Evaporation during thermal cycling
When conducting the first experiments with NucleoLink Strips, it is important that the strips are closely observed for possible evaporation after thermal cycling.
Normally, evaporation will cause a lack in reproducibility in both DIAPOPS and liquid phase PCR results, and for this reason the first thing to do when reproducibility problems occur is to control the amount of liquid left in the wells after thermal cycling. Only after it has been established that there is no problem with evaporation, should the other options mentioned in the trouble shooting table )
The following factors in the thermal cycler may cause evaporation:
When it has been established that the thermal cycler fits the NucleoLink Strips and no evaporation occurs in the first experiments, there should be no problem. However, in the routine use of NucleoLink Strips evaporation from a few or from all the wells can occur arising from of one of the following factors: