1. Introduction
DIAPOPS is a method for detection of nucleic acids using PCR )
2. DIAPOPS animation
The whole DIAPOPS process from template amplification to detection of the solid phase products using hybridization is illustrated in the DIAPOPS animation.
DIAPOPS means: Detection of Immobilized Amplified Products in a One Phase System. The technique uses a solid phase PCR primer covalently bound )
3 a). Solid phase primer
One of the PCR primers are chosen as the solid phase primer )
3 b). Asymmetric amplification
The aim of DIAPOPS is to produce as many solid phase amplicons as possible; therefore, DNA amplification should be designed to favour the rate of annealing to the solid phase primer. This is achieved by making the amplification in the liquid phase of the DIAPOPS slightly asymmetric. This means that the two liquid phase primers are not added in equal concentrations as in a standard PCR, where the DNA amplification is symmetrical. The concentration of the primer used as solid phase primer is lower than the other primer only found in the liquid phase. As a result the synthesis of products from this other primer is favored. Since these products are present in greater numbers than the other products and do not have as many primers in the liquid phase which they may anneal to, they are more likely to find and anneal to the solid phase primers. This asymmetric amplification greatly enhances the formation of solid phase products )
3 c). Denaturation of solid phase product
The liquid phase amplified products are removed after amplification. The remaining solid phase products are double-stranded, and must be denatured to yield a single-stranded solid phase PCR product. This is carried out by using NaOH )
3 d). Hybridization detection of solid phase product
The single-stranded solid phase products in NucleoLink wells are detected by hybridization )
4. Traditional detection of PCR products
The method normally used to detect PCR products is electrophoresis using a 1% submarine agarose gel. This provides both the size, the number of products of different sizes, and a rough estimation of the concentration of these products. This procedure can supply an answer in 30 minutes if only a few samples are analyzed.
5. Problems with traditional detection of PCR products
There are several problems associated with the traditional method for detection of PCR products. The four main problems when using the agarose gel method for detection of PCR products are:
5 a). Limit of detection
On an agarose gel, five nanograms PCR product is normally necessary for a positive detection, if ethidium bromide is used as the fluorescent agent. This demands a rather high amplification efficiency if only a few, initial template copies are to be detected. Furthermore, if scanning equipment is used to detect and quantify the PCR products )
5 b). Verification of the amplified product
On the gel, it is only possible to estimate the size of the amplified product. If there is a false amplification of the correct size, there is no control upon the sequence of the product. In order to analyze for the correct sequence, a southern blot is necessary.
5 c). Differentiation between weakly positive and negative reactions
The differentiation between weakly positive samples and negative samples solely depends on the subjective evaluation of a Polaroid photo. Some people will describe a sample giving a very faint band as positive whereas others describe it as negative.
5 d). A high workload
A few samples can rapidly be analyzed on an agarose gel. However, if there are many samples it takes a long time to mix the individual PCR products with load buffer and to load the gel. This is a severe limitation to this detection method in routine use.
6. DIAPOPS advantages
All the problems listed concerning the traditional agarose gel detection method for PCR products, can be solved performing the detection of the PCR products in a MicroWell® plate format using internal hybridization with an extra enzymatic signal amplification and employing an ELISA reader to analyze the plates and provide the results as figures. These are all solutions incorporated in the DIAPOPS technique using NucleoLink Strips. The main advantages are:
7. Conclusion
The DIAPOPS technique uses a solid phase PCR primer covalently bound to the wells in the NucleoLink Strips. These primers are elongated during the PCR, and these PCR products are in this way bound covalently to the wells in the NucleoLink Strips )
Using the DIAPOPS method in NucleoLink Strips, several problems with the agarose gel electrophoresis detection of PCR products are solved. These problems are: Limit of detection, sequence verification of the product, distinction between weakly positive and negative samples, and a large workload when analyzing many samples.