Analysis of the method for denaturation of the solid phase amplicons after PCR

  1. Introduction
  2. Presently used method for denaturation after PCR
  3. Problems with presently used method for denaturation after PCR
  4. Denaturation after PCR with NaOH at higher temperature, higher concentration and prolonged soak time in the wash
  5. Denaturation after PCR using hot hybridization washing buffer
  6. Conclusion

1. Introduction
After the temperature cycling program, the NucleoLink Strips are removed from the thermal cycler for detection by hybridization ( Hybridization detection of solid phase product). The liquid phase PCR product in the wells is removed, and can either be discarded, or stored for later analysis on a gel ( DIAPOPS Procedure). The gel analysis of the liquid phase products is important in the development and optimization phase of the assay ( Introduction).

The solid phase PCR product will be double-stranded in the empty NucleoLink Strips because the template strand remains hybridized to the solid phase strand ( Denaturation of solid phase product). The solid phase product must be single-stranded to be detected by probe hybridization ( DIAPOPS). For this reason, the second strand must be removed. This is done using NaOH ( DIAPOPS Procedure). In all cases, 0.1 % Tween-20 is added to the wash buffers in order to retain the blocking of the surface of the NucleoLink wells.

The NaOH concentration, the number of washes, the soak time of the individual washes, and the temperature of the washing buffers are all important in the denaturation of the solid phase product. If the denaturing treatment is too brusque, the solid phase product might be damaged. If the treatment is too mild, not all the solid phase products will be denatured. As a consequence of inadequate denaturation, the subsequent detection by hybridization will not be optimal. The signal will be too low, which can also be the result of too harsh denaturation.

2. Presently used method for denaturation after PCR
The denaturation used in the DIAPOPS procedure ( DIAPOPS Procedure) is performed by washing the NucleoLink Strips 3 times with 0.2 N NaOH, soaking the strips for 5 minutes in 0.2 N NaOH, and finally washing 3 times with 0.2 N NaOH. All steps in this washing procedure are performed at room temperature (RT). This denaturation procedure was found to be optimal in most systems. However, in Nunc A/S research laboratory it was observed that with a very few DIAPOPS systems this washing did not make all the solid phase products single-stranded.

3. Problems with presently used method for denaturation after PCR
In some test systems the samples with the highest template concentration occasionally showed an unexpected decrease in DIAPOPS signal in relation to lower dilutions, which is illustrated in Figure 1. The corresponding analysis of the liquid phase products on an agarose gel ( Figure 1: Poor sensitivity in DIAPOPS) did not show this decrease in signal.

Figure 1: DIAPOPS results from a dilution series. Notice the decrease in signal in the sample with the highest template concentration.

When the strips with immobilized amplicons from some test systems were analyzed more than once by hybridization ( Rehybridization to the solid phase PCR product), the subsequent hybridizations (rehybridizations) showed an increase in signal from the samples with the highest template concentration, which is illustrated in Figure 2. The data indicated that the solid phase products became more available in the subsequent hybridization as compared to the first detection. One possible explanation for this result could be that some of the solid phase products remained double-stranded after the first denaturation after PCR. After hybridization, they were denatured in the wash ( DIAPOPS Procedure), which is required for rehybridization.

Two different salt concentrations were tested in the wash after hybridization ( DIAPOPS Procedure) in the experiments shown in Figure 2. This wash removes non-specifically hybridized probe. By adjusting the salt concentration the specificity of the hybridization can be controlled ( Hybridization detection of the solid phase PCR product).

Figure 2: Effect of rehybridizations. As seen, the decrease in hybridization specificity, controlled by the higher SSC concentration in the second wash, does not affect the results. The repeated hybridizations are the reason for the higher signals observed in the third hybridization where the low salt concentration of 0.5 x SSC was used. If the higher signals were a result of the higher SSC concentration, it would be expected that the curve from the third hybridization would be identical to the first hybridization.

The higher salt concentration does not change the results. The reason for the increase in DIAPOPS signal in the second wash is not a consequence of the salt concentration, which is seen in the third hybridization detection, which has low salt concentration. The signals from this hybridization is, in spite of the lower salt concentration, still as high as hybridization No. 2.

Figure 3: DIAPOPS results from three tests, where the soak time and temperature in the denaturation wash after PCR was changed.

4. Denaturation after PCR with NaOH at higher temperature, higher concentration and prolonged soak time in the wash
A number of tests were made to optimize the conditions in the denaturation of the solid phase product after PCR. Figures 3 and 4 show DIAPOPS signals from the first hybridization after PCR with three different NaOH denaturation conditions. The incubation time, the incubation temperature, and the concentration of NaOH were modified.

Data presented in Figures 3 and 4 indicates that increasing the concentration of NaOH from 0.2 N to 0.4 N will result in a decrease of DIAPOPS signals from the higher template concentration. It will also decrease the signal if the temperature is raised to 94ºC. If the soak time is raised to 15 minutes, a slight decrease can occur. When two soakings for 5 minutes are used, a result similar to the standard wash is seen. Figure 4 indicates that a double soak for 5 minutes slightly increases the signal. However, this was not incorporated in the standard procedure because it was not statistically significant, and because it would prolong the procedure.

The NucleoLink Strips used for the experiment shown in Figure 3 were re-analyzed using rehybridization ( Rehybridization to the solid phase PCR product) (results not shown). These results showed that the effect of the NaOH wash at 94ºC was irreversible whereas the strips washed with 0.4 N NaOH increased their signal to be at the same level as the signal from strips washed with a concentration of 0.2 N. This indicates that the covalently bound DNA was not damaged or destroyed by the higher NaOH concentration, but that inefficient denaturation was the reason for the decrease in the signal. This is unexpected, because an increase in the NaOH concentration should improve denaturation. Furthermore, the results showed that the standard DIAPOPS washing procedure using one soak for 5 minutes with 0.2 N NaOH is optimal in most systems. However, if problems with denaturation occur, the soak can be made twice with good results.

Figure 4: DIAPOPS signals as a function of wash after PCR. Error bars are not included due to the closely spaced curves.

5. Denaturation after PCR using hot hybridization washing buffer
A wash with 0.5 x SSC at 94ºC for 5 minutes, followed by quick removal of the hot washing liquid was also tested and compared to the standard NaOH wash. The results from this experiment are presented in Figure 5.

Figure 5: DIAPOPS signals from dilution series as a function of the wash after PCR where the double-stranded solid phase products are made single-stranded. The standard NaOH wash at RT is shown in black, and the red line shows the results from a wash with 0.5 x SSC for 5 minutes at 94ºC.

It is indicated from the results presented in Figure 5 that signals from the samples with the highest template concentration are improved by using the wash with 94ºC hot 0.5 x SSC. However, at lower concentrations this improvement is not observed. With the low template concentrations, the standard wash gives the best detection limit. These results from the samples with the highest template concentrations confirm the theory that the standard 0.2 N NaOH treatment at RT does not denature all the solid phase products in the first denaturation after the thermal cycling.

However, the standard denaturation with 0.2 N NaOH at RT gives the best detection limit. For this reason, a wash at 94ºC, such as the hot buffer wash and the wash presented in Figure 3, must remove or destroy some of the solid phase products. Furthermore, the hot wash is difficult to perform. The hot wash buffer must be quickly removed while it is still hot. This hot washing procedure is inconvenient when analyzing a large number of samples.

6. Conclusion
The standard NaOH denaturation method with a concentration of 0.2 N at room temperature is the best choice, even when the samples with the highest templates concentration do not give their true value with a limited number of systems in the first hybridization. However, all positive samples are detected, and the limit of detection is not altered.