1. Introduction
When a new PCR )
2. Factors to check during optimization
There are three major factors to check during the optimization of the PCR:
If the target sequence is present in different subtypes of the organism being analyzed:
In this text, the term "specificity" is used to indicate the likelihood of a PCR amplifying a sequence homologous to the true target sequence. If the specificity is high, only the correct sequence will be amplified. If the specificity is low, sequences not in total homology with the target sequence may also be amplified.
3. Factors to optimize
In addition to the selection of primers )
4. The normal chemistry of the PCR with regard to specificity control
In most reports, the concentrations of the single compounds in the PCR buffer mix are basically the same as described in the first published report of amplification using the thermostable Taq-polymerase (Saiki et al., 1988). Briefly: 50 mM KCl, 10 mM Tris [pH 8.4], 2,5 mM MgCl2, 1 µM of each primer, 200 µM of each mononucleotide, 200 µg/ml gelatin and 2 units/100 µl of Taq-polymerase. Subsequently, the gelatin was shown to have no effect (Blanchard et al. 1993), but is nevertheless still used routinely in many laboratories. Modest concentrations of KCl stimulate the synthesis rate of Taq-polymerase with an apparent optimum at 50 mM. Higher KCl concentrations are increasingly inhibitory (Gelfand, 1989). The Mg2+-ion binds tightly to the phosphate sugar backbone of nucleotides and nucleic acids, and variation in the MgCl2 concentration has strong and complex effects on experiments involving nucleic acid interactions. Variations of the Mg2+ concentration below 4 mM, can improve the performance of PCR by affecting the specificity (lower concentrations raise specificity, higher concentrations lower the specificity) (Blanchard et al. 1993). In general, each single assay must be optimized with regard to the concentration of Mg2+. The effect of variations in the dNTP concentration is closely correlated to the Mg2+ concentration, due to the interaction between mononucleotides and the Mg2+-ion. A higher concentration of Mg2+ allows amplification with a higher concentration of dNTP's, which is not seen at lower Mg2+ concentrations (Blanchard et al. 1993). Taq-polymerase in concentrations of 2-2.5 units/100 µl reaction is normally used. Concentrations higher than 4 units/100 µl can generate non-specific products and may reduce the yield of the desired product (Saiki, 1989). Increasing the concentration of TRIS in the buffer is reported to decrease the specificity (Blanchard et al. 1993), and therefore, the TRIS concentration can also be used to optimize the PCR (Rasmussen et al. 1996).
5. Special substances for control of specificity in PCR
Many substances not necessary for the basic PCR DNA amplification may influence the reaction either by enhancing the specificity by inhibiting non-homologous hybridization, or by increasing the product yield by preventing inhibition of the polymerase. Table 1 shows a list of some chemicals or conditions which can be used to improve or affect the performance of the PCR.
Table 1: Factors and compounds affecting the PCR and the way in which they influence the reaction.
