SUPER_COLUMN FAQ v 1.5 Authors DON`T SPEAK English (he is Assembler prefers :^)), in consequence of that in english manual and that FAQ might include many errors :(. Q: Plugin is great, but it allows add just one column, as I understand. A: Since ver. 1.0b plugin three columns include. Old versions have only one column. - Q: After ShellDetails.wdx plugin use, SUPER_WDX show some malfunction dialog. What is it? A: ShellDetails.wdx doesn’t use standard ini-file; it tries to create his own ini-file. Problem partially corrected, but not complete fixed, and if you see that error, try to make next things: install ShellDetails.wdx under TC, and create any custom view with this plugin. After that ShellDetails.wdx must create all necessary files, and will work under SUPER_WDX without any errors (we hope). - Q: If I try to add any of the fields from the FileType plugin, all I see in the SuperColumn is ERROR. Why? A: FileType plugin NOT WORK with SUPER_WDX. Reason of this incompability is unknown, may be its FileType error. - Q: What purpose of this plugin? I can set field values in TC, and result will be equal. A: If you don’t like it - don’t use it. But plugin allows set column values some flexible with what TC allows. - Q: Is plugin having some output format capabilities? A: No, but may be in next versions. - Q: In some cases, plugin show values like as FT_FILEERROR, but TC in that cases show empty string. What is it? A: It is debug feature. Since ver. 0.8b2 you can select error display mode ("Show error code" option in SSettings.exe). - Q: Besides it would be nice if the SSettings.exe file would be part of the plugin itself, for example as an option menu. It is possible? A: Possible, but not necessary (may be some malfunction). - Q: I already know how to add content plugin field value, but can't figure out how to add TC internal content field, such as tc.path. Who can tell me, how? A: It is unavailable at present. SUPER_WDX work ONLY other .wdx plugins, not .exe files. You can use sample plugin, it does the same as the built-in content plugin (see - Q: Can I set some default content string, in order to that default value will be shown to all file types (exclude that file types, where other content string set)? A: Yes, it possible. Just use file extension in SSettings.exe. Option "Can use values" must be enabled. - Q: How to apply content string to folder type, for example with DirSizeCalc plugin? A: Just use extension - it applies content string to folders. - Q: Some plugins fields support several units like bytes, kbytes, Mbytes etc. Can SUPER_WDX display these units? A: Yes, it can. Since ver. 1.0b plugin support these units (you can set up it into SSettings.exe program). - Q: Can I add content string for few file extensions at once (for example: jpg, bmp and gif)? A: Yes, it possible. Just type extensions with ';' divisor (like as jpg;bmp;gif). You content string will be accepted for all typed extensions. - Q: Some plugins don't work, but i see all it fields in SSettings. How i can resolve this problem? A: May be plugin requires an additional initialization. Try to reinstall this plugin uder TC and try to setup custom column with one of its fields. Now, plugin must work under SUPER_WDX. - Q: Plugin don’t work, or always display "ERROR!" in place of field value. What I can do? A: Try to run plugin in debug mode. Open super_wdx.ini in any text editor and add string "debug=1" in [Super] section (delete this string to disable debug mode). Now, if any error causes, in plugin folder will be created log-file with detail information about error. You can send this file to developers, which helps find and fix any errors. - Q: Has noticed, that at use SUPER_WDX TC application process occupies a plenty of operative memory. It is normal? A: Yes, it is normal. If to observe, it is possible to notice, that each enabled WDX-plugin increases volume of occupied memory proportionally to amount of files for which it is used. And as SUPER_WDX only collects the data from WDX-plugins sizes of occupied memory grow also proportionally to amount of these plugins. Besides, the data kashed, that also results in increase in occupied memory. Recommended minimal value of free operative memory for use SUPER_WDX with two - three plugins - 64 Mb, is recommended 128 Mb and more. - Q: I have install the second version of a plugin, and all adjustments available at me for the first version, have disappeared. What happened? A: Because of the opportunities added in the second version, adjustments of the second version of a plugin are incompatible with adjustments of early versions. We regret, but you should recustomize a plugin. - Q: What opportunities are added in the second version of a plugin? A: Two basic opportunities: 1) individual adjustments of for each column 2) unlimited amount of columns. Also is a lot of bugfixes made. Q: I have question/suggestion/other comments about plugin. How I contact to authors? A: Two methods exist. First - write you question/suggestion on forum Second - send you question/suggestion to Don’t wait a quick answer. Authors is very busy, and don’t have time to answer you questions. PLEASE!!! Before send e-mail to authors, check to you question not figured in that FAQ. And authors really hate stupid question like as "How I can install WDX plugin in TC 5.5, bla-bla-bla".