
11 флажка
12 переключателя
14 подписи
16 счетчика
17 полосы прокрутки
18 списка
19 группы
20 раскрывающегося списка
4top-left cell as R1C1 reference
5x-offset of top-left corner in points
6y-offset of top-left corner in points
7bottom-right cell as R1C1 reference
8x-offset of bottom-right corner in points
9y-offset of bottom-right corner in points
10reference of the macro as text
11object positioning as number:
1 перемещать и изменять объект вместе с ячейками
2 перемещать, но не изменять размеры
3 не перемещять и не изменять размеры
12object text from start_num for count_num characters
идр_объектаThe object identifier. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to the currently selected object on the active worksheet.
нач_номThe text substring start position for type_num 12. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1.
ном_счетThe text substring length for type_num 12. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 255.
item_indexThis parameter is not currently used.


Simulates the Вставка Ячейки menu option.

сдвиг_номThe way in which the cell insertion is to be processed. The possible values are:
1со сдвигом вправо
2со сдвигом вниз
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 2.


Simulates the Вставка Лист, Диаграмма and Макрос menu options.

ном_типаThe type of sheet that is to be added. The possible values are:
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to the type of the currently active sheet.


Simulates the Правка Удалить menu option.

сдвиг_номThe way in which the cell deletion is to be processed. The possible values are:
1со сдвигом влево
2со сдвигом вверх
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 2.

ПРАВКА.ЦВЕТ(номер_цвета, [красный_значение], [зеленый_значение], [голубой_значение])

Changes the color associated with a specific color number.

номер_цветаA number from 1 to 56, indicating which color is to be changed.
красный_значениеA number from 0 to 255, specifying the intensity of the red component. If this parameter is omitted the red component is not changed.
зеленый_значениеA number from 0 to 255, specifying the intensity of the green component. If this parameter is omitted the green component is not changed.
голубой_значениеA number from 0 to 255, specifying the intensity of the blue component. If this parameter is omitted the blue component is not changed.

ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ(текст_сообщения, [ном_типа], [ссылка_на_справку])

Displays a message box containing the specified text. It returns ИСТИНА if the ОК button is pressed, otherwise ЛОЖЬ.

текст_сообщенияThe text to be displayed in the message box.
ном_типаThe type of message box to be displayed. The possible values are:
1A box containing a question mark icon and ОК and Отмена buttons.
2A box containing an information icon and an ОК button.
3A box containing an exclamation icon and an ОК button.
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 2.
ссылка_на_справкуA reference to a Help topic (not currently implemented).

ПРОГРЕССИЯ([строки_или_столбцы], [номер_типа], [дата_номера], [значение_шага], [кон_знач], [направление])

Simulates the Правка Заполнение Прогрессия menu option.

строки_или_столбцыIndicates whether the series is in rows or columns. The possible values are:
1по строкам
2по столбцам
If this parameter is omitted it defaults depending on the shape of the current selection.
номер_типаThe way in which the series values change. The possible values are:
4автозаполнение (not currently implemented)
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1.
дата_номераThe way in which the date values change. The possible values are:
2рабочий день
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1.
значение_шагаThe number used to add to or multiply by the series value. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1.
кон_значThe value at which to stop filling the series. If this parameter is omitted then the entire selection is filled.
направлениеIndicates whether to fill the series using trend values calculated from existing data. The possible values are:
ЛОЖЬDon't use trend values.
ИСТИНАUse trend values (not currently implemented).
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ЛОЖЬ.


Specifies the sheet that is to be the active worksheet.

текст_листаThe sheet that is to be the active worksheet.

РАБОЧАЯ.КНИГА.ИМЯ(старый_текст, новый_текст)

Simulates the Формат Лист Переименовать menu option.

старый_текстThe sheet that is to be renamed.
новый_текстThe new name for the sheet.


Simulates the Формат Лист Отобразить menu option.

текст_листаThe name of the sheet to unhide. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to the first hidden sheet.


Simulates the Ctrl+Page Up key combination.

РАБОЧАЯ.КНИГА.СКРЫТЬ([текст_листа], [очень_скрытое])

Simulates the Формат Лист Скрыть menu option.

текст_листаThe name of the sheet to hide. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to the currently active sheet.
очень_скрытоеWhether to show the name of the hidden sheet in the Unhide dialog box. The possible values are:
ИСТИНАDo not show the sheet name
ЛОЖЬShow the sheet name
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ЛОЖЬ.