Compound | Use and Effect | Remarks |
Lysis time, when lysis by boiling | Boiling at 10 minutes or more enhances product concentration. | Since the two pieces of information are contradictory, |
Pre-amplification denaturation | Can reduce product yield by degrading template DNA, especially with long products. | optimization in each single assay is necessary. |
Template denaturation with NaOH | Allows the amplification of highly G/C rich template DNA. | |
Hot-start | Prevents pre-PCR mis-priming and primer-dimerization. Improves low copy number amplification. | Link to DP-0020 |
Denaturation temperature and time | Temperatures between 85-93ºC give efficient product yield. Higher temperatures reduce amplification. Optimization of denaturation time can reduce the product degradation during denaturation. | Use of 94ºC for 30 sec instead of 1 minutes gave a 10-fold increase in product yield. |
Touch-down annealing | Reduces unwanted small products. Starts 10ºC higher than the normal annealing temp. and reduces temp by 1ºC for every cycle until the normal temp. is reached. | |
Enzyme concentration | Too high as well as too low concentrations reduce the product yield | Use between 0.5 and 2 Units per reaction. |
Primer concentration | High primer concentrations can cause mis-priming and non-specific products. Low concentration can cause low efficiency of the reaction | Use between 0.1 and 1 µM. |
DMSO | Enhances specificity of the assay by lowering the effective Tm of the primers. Not as strong as formamide. Reduces complex, secondary structures in the target mechanism. | Can inhibit the Taq-polymerase. Normally used in 1-10%. |
Formamide | Improves specificity, like DMSO, but with a stronger impact. | Use between 1 and 5 %. |
Gene 32 protein of phage T4. | Improving yields of long products. Reduces inhibition from fecal compounds. | The protein binds and stabilizes single stranded DNA. Use 1µg/50µl. |
Tetramethylammonium chloride (TMAC) | Enhances specificity. Reduces RNA/DNA mismatches. | Does not inhibit Taq-polymerase. |
Tween 20 | Removes inhibition from SDS, which is used in cell lysis. | Use 0.5 - 2% or under. 10% inhibits the reaction. |
Exchange dTTP with dUTP | Enhances product yield by reducing hybridization giving secondary structures, but can give problems with later hybridization. | Primers with few thymidine residues should be selected. |
Glycerol | Enhances efficiency and specificity, like DMSO, but is non-toxic. Can also replace oil overlay for prevention of evaporation. | Use between 5% and 20%. 10% is suggested. |
RNAse pretreatment | Reduces inhibition of the reaction by RNA. Can also improve reproducibility of RAPD profiles. | Prevents small sized products primed by RNA. |
Potassium glutamate | Used instead of KCl. Enhances the reaction at some concentrations, but not drastically. | |
Polyamines (Sper-mine/spermidine) | Promotes amplification, possibly by binding to DNA. |
6. Blocking reagents added to the PCR mix
In the DIAPOPS procedure the coated wells are blocked with BSA before addition of the PCR mix. This is carried out to prevent the polymerase enzyme from attaching to the wall and thereby being inactivated. BSA can also be added to the PCR mix in a concentration of 1 mg/ml without affecting the reaction. If the concentration of BSA is raised to 10 mg/ml in the PCR, the liquid turns milky white after the thermal cycling. This is illustrated in Figure 1.
In spite of the milky white appearance after thermal cycling of the PCR mix containing 10 mg/ml BSA seen in Figure 1, the liquid phase DNA amplification is not totally inhibited. This is illustrated in Figure 2. This Figure shows an analysis on agarose gels of the liquid phase PCR products shown in Figure 1. With 10 mg/ml BSA the DNA amplification, shown on the right agarose gel, is not as efficient as when the concentration of BSA in the PCR-mix is only 1 mg/ml, which is shown on the left agarose gel in Figure 2. It is obvious that the concentration of the liquid phase PCR products is lower with the high BSA concentration, and the limit of detection has been decreased compared to the left hand agarose gel in Figure 2.
Figure 2
A different experiment with identical dilution series performed on the same day is presented elsewhere )
6 a i) Milky white PCR liquid in DIAPOPS after thermal cycling
The milky white PCR liquid illustrated in Figure 1 has also been observed when using the normal BSA blocking procedure before addition of the PCR mix )
6 b) Blocking Reagent (BR)
Another blocking reagent, skimmed milk powder, purchased from Boehringer Mannheim as Blocking Reagent (BR) )
7. Conclusion
During the first experiments with a new PCR system, an optimization is necessary in most cases. This optimization is normally performed by changing the annealing temperature or the concentration of MgCl2. Other substances for controlling the specificity can also be added to the PCR. A number of these are presented in table 1 )
It is possible to add BSA to the PCR mix at a concentration of 1 mg/ml, without losing any efficiency of the DNA amplification. If the concentration of BSA is 10 mg/ml, the PCR liquid turns milky white after the thermal cycling. The liquid phase DNA amplification is not totally inhibited, but the solid phase DNA amplification will be absent, and if the PCR liquid is milky white after the thermal cycling, no DIAPOPS signal will be observed.