Summary of enzymes and substrates tested in DIAPOPS

  1. Introduction
  2. Summary
  3. Conclusion

1. Introduction
In the DIAPOPS procedure ( DIAPOPS introduction) solid phase amplified DNA is detected by hybridization. The hybridization signal is enhanced using an enzymatic reaction. Two different enzymes have been tested in DIAPOPS: Alkaline phosphatase (AP) ( Alkaline Phosphatase (AP)), and horse radish peroxidase (HRP) ( Horse-Radish Peroxidase (HRP)).

2. Summary
The substrates tested for the enzymes and the reaction conditions are listed in Table 1.

EnzymeSubstrateConcentrationIncubation timeIncubation temperatureWavelength Remarks
APpNPP1 mg/ml12-24 hoursRT405 nmNorm. ELISA concentration
APpNPP10 mg/ml30 minutesRT405 nmImproved DIAPOPS concentration
AP4-MUP1 mM30 minutes37º-50ºCex. 360 nm
imm. 450 nm
(ready-to-use solution)
30 minutesRT450 nm with acid
655 nm without acid
Rehybridization not possible after addition of acid

Table 1: A list of enzymes and substrates tested in DIAPOPS with reaction conditions.

3. Conclusion
Both AP ( Alkaline Phosphatase (AP)) and HRP ( Horse-Radish Peroxidase (HRP)) will perform satisfactorily with the listed substrates when used in DIAPOPS ( DIAPOPS introduction).

5'-end of the solid phase primer">DIAPOPS results as a function of a linker in the 5'-end of the solid phase primer