Simulates the Ctrl+Page Down key combination.


Simulates the Правка Удалить лист menu option.

текст_листаThe sheet that is to be deleted. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to the currently active sheet.

РАМКА([контур], [левый], [правый], [верхний], [нижний], [затенить], [цвет_контура], [левый_цвет], [правый_цвет], [верхний_цвет], [нижний_цвет])

Simulates the Формат Ячейки dialog Рамка page.

контурThe border type to be applied to the outline of the selected cells. The possible values are:
If this parameter is omitted the setting is not changed.
левыйThe border type to be used for the left border of the selected cells. The possible values are the same as for the контур parameter.
If this parameter is omitted the setting is not changed.
правыйThe border type to be used for the right border of the selected cells. The possible values are the same as for the контур parameter.
If this parameter is omitted the setting is not changed.
верхнийThe border type to be used for the top border of the selected cells. The possible values are the same as for the контур parameter.
If this parameter is omitted the setting is not changed.
нижнийThe border type to be used for the bottom border of the selected cells. The possible values are the same as for the контур parameter.
If this parameter is omitted the setting is not changed.
затенитьNot implemented.
цвет_контураThe color to be used for the outline border. The possible values are:
1 to 56One of the colors displayed in the Формат Ячейки dialog Рамка page
If this parameter is omitted the setting is not changed.
левый_цветThe color to be used for the left border. The possible values are the same as for the цвет_контура parameter.
If this parameter is omitted the setting is not changed.
правый_цветThe color to be used for the right border. The possible values are the same as for the цвет_контура parameter.
If this parameter is omitted the setting is not changed.
верхний_цветThe color to be used for the top border. The possible values are the same as for the цвет_контура parameter.
If this parameter is omitted the setting is not changed.
нижний_цветThe color to be used for the bottom border. The possible values are the same as for the цвет_контура parameter.
If this parameter is omitted the setting is not changed.

СВОЙСТВА.ШРИФТА([шрифт], [стиль_шрифта], [размер], [перечеркнуть], [верхний_индекс], [нижний_индекс], [контур], [затенение], [подчеркнутый], [цвет], [обычный], [фон], [нач_символ], [число_символов])

Simulates the Формат Ячейки dialog Шрифт page.

шрифтThe name of the font to be used.
стиль_шрифтаThe style to be used. The possible values are:
"обычный"Removes the bold and italic attributes.
"полужирный"Sets the font to bold.
"курсив"Sets the font to italic.
"полужирный курсив"Sets the font to bold and italic.
If this parameter is omitted the style is not changed.
размерThe point size to be used. If this parameter is omitted the size is not changed.
перечеркнутьSets the strikethrough attribute. The possible values are:
ЛОЖЬThe font does not have the strikethrough attribute
ИСТИНАThe font has the strikethrough attribute
If this parameter is omitted the strikethrough attribute is not changed.
верхний_индексNot currently implemented.
нижний_индексNot currently implemented.
контурNot currently implemented.
затенениеNot currently implemented.
подчеркнутыйThe underline style to be used. The possible values are:
1Одинарное, по значению
2Двойное, по значению (not currently implemented)
3Одинарное, по ячейке (not currently implemented)
4Двойное, по ячейке (not currently implemented)
If this parameter is omitted the underline style is not changed.
цветThe color to be used. The possible values are:
1 to 56One of the colors displayed in the Формат Ячейки Шрифт dialog box
If this parameter is omitted the color is not changed.
обычныйNot currently implemented.
фонNot currently implemented.
нач_символNot currently implemented.
число_символовNot currently implemented.


Causes the computer to beep.

тон_числоA number from 1 to 4 indicating which type of beep is to be produced (not currently implemented - all values will produce the same tone). If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1.

СООБЩЕНИЕ(флаг, [текст])

Displays a message on the status bar.

флагWhether to display or hide messages. The possible values are:
ИСТИНАDisplay a message on the status bar.
ЛОЖЬRemove any message from the status bar.
текстThe message to be displayed. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to an empty string.

СОРТИРОВКА([ориентация], [ключ1], [порядок1], [ключ2], [порядок2], [ключ3], [порядок3], [верхний_колонтитул], [настройка], [регистр])

Simulates the Формат Данные Сортировка menu option.

