Rehybridization problems in the same strip after PCR - DIAPOPS signals increase in subsequent rehybridizations
In the trouble shooting of this problem, it is assumed that the liquid phase PCR is normal and that the DIAPOPS results are normal or perhaps a bit lower than normal in the first detection.
At the Nunc A/S research laboratory rehybridizations has often been examined. Contrary to expectation it has occasionally been seen that DIAPOPS signals increase in subsequent hybridization's (
). The most likely cause is that the first wash after PCR is inadequate (
). An insufficiency in this step would cause a lower signal in the first detection as not all solid phase products were single stranded and ready for detection by the hybridization probe. In the denaturation after hybridization, the hybridized probe and the remaining double stranded solid phase products will be denatured and washed off. For this reason, more solid phase products are available for detection in the second hybridization (
). The following factors can be responsible for the problem:
Furthermore, the temperature control in the incubation step with streptavidin-enzyme conjugate can influence the intensity of the DIAPOPS signal.