Super Column content plugin for Total Commander 6.5+ Developers: Pavel Dubrovsky aka D1P & Dmitry Vorotilin aka Genius. Ver: 2.0 prebeta 3 Plugin allows to use all content plugins for Total Commander in just one column. You will not need to have a lot of column combinations for different file types. The super column is a universal one. It will show only proper information for different file types. For example for images it will show dimensions, for mp3-files - id3 tags, for text files - descriptions, etc. You will need to configure it by running SSettings.exe before using. Install notes: Just use autoinstall feature in TC 6.50 (open .zip archive in TC as a folder), or copy archive contents in you plugins folder (usually %commander_path%\plugins\wdx) and install it through TC plugins configuration dialog (Configuration->Plugins->WDX->Configure->Add). Configuration notes: After plugin install, start the configuration program (SSettings.exe). When running for the first time, you will be prompted about folder where your content plugins are installed (typically %commander_path%\plugins\wdx). Next, define the content string with any content data to display for each file type and finally, in TC create a new view, adding one of the Super_Column columns. Sample of content string (for mp3 ext.): [%Album@anytag.wdx%] %Artist@anytag.wdx% - %Title@anytag.wdx% [Size: %size.Mbytes@filesys.wdx% Mb] will show examply as: [Converting Vegetarians] Infected Mushroom - I Wish [Size: 4 Mb] To adjust individual view for each folder, it is necessary to click on "Custom folder" box, choose a folder, and having adjusted its kind how it is described above. History: 14.02.05. V 0.1 [+] First version with a lot of bugs. 21.02.05 V 0.5b1 [+] First public release. [*] Plugin works with Translit.wdx 1.3+ [+] Keyboard shortcuts in SSettings. [+] Plugin load algorithm changed - now work very fast. [*] Some bugfixes and additions. 23.02.05 V 0.7b1 [*] A lot of bugfixes and additions. 24.02.05. V 0.8b1 [*] ShellDetails.wdx plugin may work in this version. [+] file ext. for folders. [+] file ext. to default content string. [!] Plugin not works with FileType.wdx (may be FileType.wdx error). [!] Files without extension are ignored. [!] Folders with a dot symbol in name ("fol.der") assumpted as files. [*] A lot bugfixes and additions. 28.02.05. V 0.9b [+] Debug mode added (see FAQ). [+] Display error code option added. [+] Some kind of english documentation. [*] Some bugfixes and additions. 02.03.05 V 1.0pre [+] Two additional columns added (three total). [*] Setting file format changed. Column setting from old version (0.9b and older) no more supported. [+] Now plugins fields several units supported (like as different size formats in DirSizeCalc plugin). [+] "Replace empty field values to file name" option. If enabled, and plugin return empty values, then file name will shown. [*] Bugfixes. [+] German.lng from TW. [+] French.lnh from Clo 03.03.05 V 1.0b1 [*] A lot of bugfixes. 04.03.05 V 1.0b2 [+] Strings for column tabs translation added to .lng-files. [+] Now you can add some similar file extensions at once. Just type extension with ';' divisor (like as jpg;png;bmp). [+] Korean.lng from Xcaliber [*] A lot of bugfixes. 05.03.05 V 1.0 final [*] Bug with multiple extensions regognize fixed. [+] Spanish documentation from Luis Mejia [+] Spanish.lng from Sergei 10.03.05 V 1.1 [+] %commander_path% support added. [+] Now you can set up to ten super columns (three by default + seven additional (shows, only if setted)). [+] Plugin field names takes from lng-file (position 38 - 47). You can edit your lng-files so that give an mnemonical names to your super-columns. 12.03.05 V 1.1.1 [*] Fixed: previous version don't work (been error in %commander_path% variable definition). [+] "Remember each folder view" possibility added (in test mode, and without any program settings, see folders.txt file). 13.03.05 V 1.1.1 silent update [*] Fixed: %commander_path% in Language parameter not works. 20.03.05 V 2.0 prebeta 1 [!] The format of a ini-file is changed (now it is incompatible with the previous versions) . [*] Changes in lng-files. [*] A lot of small bugfixes and additions. [+] Unlimited amount of adjusted columns [+] Now you can set an individual view for any folder. [!] Mistakes are possible at work with ShellDetails plugin. 22.03.05 V 2.0 prebeta 2 [*] Small bugfixes. [*] Adiitional plugins fields work again. [*] Bug with number of columns restriction Is fixed. [+] Updated korean.lng from Xcaliber. 27.03.05 V 2.0 prebeta 3 [+] Now you can change custom folder view settings filename (as example, you can set filename from "folder.ini" to ""). [+] Added local base for custom folder view settings store (used separately from local files), now only in a test mode. [*] Bugfixes. [!] Ini-file format changes again (to allow it manual editing possibility). Thanks to: Christian Ghisler, Andrey Pyasetsky, Alextp, zhang. --- Comments and suggestions are always welcomed. If you find any translation errors, please contact me (use the following address: Questions such as "How to adjust a plug-in?" will be ignored.