ориентацияSpecifies whether to sort the rows or columns. The possible values are:
1Sort rows
2Sort columns
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1.
ключ1Specifies a reference to the first column or row to sort on. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to the first column or row in the selection.
порядок1Specifies whether to sort the data in ascending or descending order. The possible values are:
1по возрастанию
2по убыванию
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1.
ключ2Specifies a reference to the second column or row to sort on. If this parameter is omitted then the second key is not used.
порядок2Specifies whether to sort the data in ascending or descending order. The possible values are:
1по возрастанию
2по убыванию
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1.
ключ3Specifies a reference to the third column or row to sort on. If this parameter is omitted then the third key is not used.
порядок3Specifies whether to sort the data in ascending or descending order. The possible values are:
1по возрастанию
2по убыванию
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1.
верхний_колонтитулSpecifies whether the selected cells include a header row or column. The possible values are:
0Determine the presence of a header automatically
1There is a header
2There is no header
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 2.
настройкаSpecifies whether to use a custom list for the first sort key. The possible values are:
1Use normal sort sequence
2Day short names
3Day long names
4Month short names
5Month long names
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1.
регистрSpecifies whether the sort should be case-sensitive. The possible values are:
ИСТИНАThe sort is case-sensitive
ЛОЖЬThe sort is not case-sensitive
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ЛОЖЬ.


Simulates the Файл Сохранить menu option.

СПЕЦИАЛЬНАЯ.ВСТАВКА([ном_вставки], [номер_операции], [пропуск_пустых], [перестановка])

Simulates the Правка Специальная вставка menu option.

ном_вставкиThe type of information to be pasted. The possible values are:
6без рамки
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1.
номер_операцииThe way in which the data being pasted is merged with existing data. The possible values are:
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1.
пропуск_пустыхWhether to ignore blank cells in the data being pasted. The possible values are:
ЛОЖЬBlank cells are included.
ИСТИНАBlank cells are skipped.
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ЛОЖЬ.
перестановкаWhether to transpose the data being pasted. The possible values are:
ЛОЖЬData is not transposed.
ИСТИНАData is transposed. (Not currently supported)
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ЛОЖЬ.


Returns the values of cells in a reference. You should not need to use this function, as references are automatically converted to values where necessary when they are used in formulas.

ссылкаThe reference to the cells whose values you want.

ССЫЛТЕКСТ(ссылка, [а1])

Returns a string containing the specified reference.

ссылкаThe reference that is to be converted to text.
а1Specifies the style of the reference. The possible values are:
ЛОЖЬR1C1 style
ИСТИНАA1 style
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ЛОЖЬ.


Simulates the Формат Столбец Стандартная ширина menu option.

стандарт_числоThe new standard width. If this parameter is omitted then the standard width is not changed.


Simulates the Правка Очистить menu option.

ном_типаThe type of information to clear from the current selection on the active worksheet. The possible values are:
1Clear all
2Clear formats
3Clear contents
4Clear comments
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 3.

ТЕКСТССЫЛ(текст, [а1])

Returns a reference corresponding to the specified text.

текстThe string containing the reference.
а1Specifies the style of the reference. The possible values are:
ЛОЖЬR1C1 style
ИСТИНАA1 style
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ЛОЖЬ.

УЗОРЫ([АУзор], [спереди], [назад])

Simulates the Формат Ячейки dialog Узоры page.

АУзорThe number of the pattern to be applied. The possible values are:
250% Серый
375% Серый
425% Серый
5Горизонтальная штриховой
6Вертикальная штриховой
7перевернутый диагональный штриховой
8диагональный штриховой
9диагональный клетчатый
10Толстая диагональный клетчатый
11Тонкая Горизонтальная штриховой
12Тонкая Вертикальная штриховой
13Тонкая перевернутый диагональный штриховой
14Тонкая Diagonal штриховой
15Тонкая Горизонтальная клетчатый
16Тонкая диагональный клетчатый
1712.5% Серый
186.25% Серый
If this parameter is omitted the setting is not changed.
спередиThe number of the foreground color to be applied. The possible values are:
1 to 56One of the colors displayed in the Формат Ячейки dialog Узоры page
If this parameter is omitted the setting is not changed.
назадThe number of the background color to be applied. The possible values are:
1 to 56One of the colors displayed in the Формат Ячейки dialog Узоры page
If this parameter is omitted the setting is not changed.


Deletes a file.

имя_файлаThe name of the file to be deleted.


Closes a file that was previously opened by the ФОТКР function.

номер_файлаThe file number that was returned by the ФОТКР function.

