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Alphabetic List of Commercial Isoschizomers and Corresponding Fermentas Restriction Endonucleases (H, I, K)

Information on commercially available restriction endonucleases is from:

  1. Roberts, R.J. and Macelis, D., Nucleic Acids Res., 29, 268-269, 2001.
  2. Roberts, R.J., The Restriction Enzyme Database, New England BioLabs, Inc., REBASE version 111, 2001.


Enzymes produced by Fermentas are shown in blue.
Enzymes in parentheses have different cleavage specificities.
Isoschizomers with different sensitivity to methylation are indicated by "m".
DpnI requires the presence of N6-methyladenine within the recognition sequence GATC.

Single letter code:
R = G or A; 
Y = C or T; 
W = A or T; 
M = A or C; 
K = G or T; 
S = C or G;
H = A, C or T;
V = A, C or G;
B = C, G or T;
D = A, G or T;
N = G, A, T or C.

A   B    C,D   E,F,G    H,I,K   L,M,N,O    P,R   S   T,V,X,Z

  Alphabetic List of Commercial Isoschizomers and Corresponding Fermentas Restriction Endonucleases (H, I, K)

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Updated September 18, 2002 14:07