ФЗАП(номер_файла, текст)

Writes a string of characters to a file.

номер_файлаThe file number that was returned by the ФОТКР function.
текстThe text to be written.

ФЗАПКС(номер_файла, текст)

Writes a string of characters to a file, followed by an end of line marker.

номер_файлаThe file number that was returned by the ФОТКР function.
текстThe text to be written.

ФИЛЬТР([номер_поля], [критерий1], [операция], [критерий2])

Simulates the Формат Данные Фильтр Автофильтр menu option.

номер_поляThe filter column number whose criteria are to be changed. The columns are number from left to right, with 1 being the first filtered column. If this parameter is omitted the filter is just turned on or off.
критерий1A string specifying the criteria to be used. If this parameter is omitted any filter criteria are removed from the specified column.
операцияThe combination operation when multiple criteria are used. The possible values are:
If this parameter is omitted the second criteria is not used.
критерий2A string specifying the criteria to be used. If this parameter is omitted the second criteria is not used.


Simulates the Формат Данные Фильтр Показать все menu option.

ФИЛЬТР.УСИЛЕННЫЙ(операция, список_ссылок, [ссылка_критерия], [копировать_ссылку], [единственность_записей])

Simulates the Формат Данные Фильтр Расширенный фильтр menu option.

операцияWhether to filter in place or copy to another location. The possible values are:
1Filter the list in place
2Copy the list to another location
список_ссылокThe location of the list to be filtered.
ссылка_критерияThe location of any filter criteria to be used. If this parameter is omitted no criteria will be applied.
копировать_ссылкуThe destination of the copied data. This is only used when operation is 2.
единственность_записейWhether to select unique records only. The possible values are:
ЛОЖЬDisplay all records that match the criteria.
ИСТИНАDisplay only unique records that match the criteria.
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ЛОЖЬ.


Simulates the Формат Данные Форма menu option.


Simulates the Формат Ячейки dialog число page.

строка_форматированияThe number format to be used.

ФОРМУЛА(текст_формулы, [ссылка])

Enters the specified formula in the specified reference.

текст_формулыThe formula to be inserted.
ссылкаThe reference where formula to be inserted. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to the cursor position on the active worksheet.

ФОРМУЛА.ЗАМЕНИТЬ(найти_текст, заменить_текст, [см_в], [около], [активная_ячейка], [с_регистром])

Simulates the Правка Найти/Заменить menu option.

найти_текстThe text that you want to find.
заменить_текстThe text to replace the found text with.
см_вWhether to match the text against all or part of a cell. The possible values are:
1Ячейка целиком
2Any part of the text in a cell
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1.
околоWhether to search by rows or by columns. The possible values are:
1по строкам
2по столбцам
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1.
активная_ячейкаWhether to replace in just the current cell or in the whole sheet. The possible values are:
ИСТИНАText in the active cell is replaced
ЛОЖЬText in the whole sheet is replaced
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ЛОЖЬ.
с_регистромWhether the search is case-sensitive. The possible values are:
ИСТИНАThe search is case-sensitive
ЛОЖЬThe search is not case-sensitive
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to the value last used.

ФОРМУЛА.НАЙТИ(текст, в_число, на_число, по_число, [каталог_число], [с_регистром])

Simulates the Правка Найти menu option.

текстThe text that you want to find.
в_числоWhere you want to look for the text. The possible values are:
на_числоWhether to match this text against all or part of a cell. The possible values are:
1Ячейка целиком
2Any part of the text in a cell
по_числоWhether to search by rows or by columns. The possible values are:
1по строкам
2по столбцам
каталог_числоWhether to search for the next or previous match. The possible values are:
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1.
с_регистромWhether the search is case-sensitive. The possible values are:
ИСТИНАThe search is case-sensitive
ЛОЖЬThe search is not case-sensitive
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ЛОЖЬ.


Finds the previous cell based on the current criteria.


Finds the next cell based on the current criteria.

ФОРМУЛА.ПЕРЕЙТИ([ссылка], [угол])

Simulates the Правка Перейти menu option.

ссылкаThe cells that are to be selected. If the sheet name is omitted then it defaults to the currently active sheet. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to the sheet and cells that were selected before the last goto command.
уголSpecifies whether the top-left corner of the selection is to be placed in the top-left corner of the window. The possible values are:
ЛОЖЬThe sheet is not scrolled to move the selection to the top-left corner of the window.
ИСТИНАThe sheet is scrolled to move the selection to the top-left corner of the window.
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ЛОЖЬ.

ФОТКР(имя_файла, [номер_доступа])

Opens a file for reading or writing. The return value is a file number that can be passed as a parameter to the ФЧИТ, ФЧИТКС, ФЗАП, ФЗАПКС, ФПОЗ, ФРАЗМЕР, and ФЗАКР functions.

имя_файлаThe name of the file to open.
номер_доступаThe access required to the file. The possible values are:
1Open the file for reading and writing. The file must already exist.
2Open the file for reading only. The file must already exist.
3Create a new file for reading and writing. The file will be cleared if it already exists.
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to 1.

ФПОЗ(номер_файла, [тип_позиции])

Returns the current read/write position in a file, and optionally allows you to change it.

номер_файлаThe file number that was returned by the ФОТКР function.
тип_позицииThe location where the next read or write will occur.
If this parameter is omitted the current position is not changed.


Returns a size of a file.

номер_файлаThe file number that was returned by the ФОТКР function.

ФЧИТ(номер_файла, число_литер)

Returns a string of characters from a file.

номер_файлаThe file number that was returned by the ФОТКР function.
число_литерThe number of characters to read.


Returns a string of characters from a file, up to the next end of line marker.

номер_файлаThe file number that was returned by the ФОТКР function.


Copies the color palette from another file.

имя_файлаThe name of the file from which to copy the palette. The file must already be open. If this parameter is an empty string then the colors are reset to the default values.

ШИРИНА.СТОЛБЦА([ширина_число], [ссылка], [стандартный], [тип_число], [стандарт_число])

Simulates the Формат Столбец menu options.

ширина_числоThe new width of the columns. The width is measured in characters. This parameter is ignored if стандартный is ИСТИНА or type_num is specified. If this parameter is omitted the width of the specified columns is not changed.
ссылкаThe columns whose width is to be changed. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to the current selection on the active worksheet.
стандартныйSpecifies whether the columns are to be set to the standard column width. The possible values are:
ИСТИНАThe columns are set to the standard width.
ЛОЖЬThe columns are not set to the standard width.
If this parameter is omitted it defaults to ЛОЖЬ.
тип_числоSpecifies whether the columns are to be hidden, unhidden or automatically sized. This parameter is ignored if стандартный is ИСТИНА. The possible values are:
1The columns are hidden.
2The columns are unhidden.
3The columns are set to the width of the longest displayed value.
If this parameter is omitted the columns will not be hidden, unhidden or auto-sized.
стандарт_числоSpecifies the value to be used for the standard width. The width is measured in characters. If this parameter is omitted the standard width is not changed.

Внешние и DDE functions

ВЫЗВАТЬ(имя_модуля, процедура, тип, [аргумент1, ...])

Returns a value from an external function.

имя_модуляThe name of the DLL that contains the function.
процедураThe name of the function.
типA string specifying the result type and the argument types. Each type is represented by a single character. The possible character values are:
ALogical, passed by value
BDouble, passed by value
CNull-terminated string, passed by reference
DByte-counted string, passed by reference
EDouble, passed by reference
FNull-terminated string, passed by reference
GByte-counted string, passed by reference
HUnsigned short integer, passed by value
ISigned short integer, passed by value
JSigned long integer, passed by value
KArray, passed by reference
LLogical, passed by reference
MSigned short integer, passed by reference
NSigned long integer, passed by reference
OArray, passed by reference
POPER structure, passed by reference
RXLOPER structure, passed by reference
аргумент1, ...The arguments to pass to the function.


To add a chart, use the Вставка Диаграмма menu option to add a new chart sheet. Then use the Формат Диаграмма menu option to display the dialog box that contains the following formatting options:


Тип диаграммы

The program currently supports the following chart types:

ГистограммаDisplays vertical columns whose heights correspond to the data values.
Линейчатая диаграммаDisplays horizontal bars whose lengths correspond to the data values.
ГрафикDisplays a line through points whose vertical positions correspond to the data values, the horizontal positions are evenly spaced.
Круговая диаграммаDisplays a circle divided up into regions whose relative sizes correspond to the data values.
КольцеваяLike the Круговая chart but displays one or more series.
Точечная диаграммаDisplays a line through points whose x and y coordinates are given by the data values.
Диаграмма с областямиLike the line chart, but the area below the line is filled in, and the series values are stacked.
ЛепестковаяDisplays a line through points whose distances from a central point correspond to the data values.

Ряды диаграммы

This allows you to specify the data values to be used for each series. To add a new series, press the Создать... button. To change an existing series, select it in the list box and then press the Правка... button. To remove an existing series, select it in the list box and press the Удалить button.

Note that for Круговая диаграмма charts, only the first series will be displayed.

When entering or changing a series, you are prompted for the following information:

ДанныеИмяAn optional name that is used to identify the series in the list box. It defaults to 'Series1', etc.
Значения YA reference to the cells that contain the data to be charted. You can specify more than one reference, separating them with commas, but they must all be from the same sheet. Alternatively you can specify this as an array of values.
Метки по XFor Гистограмма, Линейчатая диаграмма, Круговая диаграмма, График and Диаграмма с областями charts, you can specify a reference or array of values that will be used to label the categories. As there is only one set of labels, this must be the same for all the series on one chart. For Точечная диаграмма charts, this item is labelled Значения X and you must enter a reference or array of values to be used as the x co-ordinates of the line.
УзорыТип линииAllows you to choose a solid, dashed or dotted line.
Цвет линииAllows you to specify the color of the line.
МаркерFor График, Точечная диаграмма and Лепестковая charts, allows you to choose a marker for the data points.
Цвет маркерFor График, Точечная диаграмма and Лепестковая charts, allows you to choose the foreground and background colors for the marker.
Цвет фонаFor Гистограмма, Линейчатая диаграмма, Круговая диаграмма, Кольцевая and Диаграмма с областями charts, allows you to specify the colour that will be used to fill the interior.
ПодписиТип подписиAllows you to display the x or y values next to the data points, and for Круговая диаграмма and Кольцевая charts the percentages.

Заголовок диаграммы

This allows you to specify the titles that will be used to label the chart itself and the x and y axes. Note that axis titles do not apply to Круговая диаграмма charts.

Оси диаграммы

This allows you to specify the formatting of the x and y axes. The actual options that are available will depend on the currently selected chart type.

ОсьSpecifies whether the axis line will be drawn.
Сетка:Specifies whether the guidelines will be drawn.
ДеленияSpecifies whether the axis tick marks will be drawn.
ЗначенияSpecifies whether the axis values will be displayed.
ЛогарифмическаяSpecifies whether a linear or logarithmic scale is required.
МинимумSpecifies the minimum value to be used on the scale.
МаксимумSpecifies the maximum value to be used on the scale.
ШагSpecifies the interval between the values on the scale.

Легенда диаграммы

This allows you to specify the whether and where to display the names that identify each series with its line and/or area color. For Pie charts, the information displayed will be the category names (from the 'X labels' entry in the series formatting dialog box), for other chart types it will be the Series names from the chart series list box.


Macros can be used to create user-defined functions to use in your spreadsheets, and user-defined commands to automate tasks.

User-defined functions

Macros are useful for user-defined functions in 2 situations:
1. You may have a complex function, which is composed of many nested functions, which is used in many places on your worksheet. A user-defined function would save you a lot of typing by specifying the actual calculation in only one place.
2. You may need to use an iterative or recursive calculation that has to be performed a certain number of times before a result is found.

These are the steps for entering a user defined function:

1. Use the Вставка Макрос menu option to insert a macro sheet in the workbook. Macros must be stored on macro sheets. You can have many macros on a single macro sheet.

2. Enter the macro function statements. A user-defined function macro will usually begin with one or more АРГУМЕНТ functions to receive the parameters, and it must end with a ВОЗВРАТ function.

This example calculates the approximate integral of the function sin(x) between a lower and upper limit using the trapezium rule and dividing the area into 100 slices:






1 Integral: =АРГУМЕНТ(,1,D1) lower:  
2   =АРГУМЕНТ(,1,D2) upper:  
7   =ПОКА(D6<D7) steps: 100
8   =УСТАНОВИТЬ.ЗНАЧЕНИЕ(D8,D1+(D2-D1)*D6/D7) x:  
11   =СЛЕД()    
12   =ВОЗВРАТ((D2-D1)/D7/2*(D4+D5+2*D3))    

3. Use the Вставка Имя Присвоить menu option to add a name for the macro. For the example above, you could define a name called 'integral', which refers to cell: Macro1!$B$1. Note that the macro name in cell A1 is for our reference only, it is not used by the program.

4. Then on your worksheet (or even in another macro), use the defined name like an ordinary worksheet function name.
For the example above, if you enter 0 in cell A1 on your worksheet, and =ПИ() in cell A2 on your worksheet, and =integral(A1,A2) in cell A3, then cell A3 will display 1.9998355 (higher accuracy could be obtained with a larger number of steps but the calculation would take correspondingly longer).

Here is an example that uses recursion. Because macro sheets do not directly support recursion, I have implemented a simple stack to store the values at each level by concatenating them together in a string.
This function displays a number as text:







1 Say number: =АРГУМЕНТ(,1,D1) input:    
2   =УСТАНОВИТЬ.ЗНАЧЕНИЕ(D2,"") output:    
4   =ЕСЛИ(D1<=0,ВОЗВРАТ(D2))      
5   =ЕСЛИ(D1>=1000000)      
6 stack input =УСТАНОВИТЬ.ЗНАЧЕНИЕ(E1,D1&"|"&E1)      
7 stack output =УСТАНОВИТЬ.ЗНАЧЕНИЕ(E2,D2&"|"&E2)      
8 get millions =УСТАНОВИТЬ.ЗНАЧЕНИЕ(D3,saynumber(D1/1000000))      
9 unstack output =УСТАНОВИТЬ.ЗНАЧЕНИЕ(D2,ЛЕВСИМВ(E2,НАЙТИ("|",E2)-1))      
11 unstack input =УСТАНОВИТЬ.ЗНАЧЕНИЕ(D1,ЛЕВСИМВ(E1,НАЙТИ("|",E1)-1))      
13 update output =УСТАНОВИТЬ.ЗНАЧЕНИЕ(D2,D2&D3&" million")      
14 update input =УСТАНОВИТЬ.ЗНАЧЕНИЕ(D1,ОСТАТ(D1,1000000))      
15 check if finished =ЕСЛИ(D1=0,ВОЗВРАТ(D2))      
16   =УСТАНОВИТЬ.ЗНАЧЕНИЕ(D2,D2&ЕСЛИ(D1<100," and "," "))      
17   =КОН.ЕСЛИ()      
18   =ЕСЛИ(D1>=1000)      
19 stack input =УСТАНОВИТЬ.ЗНАЧЕНИЕ(E1,D1&"|"&E1)      
20 stack output =УСТАНОВИТЬ.ЗНАЧЕНИЕ(E2,D2&"|"&E2)      
21 get thousands =УСТАНОВИТЬ.ЗНАЧЕНИЕ(D3,saynumber(D1/1000))      
22 unstack output =УСТАНОВИТЬ.ЗНАЧЕНИЕ(D2,ЛЕВСИМВ(E2,НАЙТИ("|",E2)-1))      
24 unstack input =УСТАНОВИТЬ.ЗНАЧЕНИЕ(D1,ЛЕВСИМВ(E1,НАЙТИ("|",E1)-1))      
26 update output =УСТАНОВИТЬ.ЗНАЧЕНИЕ(D2,D2&D3&" thousand")      
27 update input =УСТАНОВИТЬ.ЗНАЧЕНИЕ(D1,ОСТАТ(D1,1000))      
28 check if finished =ЕСЛИ(D1=0,ВОЗВРАТ(D2))      
29   =УСТАНОВИТЬ.ЗНАЧЕНИЕ(D2,D2&ЕСЛИ(D1<100," and "," "))      
30   =КОН.ЕСЛИ()      
31   =ЕСЛИ(D1>=100)      
32 stack input =УСТАНОВИТЬ.ЗНАЧЕНИЕ(E1,D1&"|"&E1)      
33 stack output =УСТАНОВИТЬ.ЗНАЧЕНИЕ(E2,D2&"|"&E2)      
34 get hundreds =УСТАНОВИТЬ.ЗНАЧЕНИЕ(D3,saynumber(D1/100))      
35 unstack output =УСТАНОВИТЬ.ЗНАЧЕНИЕ(D2,ЛЕВСИМВ(E2,НАЙТИ("|",E2)-1))      
37 unstack input =УСТАНОВИТЬ.ЗНАЧЕНИЕ(D1,ЛЕВСИМВ(E1,НАЙТИ("|",E1)-1))      
39 update output =УСТАНОВИТЬ.ЗНАЧЕНИЕ(D2,D2&D3&" hundred")      
40 update input =УСТАНОВИТЬ.ЗНАЧЕНИЕ(D1,ОСТАТ(D1,100))      
41 check if finished =ЕСЛИ(D1=0,ВОЗВРАТ(D2))      
42   =УСТАНОВИТЬ.ЗНАЧЕНИЕ(D2,D2&" and ")      
43   =КОН.ЕСЛИ()      
44   =ЕСЛИ(D1>=20)      
45   =УСТАНОВИТЬ.ЗНАЧЕНИЕ(D2,D2&ВЫБОР(ЦЕЛОЕ(D1/10)-1, "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"))      
47   =ЕСЛИ(D1=0,ВОЗВРАТ(D2))      
48   =УСТАНОВИТЬ.ЗНАЧЕНИЕ(D2,D2&" ")      
49   =КОН.ЕСЛИ()      
50   =УСТАНОВИТЬ.ЗНАЧЕНИЕ(D2,D2&ВЫБОР(D1, "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"))      
51   =ВОЗВРАТ(D2)      

If we create a name ('SayNumber') for this function (Macro1!$B$1), we can enter 1234567890 in cell A1 on our worksheet, and =saynumber(A1) in cell A2 on our worksheet, and cell A2 will display:
one thousand two hundred and thirty four million five hundred and sixty seven thousand eight hundred and ninety

User-defined commands

Here is a command macro example.
This macro moves to the beginning of row 5 on the current sheet, inserts a new row, puts the current date into column A, formats it, and moves to column B ready for entry.




1 NewEntry: =ВЫДЕЛИТЬ(!$A$5)
4   =ФОРМАТ.ЧИСЛО("dd/mm/yy")
5   =ВЫДЕЛИТЬ(!$B$5)
6   =ВОЗВРАТ()

We create a name for this macro, e.g. "NewEntry", pointing to the reference "Macro1!$B$1", and assign control key "t" to it.
Then on our main sheet, we can press Ctrl+t and the macro will be run. Note that the macro name in cell A1 is for our reference only, it is not used by the program.

Note that the following control keys are reserved for program operation, and should not be assigned to your command macros:

1 Формат Ячейки
c Правка Копировать
d Правка Заполнение Вниз
e enter edit mode
f Правка Найти
g Правка Перейти
h Правка Заменить
n Файл Создать
o Файл Открыть
p Файл Печать
r Правка Заполнение Вправо
s Файл Сохранить
v Правка Вставить
x Правка Вырезать
z Правка Отменить
; insert date
: insert time

Other control keys may be reserved in future versions of the program.


You can add controls and drawing objects to a worksheet by using the Вставка Элемент управления and Вставка Графический объект menu options. After selecting the menu option, drag the pointer across the worksheet to define the area that the control will occupy. A dialog box will then be displayed that allows you to specify the attributes of the object.

To edit a control or drawing object, press the Ctrl key (on the keyboard) and then click on the object. This will select the object. Then you can use the Правка Удалить menu option or the Формат Элемент управления or Формат Графический объект menu option, or you can drag the control to a different position or you can change the shape or size by dragging the border of the object. To deselect a selected object, press the Ctrl key and click on the object again, or select a different object, or click elsewhere on the worksheet. You can also use Tab or Shift+Tab to select the next or previous object.

The following control object types are supported:

МеткаA text label.
Окно группыA rectangle with an optional heading. Useful for grouping separate sets of option buttons together.
КнопкаA button that can be pressed. Useful for activating a macro.
ФлажокA box that can be ticked or unticked. It can return a value of ИСТИНА or ЛОЖЬ to a linked cell to indicate its state.
ПереклUsually one of a group of buttons that selects one of several items. Only one of the buttons in a group can be pressed at any one time. Use a group box object to define a button group. The group of buttons can return a value to a linked cell indicating the number of the button in the group that is currently pressed.
Окно спискаDisplays a list of items from a range in the spreadsheet. It can return the number of the selected item to a linked cell.
Раскр списокDisplays one of a list of items from a range in the spreadsheet. It can return the number of the selected item to a linked cell.
Полоса прокрA horizontal or vertical scroll bar. The orientation is determined by the shape of the rectangle when the control is first inserted. It can return the value of the current position to a linked cell.
Рег счетчикаA vertical spin control. It can return the current value to a linked cell.

The following drawing object types are supported:

ЛинияA line or arrow.
ПрямоугA rectangle that can be filled.
ОвалAn oval that can be filled.
ПодписьA rectangle that can contain text.

All of the objects can have a macro attached that will be run when the object is clicked on.